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hey guys I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but I need a little help
my friend is an empath and everytime he's round too manypeople he keeps going crazy and getting really weird and scaring the people I've been trying to put binding energy in a bobble so that when he wears it he can be calm and free of all the emotions. Obviously this is very hard seen as we're doing our GCSE's and he's constantly in rooms with lots of people with high emotions who are either very confident or really scared. If anyone can help me in any way I would apreciate it. I'm not trying to solve his problem just prospone it while he sorts it out however I don't know if I'm going the right way about it. any help would be much apreciated because obviously it's a very critical time in both of our lives
blessed be

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RE: Empath

It takes ages for the control to be perfected where you can cut people out. If he tries fewer groups at a time, is that possible, or just concentrates hard on something inanimate while with crowds of people.

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RE: Empath

thanks I'll tell him he should try that he's been really worried all week because of him going really crazy and nearly hurting people last week so I'm sure it'll really help him
blessed be
and thanks so much for your help *hugs*

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RE: Empath

Your friend needs to protect his solar plexus (the area just below his chest. Visualising a gold disk placed over this area will help him in not picking up other people's emotions. He can place it there as often as he feels the need.

Rosi x

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RE: Empath

I am new to this forum, and actually I am looking for other empaths to communicate with. I just recently found out, like last week, that there is a label for what I am. I am a bit relieved, but also need guidance. I understand where your friend is coming from. Being in crowds can be really trying, and depending on what the people are gathered for, it can be even worse or even better. People gathered to drink and do the things that aren't exactly spiritually related can really bring you down. For myself, I have found that I just have to stay away from that crowd. However, if you are familiar with the Myers-Briggs test, I am an extrovert, so I like being in crowds or with people. (God only knows why). But most of the time, I like being by myself. I am really a chameleon, as I think a lot of empaths can be. Anyway, as long as I mentally and emotionally prepare myself before a big meeting or party or anything dealing with people and crowds, I am okay. So you ask, how do I prepare?
Well, for me, I pray. I think of tuning into God or higher power or whatever you want to call it, focusing on love, beauty, harmony, perfection, purity, etc. Every ideal that is perfect. And just go in that space. I am not great at meditating as thoughts seem to bombard me this way and that, but sometimes I can slip into this moment, and I can feel abundance, beauty, love, ya know...and I give lots of thanks for those feelings...and then I just ask what I want...the perfect ideal of what I want without any attachments to people, places, things, times, and events...I also ask for the a blanket of protection around me orthe spiritual mantle.....give more thanks, and close it with an amen, or so be it. That's it in a nutshell. Once I am in this 'state,' I feel I can go out there and do my thing.

When I feel 'good,' I still get other people's feelings, I feel it in what I call my 'pipeline,' probably more commonly known as chakras. If someone is scared, my heart starts to race. If someone is nervous or anxious, I feel it in my stomach area. If someone is thinking sexual thoughts, I feel a tingling in that part of my anatomy. Loving thoughts surprisingly occur in my throat throat starts to beat wildly.

I imagine your friend is going through a tough time with what is happening to him. It's hard to understand and think you are not going nuts. I am not a ph.d. or psychic or anyone famous, I am just plain ole me, but if he wants any input or wants to talk about what's going on, I would be very happy to listen and maybe validate how he feels.
Hope this helps.

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RE: Empath

Hi Cobrooks

I'm new to the forum also....and an empath. I met a woman (amazing...Love her!)last year who is an empath herself and runs a course for empaths....she 'diagnosed' me...she told me which I have found to be so takes an empath to heal an empath. It was such a relief meeting her, the validation was the most important thing I think, I'd alwaysthought and been told bysome family members thatthere was something 'wrong' with me....I was 'too sensitive'!Thecourse validated much of what I already feltintuitively, introduced new ideas and gave me ways and exercises to help me function....i haven't arrived though! I'm still having real off days,but now I believe...there's no such thing as too senstive!! And honour my sensitivity...if I feel like staying in with my duvet on the sofa away from the world, I no longer feel bad about it. Thewebsite of the woman I mentioned is [link= ][/link]

LoozzyLoo, also if your friend wants to talk I also would be very happy to talk to him. The website might be helpful for him (?). There is alot of informationon there that may help.

With empaths its all about practising boundaries and protection as Rosie empaths we are heart chakra dominant...and the heart knows no boundaries. Also its about staying in our bodies and not shooting/zoning out under pressure and overwhelm....grounding exercises help with this.

