Hi, i am looking for a conven which i could join in devon, preferably around the axminster area.
blessed be
RE: Convens in Devon, England
Hi drownedrat & welcome to HP, funny you should ask, another member recently asked the same (including small typo error) but in adifferent area, you may find her reply from SageCat helpful, if you click this link you'll see it [link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=368732 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=368732[/link]
RE: Convens in Devon, England
Also, as mentioned in the post following SageCat's, this link:
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=349464 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=349464[/link]
RE: Convens in Devon, England
The post may have been misunderstood and placed into the wrong part of HP? I'm wondering if the typo could possibly be a "t" missing off the end. A whole new story! 😀
RE: Convens in Devon, England
ORIGINAL: venetian
The post may have been misunderstood and placed into the wrong part of HP? I'm wondering if the typo could possibly be a "t" missing off the end. A whole new story! 😀
RE: Convens in Devon, England
*Double groan*!! 😉
RE: Convens in Devon, England
Well he thinks I'm a bloke!! (There are loads of convents in Devon, nearly went to school there)
RE: Convens in Devon, England
Hey, c'mon guys, this is a newcomer's first post that's being commented on here. Plays on words are all very amusing, but in this instance possibly not too welcoming?
As well as being largely [sm=offtopic.gif]
With mod's pointy hat on and broomstick handle ready to give a whack or two!;)
RE: Convens in Devon, England
Laura, you're absolutely right. Did cross my mind. Drownedrat, hope you find what you're inner self is looking for. 😉
RE: Convens in Devon, England
Hi drownedrat,
Sorry, we do get strange little outbreaks, but WELCOME. Hey maybe we can magick up a cream tea or two?
(But a word of warning about Covens, do take care and let at least one other person know where you are going and when due back) Having said that most of the reputable ones are full and have a longish waiting list
RE: Convens in Devon, England
Here'sa thought for you, drownedrat ... do you know the Axminster Healing Centre?
[link= http://www.awarenesscentre.org.uk/index.html ]http://www.awarenesscentre.org.uk/index.html[/link]
Through our programme of events, we hope to be able to offer a greater awareness of the natural ways to enhance the lives of all those interested in healing, health, self-development and spiritual growth.
I've just had a look through their autumn programme of events and they have some really top class speakers booked for talks and workshops. Nothing listed that's specifically Wiccan, but some relevant topics perhaps? Axminster's a bit far for me, but for one or two of the evening talks I might even overcome my dislike of night driving! [8D]
RE: Convens in Devon, England
yes i did mean coven not convent-im not intrested in becoming a nun because i am neither a christian (as you may have guessed) or a women.
But anyways,
Isdoes person who said the awareness centre live round axminster? If so, whats your name i might know you!
Blessed Be...
RE: Convens in Devon, England
oh, i just realised that it says your name at the bottom of your posts!
Also, if there are any other wiccans or teachers in axminster or nearby, please contact me or something.
P.S. Im small
RE: Convens in Devon, England
Hi, i havent really used online covens because they sound a wee bit unauthentic + how can you do rituals etc??
RE: Convens in Devon, England
Hello drownedrat
We did realise you meant covens and not convents, it was just that a few folks here were having a play on words, hence my reference to giving them a whack with my broomstick, since I am a moderator on these forums and do try to keep some sort of order among the more unruly ones 😀
I don't live very near to Axminster, that's why I said earlier that the centre was a bit far for me, particularly with the nights drawing in now. In fact I'm about 20 miles away from Axminster, and I think it's probably unlikely that we've met. Unless maybe you're a drummer! I do go to quite a few drumming workshops, but those are mostly in the daytime.
You could perhaps visit the centre and make some enquiries there, orlook ata website like the Pagan Federation, there's a link in the Resources thread at the top of this forum.
I'll leave it to the experts in these matters to hopefully answer your query about online rituals. Sherringham may be able to help you with that.
Best wishes,
RE: Convens in Devon, England
I think i am going solitary !!!!
Blessed Be,
RE: Convens in Devon, England
im solitary but i do like talkin to others
RE: Convens in Devon, England
Also, i dont get stuff from covens on what to believe.
RE: Convens in Devon, England
Hey there!
Just to say I am in Honiton and very interested in your post!
Covens that is - not convents for the record!!!! ([sm=nono.gif]naughty Venetian!) [sm=rollaugh.gif][sm=rollaugh.gif]
If you do find anything exciting please let me know!
Much love:)
RE: Convens in Devon, England
serendipty is kidding. I think she lives in a convent. 😉
RE: Convens in Devon, England
oh dear:(
my secrets out![&:]
V... logic dictates thatif i did live in a convent,i wouldn'tneed to know about them,wouldi!!!!:D
right then - put your hands up if you think we should ban V from this thread!!
RE: Convens in Devon, England
RE: Convens in Devon, England
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/showProfile.asp?memid=18336 ]serendipity[/link],
i havnt found a coven yet but have you gone to star child in exeter (fore street, city arcade) It has lots of wiccan resources and you may find something/somebody to help you.
Blessed Be...