confused witch!!
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confused witch!!

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I know we do not harm anyone lest it return, but what if someone has harmed you first?

There is a very unpleasant woman in my life who seems intent on victimising me and trying to turn people against me. I have asked her why in a reasonable manner but she won't answer. I do my best to avoid and ignore her but she still upsets me and is really quite vile.

So because she's harmed me in the first place can I return it safely and if so, how.

I admit I'm finding 'and harm ye none' very difficult to maintain where this person is concerned. Any advice will be very welcome.


Silvermist x

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Hi Silvermist,

I'm not a Wiccan so please indulge my reply. My belief is that whatever harm this woman is doing to you is likely to return to her anyway without you getting involved in the process so the best thing to do is just concentrate on being at peace. If you do decide to retaliate, then it will probably come back to you so you will have a situation of two people both doing each other harm and each receiving it back if you get my drift!-this IMO is how unhealthy relationship chains start! One persons child is killed, so they kill the killer.....then the killers child seeks revenge and before you know it a blood feud ensues (okay, maybe a bit dramatic but this is how these things start) and in the end it accomplishes nothing.
Perhaps it is best to just take a step back and decide what it is you want to get out of retaliation. Is it to make her stop? What if it has the opposite effect? Are you prepared to follow through to the bitter end?
My advice is to find a way to let it go (easier said than done but you asked!) maybe even send blessings and good wishes towards this woman and see what happens.At the very least, just remove yourself from her path if you can.

Crystal elf

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Maybe I can expand as a Wiccan 🙂

In a prior job, a not very nice man had wronged me incredibly, to the point of people thought I was a sexual pervert at work and had sexually harassed him. I was absolutely livid and I believed that coloured my opinion. I was incredibly tempted to bind him, not sure of you know but hexing originally means 'to bind to the earth' and thus let the goddess prevent him doing harm. Now a bind such as that is generally considered okay as long as your intentions are pure, but as I was so angry, I couldn't trust my emotions. I thought long and hard about it for a couple of weeks and I heard a popular addition to the Wiccan rede which didnt help matters.

"An it harm none, do what ye will. But if it harm ye, do what ye must." This was starting to sway it for me but luckily, whilst I was thinking about it, he met his own huge downfall. Now I believe karma stepped in before I had to and looking back, binding him wouldn't of been the right thing to do for me.

It's up to you what you think is the right thing to do, I still agree with the threefold law and I would rather do a protection spell for myself rather than a binding spell in future. Karma has a longer memory than we do
Blessed be

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Karma has a longer memory than we do

Is 'Karma' a concept generally accepted by Wiccans?

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Karma, threefold law. Tomato, tomato 😛 In my opinion, it's all the same thing. Law of attraction, like attracts like. You receive what you send out.

I was trying to distinguish between karma and the law of attraction but I couldn't as both involved energy which is sentient.

[edit] Sorry, realised I didn't really answer your question. The threefold law is a massively accepted part of Wicca, the only words that really govern us are from the Wiccan Rede which includes the keywords, "An if harm none, do what ye will."
So yes, whatever name you wanna call it, karma is important to us 🙂

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I agree that "karma" or "you reap what you sow" etc. is a central precept in many religions/beliefs. Karma seems to be used more generally now, rather than being restricted to Buddhism/Hinduism, but the meaning is the same!

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I agree that "karma" or "you reap what you sow" etc. is a central precept in many religions/beliefs. Karma seems to be used more generally now, rather than being restricted to Buddhism/Hinduism, but the meaning is the same!

I don't really get it. The origin of Karma is (as you say) in Hinduism and can be a pretty nasty belief, shoring up the caste system. As I understand it, the Law of Attraction is part of Theosophy and New Thought Movement - neither of which seems very Wiccan.
I can see how "you reap what you sow" appeals – although I haven’t come across any evidence. I know some shamanic practitioners who consider the situations that arise through on-going soul loss (particularly ancestral soul loss) to be a type of Karma, but I wouldn’t agree.

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I suggest you ask Goddess and God to provide you with their protection, to provide you with the support and strength to rise above this woman's hurtful behaviour towards you. Simple ask that they protect you and assist in bringing the situation to a suitable conclusion for all involved. Try to maintain love in your heart as part of your request (difficult as it may be).

She sounds like a very sad, disturbed person who not being content with her own life wishes to drag others down to her level of unhappiness. Someone to be pity'd, don't rise to the bait her bullying will lose its power.

However you have every right to protect yourself as you need to. You would defend yourself if this attack were physical wouldn't you?


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I don't really get it. The origin of Karma is (as you say) in Hinduism and can be a pretty nasty belief, shoring up the caste system. As I understand it, the Law of Attraction is part of Theosophy and New Thought Movement - neither of which seems very Wiccan.
I can see how "you reap what you sow" appeals – although I haven’t come across any evidence. I know some shamanic practitioners who consider the situations that arise through on-going soul loss (particularly ancestral soul loss) to be a type of Karma, but I wouldn’t agree.

You don't have to agree, we're each entitled to our religions. And Wicca IS a new age movement based on an old religion as no one knows the specifics.

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You don't have to agree, we're each entitled to our religions. And Wicca IS a new age movement based on an old religion as no one knows the specifics.

Is The Law of Attraction the same as 'you reap what you sow'? If so, I'm misunderstanding what I have read of them. (I wouldn't have thought that the New Thought Movement was the same as 'new age' either).
Yes, we can disagree. And my paganism is shamanic rather than wiccan, so I accept you know more about this than I do. Buut I seem to be confused about the terminology.

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I would protect myself every morning and every night however if that wasnt working I would do a simple binding. I would just ask that she did no harm to herself or others:)

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I would want to know how I could change either myself or the situation so that I felt more at peace with it all.

Would that be wiccan?

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Treat others as you wish to be treated, give your conscience the upper hand, head held high.

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Is the reply posted by Isis-Training a response to my posting? If it is, it doesn't answer my query or comment on what I wrote.:confused:

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Is the reply posted by Isis-Training a response to my posting? If it is, it doesn't answer my query or comment on what I wrote.:confused:

Nor, indeed, my questions.

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No it wasnt, was i meant to? It was my thoughts on what silvermist first posted.

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No it wasnt, was i meant to? It was my thoughts on what silvermist first posted.

Fair enough - we were getting a bit off topic. So I've posted my question again as a different thread. Help me out of my confusion, anyone?