This year because of the course and learning about who I am, how to manage andto Love me for it, I feel I've been through a profound tranformation...hence Butterfly Maiden!

Cobrooks, great to meet another Empath. *smile*

Much Love

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RE: Empath

Cobrooks and Butterfly maiden,

In my case I didn't empathise with everyone which was a real blessing, but the odd personI could read like a book, in my case also I try shutting down my third eye, and that helps. And also as you get older you do lose a lot of the sensitivity.

I hope it all goes well for you and Lozz's friend also.

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RE: Empath

Thanks Sherringham.

can i ask though what do you do to shut your third eye?

i'm 32 now and i'm finding as i get older my senstivity is actually increasing....but in a more managed way....

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RE: Empath

I just concentrate on other senses, not chakras, and this helps. But I do find that I must hold my hand over my forehead as people ask if I have a headache?

Well I'm 58 now, and I think empathy and ourhormonal changesgo together, expecially during puberty and the childbearing years. But I wonder if, as we age, we can channel the Energy into something else as I now find I am getting very effective at Healing, which I couldn't do when I was younger, and I can also see beginnings and end of life in peoples auras much more clearly too.

Can youor do you Ground yourself, this may help in letting what comes to you go into the Earth, rather than rattling around you?

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RE: Empath

amazing thread peeps... I have clairsentient for years but only of late have I truly worked at it with readings and spirit... true about the age thing lol... there are much more older people discovering their gifts and making use and helping others with them.. I ground myself with hematite crystals - discreetly worn in upper underwear pmsl...:D.. but also draw a white energy cover around myself to act as a buffer against psyhic vampires( people who can sap your energy).. you sometimes can end up taking on the woes of the world if not too carefull -

saty well my friends and hugs..

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RE: Empath

I have only recently begun to suspect that I may be an empath. For years, I have been under treatment for sever depression, but none of the treatments have ever worked. I have just recently begun to notice that I have severe problems when in small or large crowds,, problems in which I feel like I am being bombarded with "feelings" all around me. These bombardments do not always occur, and do not always happen at the same places. When they do happen, I begin to feel like I am going into emotional overload suddenly, and am in grave danger of being sufficated by the feelings coming at me. I honestly thought I was going insane for a long time, untill I spoke with a man who was himself an empath , and "diagnosed "me as one... BOY what a relief. I'm not going insane after all, dispite what the health care professionals have to say for all these years. I have mentioned the possibility of the idea of being an empath to my therapyst,,, and guess what? she instantly wanted to place me in a mental hospital as being delusional and possibly schitophrenic. Now, I know that I can't mention anything in the realm of anything to do with the psychic, lest I be concidered a candidate for the loony bin. I would appreciate any input from any of you who have had similiar experiences. Thanks!!!

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RE: Empath

Hi Rocsgirl

This US-based forum might have some useful information for you:


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RE: Empath

Also worth highlighting, from Butterfly Maiden's post #6:

[link= ][/link]

Someone I have not had the pleasure of meeting, but have spoken to on the telephone.


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HiHolistic and Butterfly Maiden

I remember visiting the website [link= ][/link] a few months ago and it was veryenlightening and reassuring, especially forpeoplewho pick up others emotions, thoughts and feelings all the time. I've just tried it again butit seems to have disappeared.

Holistic - Inotice you have spoken to the lady on the phone back in July - I just wonder if either of you know how to contact her, or her new website address maybe?

Please feel free to PM me if that's more appropriate.

Thank you in advancefor your help.

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RE: Clairsentient

hi epinay
it was an amazing website!
i don't think the clairsentient body is currently up and running,andbashi , i believe is working in an unrelated area at the momment.
i will pm you.
BM x

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RE: Clairsentient

Hi epinay

Holistic - I notice you have spoken to the lady on the phone back in July - I just wonder if either of you know how to contact her, or her new website address maybe?

Sorry if my earlier post was misleading. I posted it in July, but my telephone conversation with herwas actually about three years ago.

This thread reminded me to re-explore this avenue ... one of many for which I always seem to be short of time [&o]

Back in July I did click on the link to the website and it was available then, but I tried again just now, and it is not.

So may I ask Butterfly Maiden if I could also please receive a PM, unless of course that information is confidential ... if so, please just say so, I'll quite understand.

Many thanks.


