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different types of witches?

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Can someone explain the different types of witches? have been reading some of the threads and there has been mentioned, white witch, green witch, hedge witch......im a little confused?

if anyone could explain i would be most grateful.

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RE: different types of witches?

I can help with the White witch and the Hedge witch...not sure about the Green witch though...that might be a variation on the Hedge witch...anyway

White Witch...works in/with the light (good...as opposed to a black (dark) magic)and often in a coven...although not always
Hedge Witch...a 'lone' witch...works by themselves and with nature/light

stormdeva x

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RE: different types of witches?

Thanks for that stormdeva. cleared that up.

hope someone can shed some light on the green witch????????

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RE: different types of witches?

Green witch.............nature is in every part of her daily life. and every part of her daily life is spent in nature.

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RE: different types of witches?

Thank you sylvie.

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RE: different types of witches?

Hi Sarah
a green witch is usually someone who works with herbs and plants.
a hedge witch is a lone witch.
I kind of go away from the other answers here, because to me a white witch is a cop out. I am a witch, I am also a hedge witch because I am self initiated and I work mainly on my own. I was a healer before I realised I was a witch. Does that make me a white witch, No I dont think so because I could just as easily use the energy to cause harm. You hear of very few "white christians" and yet the definitian is the same. If we accept that there are white witches then that must just pander to the media etc. who want to portray witches as evil, if we have to say "I am a witch, but I am a white witch" then we might just as well go back to the days when we had to keep quiet. "And it harm none, do as tou wilt." The vast majirity of witches will recognise this, it doesnt look like much untill you try to live by it. This is where I find it hard to see that anyone can think that any witch practices black magic. If we are bound by the witches read and the law of three fold return then why call ourselves "white witches"?

in truth and light
Neil C

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RE: different types of witches?

I agree with wolfspirit. A witch is always a white witch - there is no other type of witch. A 'black' witch is not a witch at all but something else! 😉

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RE: different types of witches?

I agree with wolfspirit. A witch is always a white witch - there is no other type of witch. A 'black' witch is not a witch at all but something else!

Hi Silverdawn...

I think you misunderstand Wolfspirit...

I think he is saying that a witch is a witch, period... No white witch or black witch. The energies you work with can be used for either good or bad. The energy in itself is a dual energy....

This is just how I interpret what he says, if I am wrong I am sure he will correct me...


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RE: different types of witches?

Yes I think we're saying the same thing, or thereabouts, that is that according to the wiccan laws there is no such thing as a 'black' witch, no person using those powers for ill intent can be deemed a witch at all, and so the idea of a 'white' witch becomes obsolete. So at the end of the day, there are only witches. Does that make sense? Trying to be clear!

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RE: different types of witches?

Yes that makes perfect sense Silverdawn 😀 And I agree... 🙂

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a little late

Hi all,
I just found this post and I know it is a little late, but perhaps another looking may find this info helpful.

Red witch: uses alchemy in rituals
Orange witch: uses stage magic
Yellow witch: uses divination
Green witch: uses plants and herbs (also known as kitchen witch)
Blue witch: healer
Purple witch: psychic witch
Black witch: practices protection magic
White witch: ceremonial witch
Grey witch: Lore witch-uses lore (old tales and stories) in practice

Hope this helps those out there seeking knowledge.
peace and blessings
raven :grouphug: group hugs for all!!

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Hi all,
I just found this post and I know it is a little late, but perhaps another looking may find this info helpful.

Red witch: uses alchemy in rituals
Orange witch: uses stage magic
Yellow witch: uses divination
Green witch: uses plants and herbs (also known as kitchen witch)
Blue witch: healer
Purple witch: psychic witch
Black witch: practices protection magic
White witch: ceremonial witch
Grey witch: Lore witch-uses lore (old tales and stories) in practice

Hope this helps those out there seeking knowledge.
peace and blessings
raven :grouphug: group hugs for all!!

Not sure where you got that from but even in the days of misinformation on the internet and the plethora of awful books, that has to be the biggest load of pap that I've ever seen!

Most of these terms such as "hedge" (Rae Beth) and "green" (ann Moura) have been coined by different authors and then been coined in the wider community. There is no historical evidence for any of these terms. As someone else said the terms "black" and "white" witch are also misnomers, magic is neither black or white.

The concept of black and white or good and evil (dualism) is a relatively modern idea that originated in Persia.

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I meant no harm

Quote from Bannick---"Not sure where you got that from but even in the days of misinformation on the internet and the plethora of awful books, that has to be the biggest load of pap that I've ever seen!"

I do no understand the hostility. I meant no harm. I am just learning myself and this information was what another passed on to me.

If I had been responding to someone's post I certainly would not call it a "load of pap", I would try to be understanding and let them know they have received incorrect information.

Doesn't the Rede say- Harm to none? Well, your outburst really hurt my feelings. I was only trying to help others, if my information is wrong then I apologise.

You should look to your own actions instead of berating others for theirs. We are all on this earth to help each other, not put each other down.

I do wish you the best however.

Peace to all,

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Ourburst.............. hardly. Unfortunately, when you read a post in an online forum, you can't hear the tone of voice the person is using.

