Cumbria Moot
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Cumbria Moot

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I'm struggling to find a Cumbrian moot, in fact I don't think there are ANY! Might it be an idea to set one up? Anyone else like this idea??

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I am also very interested in joining a wiccan or attending a moot regularly. Please email me and add me to your list.

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Hi EthanWood and welcome to Healthypages,

Just to let you know that unfortunately, new members are temporarily unable to request others to email them due to the restrictions they automatically have on their accounts (the link says PM, but it also applies to email too) :

As we don't permit email addresses on the forums, it will be a case of waiting until these restrictions life i'm afraid.:)

On behalf of the Moderating Team,

calla lily

Wind wisperer
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Yep, you got my name hun. xx

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Thank you very much Little Em and Wind Wisperer for your kind replies but I cant contact anyone just yet because I have to prove myself to the moderators that I "have made a number of worthwhile post on the forum " and then my account may be upgraded. 🙂

So I would be grateful if you would add me to you list of interested persons or contact me .. if you are allowed to.

That appears to make four of us in North Cumbria who may be interested .... including Catb.

Anyone else? ...........? What about you Lakewitch, you Shadowskin AND you XfawnyX !!!!!!!

Perhaps one of you folk who have the 'power' please, would be kind enough to PM them and ask them direct? ....I will just have to wait 🙁

Kind Regards

"You reap what you sow"

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Thank you very much Little Em and Wind Wisperer for your kind replies but I cant contact anyone just yet because I have to prove myself to the moderators that I "have made a number of worthwhile post on the forum " and then my account may be upgraded. 🙂

:D, the restrictions were put in place by the site owner to stop spammers misusing the forums/PM/email system, as there is an ongoing issue with the latter. Please be assured this is a precautionary measure and standard procedure that all new members automatically have on their accounts.:)

On behalf of the Moderating Team,

calla lily

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Well I have set up a listing on witchvox to see what interest a cumbrian group gets and we'll see what happens.

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Cumbrian Moots

We did start a moot in Carlisle a few years ago, and about 30 people were turning up. Even managed a Yule party via the moots which went well. I think it eventually faded ( I may be wrong, but I have been out of the UK for over 3 years since then).
There does seem to be a need for something to happen, whereby people can meet others who share their interests/beliefs. Especially so if it is done not for profits but for sheer love of what we are and do.
If enough people make their interest known, and what they can manage in regard to transport etc. then maybe we could arrange an evening somewhere to discuss the possibilities.
I am happy to help, offer lifts where feasible etc.
bright blessings

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That sounds amazing. At the moment there doesnt seem to be anything and that really needs sorted.

I am trying to arrange setting one up but I don't feel I could be the leader as I am not greatly experienced.

If you (or anyone for that matter) knows anyone else that would be interested please let me know.

Should I add you to the list of interested people lakewitch? So far I have

Wind whisperer
And someone else I am in contact with from Carlisle who may be interested

Did Catb say she would be interested?

I am in the process of setting up a website so we can keep track of members and have a designated place to organise events (if this all works).

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Merry meet. Sounds like a fantastic idea,count me in!:)

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Hi all

I know this post is pretty old know but I thought you would be interested in being updated that I am now trying to action this and get something together. If people are still interested let me know.

Blessed Be

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Good luck with your efforts. I hope you find what you seek. If I were nearer, I should be honoured to assist. But alas, I am not. Let us know how it works out for you, OK? Take care...

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There was a moot in Cumbria for quite a long time - The Brigantii Moot but I believe it packed in a couple of years ago. There is also one in Lancaster that set up when the Brigantii stopped running, I believe that one is still going. If I remember correctly it was called LunePagans after the river Lune.

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:confused: Please forgive my ignorance and for asking,...... but what the feck is a moot???

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Hiya Em,so sorry i've not been around for a long time...How is the Moot going??? Just to say count me in for definate...XXX

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Hi fawny

Things are going very slowly, at the moment I'm just gathering interest via the website.

Thanks for your support xx

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Hopefully it will pick up eh..Never mind,i've been to your site and signed up : )

Wind wisperer
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Hi, Long time no speak!! Hope your all well. I saw that link on your FB page 🙂 Ive sent you an email link for more information.... Im definately up for a meeting/moot. Seems like we'v been trying to meet for ageeeeees!! *laugh*
Hopefully speak soon. Much Love.

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Hi Em

I tried accessing the website but it wouldn't open. I live in Cumbria and would love to join a moot. Let me know if you are still interested.


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Hi, I'm new to this and i'm from carlisle, wondering if you could give me any info on the moot?

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I know this is old but if anyone's still here then count me in. 🙂
