Hi guys
Thought I would try and bring this forum alive...its something that many of you have wanted for a while and now it's here ... well its needs some life breathed into it...
I am not a praticing witch/wiccan or whatever choice of word you would choose to use...I do however, honour our Mother Earth and Father Sky...I like to think I live in harmony with nature...I do the best I can for fellow man...my interst in this subject is wider than my knowledge, and that is why some of my postings are from various reading materials...(all author acknowledged) but I know there are HP members out there that hold this subject very dear to their heart and would welcome your input.
I felt the link below would be of benefit to those who's understanding of such is limited...
but would like more insight into this wonderful and often misunderstood belief/craft...it is a way of life for many and it's not all about magic and spells...so please use this forum and enlighten us into your wonderful world...
luv & peace
stormdeva x