Yes, the info is "pap" (dictionary definition is actually: an idea, talk, book, or the like, lacking substance or real value - therefore not really an offensive word anyway!), there was no hostility towards you whatsoever, you said that you were quoting someone else's site so it was in fact someone else's words I was commenting on, not yours. I was merely making the point that wherever you dug up that information, I would recommend avoiding that particular website at all costs. Although "hostility" is a bit strong for my post, anything of the sort that may have been implied was meant only for the people who put such misinformation on the internet and, to a slightly lesser degree in books.

Unfortunately, although the internet is a fantastic resource for many things and has helped many people find information on these subjects, it is also the worst place for someone new to look for information until they've learned how to identify the plethora of dross that is out there (remember, you don't know who wrote the content of the site, one such site I came across a few years ago turned out to be written by someone I had met - a 15 year old who had read two books and had only started out 3 months earlier themselves, passing off regurgitated misinformation from those books as their own work).

It's also not helped by the vast number of authors nowadays and many publishers and High Street Bookshops deciding such subjects are now "mainstream". 20 years ago, you would have to hunt out an occult bookshop or a new age shop (or Sorcerers Apprentice in Leeds by mail order) BUT, you would more likely receive decent advice. Alas, such subjects are now a big indiustry and there are plenty of authors just in it for money and/or recognition.

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Colours of Witches

Magick is like electricity, neither good (white) nor bad (black)
IN ITSELF...it is only electricity/power.

But if used to kill someone (electric chair) then it is a negative(black) use, but if used to run a medical life saving machine then it would be good (white) so it is not the energy itself that has colour, but the intent with which it is utilised.
As a person I can be black or white depending on the circumstances, it is my choice where I take my stand. As a witch I am always trying my best to do good things, be nice to people, and endeavouring to make the world around me as good as I can. But to say I am white or black is so simplistic.
I work with Nature, I try and help people in all ways, I practice ceremonial magick, I dance naked in streams, sometimes alone, sometimes with the coven.
So what colour I am is totally irrelevant, and if I was labelled as one colour, then I am 'typecast' by it...whereas I want to be so free I can be any colour I want, or better still no colour at all.

As in most things in life, balance is paramount....and for me, striving to find that balance is what I put my energy into.
I do feel that being labelled a 'White' or 'Black' Witch is allowing discrimination in by the back door, and that is divisive.
Like most of you reading this, I try to live a good life...sometimes failing, but hopefully learning all the time.
Use the colours as guides if they help, but be careful of accepting such polarising views and allowing them to become part of a secular Craft.
brightest blessings.

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Very nicely put Lakewitch.

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RE: different types of witches?

Yes I think we're saying the same thing, or thereabouts, that is that according to the wiccan laws there is no such thing as a 'black' witch, no person using those powers for ill intent can be deemed a witch at all, and so the idea of a 'white' witch becomes obsolete. So at the end of the day, there are only witches. Does that make sense? Trying to be clear!

I am a white wiccan, though learning of hedge, believe I am part of for I am a loner. Love the green! Thank you!
I function around light and peace for all.
There is black out there and they are those of self worth and power. I stay very far away from them and instantly know them upon close proximity.

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Hi....I’m new, and I was reading these messages and wanted to know if I got this strait. ‘White’ witches are those who use their power for selfless reasons, ‘black’ witches use their power for selfish purposes, and green witches use herbs and nature. But in all, there is no black or white witch and it all depends on how you use your power. If anything here is wrong, please inform me.

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I am very new to practice but I was called a red witch by a friend because at a time of distress he panicked and I performed a ritual that just came to the top of my head involving protection with olive oil salt blood and sage. I'm so confused when I asked him about it he told me that a red witch was someone who would use black magic when needed to but would stick to white magic. I dont know what to do. Like I've said I'm new to this and have what feels to be natural instincts on what to to especially when it comes to protection and from what I know protection herbs oils and spells . Please contact me..

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Fascinating subject. I know nothing about witches apart from the history books where many well meaning people, if they had a black cat were labelled witches and persecuted out of spite and fear.
I do tend to agree with the concept that giving colour to a witch (person) can inadvertently label them as something that they don't necessarily agree with.
From my limited knowledge I think of the traditional witch as some one like the medieval midwife who helped around the village or a person who would use herbs etc to try and provide medical relief for others.
"Love potions" and the like seem to me to be just wishful thinking, just as a curse can play on the mind of the subject and it's the persons own fear that cause any result..
From my knowledge of using energy, incorrect usage such as trying to do harm can cause more harm to the sender than the receiver.
The maximum transfer of electrical energy occurs when the loads are balanced. If the loads are not balanced reflection back to the sender occurs. The load can't be balanced if you are trying to harm someone.

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I am very new to practice but I was called a red witch by a friend because at a time of distress he panicked and I performed a ritual that just came to the top of my head involving protection with olive oil salt blood and sage. I'm so confused when I asked him about it he told me that a red witch was someone who would use black magic when needed to but would stick to white magic. I dont know what to do. Like I've said I'm new to this and have what feels to be natural instincts on what to to especially when it comes to protection and from what I know protection herbs oils and spells . Please contact me..

I know nothing about witchcraft. But I do know that you must be true to yourself.
If your intention is good then you can do no more. Do not be too concerned about the labels that others tend to hang on us, they are only expressing an opinion.
Good luck on your journey.