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RE: Clairsentient

Hello everyone my name is jonathan and i am a 16 year old, very confused empath my aunt has telikinesis and my mom is a healer but refuses to help me with.. my abilties because a long time ago my grand father had cancer and he let her take some away and he still died she was sick for months and i know obviously how she felt about that.i need some help i am falling apart inside i have had horrible migrains since i was like six and it has become qite clear that this is whyi have begun to notice i only freakout when im in class with all the people and my 4th period teacher's husband just passed so i have had to start going to a different classroom because her feelings hurt me and i find myself depressed after talking to her and i need to know how to let peoples feelings go please someone help me control it....

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RE: Empath

Hi Jonathan

I'm sorry to hear that things are so confusing for you right now. Please try not toworry too much aboutwhat's happening - you will get through this and things will feel less overwhelming.

Have you thought about a visit to your Doctor to talk over how you are feeeling? It often helps to share your feelings with a qualified person who can offer reassurance and treatment if you need it.

I would really recommend Healing for yourself. I know you said your mother is a Healer but that she can't help you at the moment. So if you can visit an NFSH (National Federation of Spiritual Healers)Centre I'm sure you would get lots of help and support there for what you're going through and its not expensive - just make a donation of whatever you can afford. I don't know where you are based but there are 55 NFSH Healing centres throughout the UK,but if you can't visit a centre you can ring the NFSH to find a Healer near you. TheNFSH website is [link= ][/link]and they'll put you in touch with your nearest Healing Centre and a Healer near you.

In the meantime I'm copying a great visualisation for 'clearing' and protection from another thread that I posted yesterday - its really easy and it really works!!

Its from an NFSH recommended bookcalled Your Healing Power.The exercise is the 'Waterfall of silver light' and its wonderful for clearing the energy field - I can really feel the day's 'stuff' flowing away and myself filling with fresh, clear energy. Here it is:

Stand relaxed with feet flat on floor a foot apart, hands relaxed by your side.

Now imagine that you are standing under a waterfall of silver light. Allow this to wash over you. All it to take away any incompatible energies which may be sticking close to your body.

Now see the silver light flowing through your aura, your own energy field, clearing away all the negative energies you may have picked up during the day which you do not need.

Finally, allow the silver waterfall to stream through your body from head to feet. Visualise your body filling up with thesilver light. Then let it flow out via all the orifices of your body, your fingertips and your toes. Continue this process until you feel thoroughly cleansed inside.

Now you may see beautiful colours entering of their own accord. This is a sign that your body and aura are cleared. Note the sensations of clearing and the sensations of being cleansed.

Breath in and fill your body with white light, or choosea colour which you intuitively feel you need. Visualise that the waterfall of silver light has changed to this colour. Let it pour into you and breathe it in, but this time do not let it wash away. See the light completely filling you.

I really find it the most effective way to clear my energy field of anything which isn't mine. Even if I've felt completely drained and headachey and foggily spaced out before I do thisI feel fresh as a morning daisy afterwards - it works that well!

Another way to clear energies is to have a shower or bath - shower first, then you can have a nice soak in the bath. This worked for me long before I knew why - I just knew I felt so much better after my bath/shower.

Ilike toclear my energy fieldbefore I do any protection visualisations because I only want to seal my own energies in - not bits of other people's too. You may find that surrounding yourself with white light works well once you have cleared out anything negative first. The other protectionrecommended by NFSH is the Solar Disc:

To prevent the entry of any negative energies into the solar plexus chakra (a couple of inches above your tummy button), visualise a golden disc of light covering it. Put the disc in place as soon as you enter an emotio

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RE: Empath

thank confused because my mom has lost her faith in healing because she feels like she failed her father. and i want to know if it is this draining on also curious since i have real people that can tell me about things i understand we have other bodies...correct? what are they and whatare theydoing there?
oh yeah im in the U.S

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RE: Empath

Jonathan, I wonder if you or someone your mother trusts can reassure her about something that deep down she already knows, but perhaps in her grief has forgotton? It is that Healing works on so many levels, not just the physical, so, whileit may not cure an illness,in cases of terminal illness healing eases a patient's pain and brings comfort anda welcomesense of peace. I'm sure that the Healing your mother did for her father helped him in ways that we don't fully understand.

It sounds like your mother is still grieving - does she have support from a counsellor or friend? If she's against healing at the moment, just let it go - sometimes we all need a break from what we doand maybe that's what your Mum needs at the moment.

