Heya all
at the moment I'm using pendulum fordivenating but I'm not sure how reliable it is and also tarot cards, runes,dice and other things but can any one tell me the most reliable type of divenation and also do they sometimes tell you what you want to hear rather than whats true (a friend told my tarot cards did sometimes if you do them yourself but does it work on other forms too?) and which is the most reliable to ask questions to
Thanks for your help
blessed be
RE: divenating etc little help thanks
Hi Lozz
when it comes to divination it all depends on what you personally click with best...just because one method is good for one person doesn't mean it will be good for you. Tarot is a great tool..but some people find it difficult to 'learn' them, my personal feeling with tarot is to allow yourself to be 'free' with them & just go with thoughts & feelings, not a good idea to use them when reading for yourself as like your friend says, you'll see what you want to see. Oracle cards are brilliant to use for self reading, there are many types of oracle cards on the market but a personal favorite of mine are Angel/Archangel cards, they come with messages and are very uncanny at how they just hit the right spot;)
Pendulums are also great, have you asked your pendulum to show you 'no' & to show you a 'yes'?
Hope this helps a little
RE: divenating etc little help thanks
Hi Lozz,
I think it depends on the individual & what works best for them. I don't think one form of divination is 'better' than another.
I find that if I am reading tarot cards for myself, I often find that I receive answers that I needed to hear at the time...but perhaps that is because my interpretation of the cards is different because I am relating it to myself & therefore may not be as objective...I'm not quite sure on that one. Eitherway though, it's still proves to be useful.
I find that using my pendulum can be the most effective at times...sometimes, especialy if I have meditated beforehand, Ijust *know* the answer is right. I'm not quite sure how to describe that *knowing* though. You just know lol.:D
I do find though that I can't use my pendulum for long periods of time - I don't know why, but if I use it for too long, it just kinda stops working for me.
When I was a teenager I was given an I-Ching book & the coins & that was extremely accurate for me - I have since lost the book though & I keep meaning to get another one...
My advice to you would be to just try them all, practice them & see which one works best for you.
Love & Light
RE: divenating etc little help thanks
yeah I have been asking it to tell me yes and no whenever I move it to a different angle or if I first begin using it and it usually always tells me the right awnser it's just I've been asking it questions about my past life using sheets with different sections saying things and I always double check and ask it to tell me again what I was and then say was I... and it tells me yes but I wondered if it would tell me what I wanted to hear because it's been telling me some very strange things about whats going to happen in the near future and it seems to think my spirit is going to die (a set of questions led on to this) and thinks I was a few different types of pagan when I was in my past life and I still am now
because I let my heart tell me what I need to do alot of the time I just wondered if these things were because I wanted to be them in a past life.
Thank you both for your help
blessed be
RE: divenating etc little help thanks
ORIGINAL: lozzyloo
it's been telling me some very strange things about whats going to happen in the near future and it seems to think my spirit is going to die (a set of questions led on to this)
It sounds like you have been using your pendulum quite a lot. Remember that the answers aren't always right too.
One thing about divintion is that you should never ask questions about death etc. You can't guaruntee the answers are correct 100% of the time & learning an answer to when ones spirit is going to die is not a positive thing whtether it's right or wrong. I don't think questions like that are often taken very seriously either, as higher beings/self know it's not a good thing to ask!
I know someone who went to a "psychic" who told her the exact date when her mother was going to die - she beieved it & was worried sick about it until the day passed & she realised it wasn't true. So asking that sort of questions doesn't benefit anyone!
But to answer your question, yes I think that when asking questions about yourself, the answers may be affected by what you want them to be, even if it is your subonscious affecting the outome to be something that you don't even know you want to hear at the time.
RE: divenating etc little help thanks
thanks the questions that were going wrong weren't the one that I asked about death... and thanks that makes me feel a lot better.
blessed be