I have a problem. It seems like a girl who lives far, and who I have only telepathic communication with. got a spell on me. I dated her before, but we only stayed friends(If you can call it that). I like her and it seems she likes me too. the problem is She seeks intimacy (telepathic right now)and want me to go too her city and... you Know. But she forces me 'telepathically' to do it. I'm tired and cannot focus any more. It seems like she knows every time I approches another woman, and give me a headache or confuses me by not focusing. Sounds spooky, but it is the truth. As I said I like her but she is envolved with another and forced by her family(that's what she 'said'). she interferes with my dreams, forces me to think the way she wants. HELP!!
thank you
Hi, you say you like her..... to me it seems you need to decide whether you actually want a close relationship with this women because at present you do sound very confused on the matter, personally i'd be wary of getting involved with someone that sounds very posessive,
the usual course of action if you decide to 'break' is to get rid of all connections with the person and revoke all rights for the other party to have anything that might be yours....its called 'cord cutting', a very good way if you have any joint photos is to cut that person out of the photo and get rid of.
I agree with wolfen....but with any type of friendship if you don't want it to go romantically you need to cut her loose completely from your life...if she has some sort of spell on you or curse...look into trying to find out a way of getting it removed. best of luck.