As alot of you are probably aware, I run an online wiccan coven. Its going really well and there are currently 40 members. I am very pleased with it but it would still be nice to be part of a coven in my area, or at least be meeting other wiccans in my area.
Iv looked on the Pagan Fed site and every directory I can think of but nothing comes up for West Cumbria. Anybody know how I can find one??
RE: Cumbria??
Maybe there isn't one in your area Shadowskin. The link below is a general message board for the Cumberland area. Maybe you could post a message on there asking for contacts etc.
[link= ][/link]
RE: Cumbria??
Thankyou thats really helpful
RE: Cumbria??
I live in West Cumbria as well, and have found that if there is any covens thaey are usually closed.. (this was verified by a friend).
There are no moots either..
(I would love to meet up with like minded people, pm if you're interested)