I'm not sure what you mean when you said: also curious since i have real people that can tell me about things i understand we have other bodies...correct? what are they and whatare theydoing there?

Do you mean real live people who you can ask about things? If so, and you trust them, perhaps a Teacher (best not the one who's husbands just passed), student counsellor or family member maybe, then I would certainly ask them for support at this difficult time.

As for 'other bodies', you may be referring to our Aura - the energetic field that surrounds all living things? Some people call our Aura the 'subtle bodies' - they are just the energy that surrounds us, as an invisible part of us.

I'm not a physicist but I'll try to explain. Our physical bodies are matter vibrating at a low frequency so they are solid. Our Aura, or'subtle bodies', vibrate at a higher frequency soare not solid,and generallycan't be seen with the naked eye. I wouldn't worry about your aura - all living things have these energy fields around them, its just nature. However, if you are an empath it's possible that you are picking up your mother's feelings through your aura - that's quite common and please don't worry about it. The visualisations I gave earlier will help you with that.

I see you are in the US so the Healing centres here aren't for you but if you'd like to know more about this sort of thing I'm sure you could find a book about Healingand the Subtle Bodies in your local library.

Do you make time for yourself to go out with friends and have some fun? If you can, I think it wouldbe good to just relax and chillwithfriends over the weekend- maybe you have a close friend you can talkthings over with?


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RE: Empath

Thankz..... i dont think she is still was so long ago but i do think she thinks i will get hurt like she did i did not go to school today because i was sick yesterday and thismorning but now im fine all by myself here at home and i feel fine. and yea i do have many friends and i hang out all the time but recently i have noticed this connection of how i feel to how other people are feeling. just yeter day ii exused myself from class because the other students were being very loud and that alone crowds my mind just cause im easily annoyed and i walked past a teacher and another kid in the hall and the kid was freaking out about some drama and then the migraine came. its just that they werent so abrupt? when they came they used to come gradually and they have only been coming in this sort of situation and only n this situation do they come so visiously. do other empaths get phisical pain from others emotional pain?

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RE: Empath

Hi Jonathan

A book you might be able to borrow from your library is Healing Hands by Barbara Ann Brennan, which has many illustrations - some in full colour - of the various "bodies" which surround us, and lots of information about healing.

Or with Christmas approaching, you could drop a big hint ;)or maybe treat yourself to a copy. You should find it on Amazon or perhaps at your local bookstore, it's a well known book.

Is there an equivalent organisation in the US to our NFSH (National Federation of Spiritual Healers)? I just took another look at their website to see if there was any mention of them being international,and there are two email addresses given on this page, which might be helpful to you:

[link= ][/link]


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hi ,

long story short........ after 15 years on my own with clairsentience...... bashi was the first in this world i met ..... her course was great and her web site was also fantastic .....

.......... she is doing other things at present ... having needed a well earned rest ......

........... all of the other advice here is great ....... only an empath can heal an empath because as bashi said and was the first other person i met on planet earth who understood this from consistant personal experience ..... is that much of the matereal , advice a.,,,, woekshops etc which are useful and productive for others in the new age world etc ..... most of it is not so effective for clairsentients ...... the reason for that , is because on entering a church or a new age work shop we dont feel god .... we feel all of the other human`s stuff just as we would on a bus or in a pub or shopping centre ......

.......... i read hundreds of spiritual books over many years in search of help or examples of others with this gift / challenge / existential sensitive condition ....... life task etc ....... even in barbara brennans books which i love and value dearly clairsentience is but a footnote ......

......... focussing on our higher self and using protective visualisations are definitely very good and any method for achieving higher self focus is good ...... the methods in barbara brennans book hands of light are the ones i use .... but there are countless others as others have mentioned above ......

.......... something i have found to be consistantly helpful and use myself on a daily basis...

...... i live in a sea of minds energies / emotions / philosophical matereal etc .... the unconscouss for most people is ever present for me ...... every thought and word creates an energy version of its own nature .... this sea of energies is made of this matereal ........

...... love is the water / energy most needed .... especially for one overwhelmed by others emotions from the sea of minds around us .....

i discovered how to create this for myself on a daily basis ... which liberates me from daily emotional entanglements and wear and tear of the empath life .....

say or think to oneself ... anywhere anytime ... but i tend to lay down in

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RE: empaths

the bhudist meditation of loving kindness the meta bavana is a more formal method.....
