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college university of wicca??

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dear all,
aatma namaste
im michelle pavri from india. i have been interested in wicca for quite sometime now. i have learnt crystal healing practice it and done a course on pranic healing.
i would like to get in deep into these factors:-
1. crystal healing
2. wicca witch crafting spells for healing and protection
3. candle therapy
4. herbs
5. colors
6. reiki
7. tarot reading

i know this is a bit vast but could i find it all under one roof where i could learn all this in a period of time from some authentic place or website attaining a degree.
i visited the sacred mists online college website
[link= ][/link]and
college of witch craft website
but dont know how beneficial it is and should i go ahead with either of it.
any idea of some universities colleges i could go to and learn all of the above.
any help regd this subject would be greatly appreciated.

light and life,

5 Replies
Moon Raven
Posts: 848
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RE: college university of wicca??

Hi 😉

I do believe that you can find some very good information on Wiccan beliefs including spell casting and candle magic, herbs etc from books or internet searches. The author Kate West is a very goodplace to starther bookshelped me a great deal in my early days (they still do in fact). I always have her books close at hand.

You also do not need a degree in order to become Wiccan or follow the wiccan pathway. It is a wonderful pathway to be on and I have not looked back since learning the Wiccan way, it is very much a part of my life now and I love it. [sm=love-smiley-009.gif][sm=jump1.gif]

There are some good websites with members forums which of course is also a good way of learning and sharing experiences. If you would like some more information please feel free to email me and I may be able to help point you in the right direction.

I can also email you some information I have on candle magic and protection rituals and herbs etc if that would be any help just to get you started.

Learning needn't be expensive or pressured, it is best that you take your own time to learn at your own pace and enjoy it! And remember whatever you read or whatever you long as it feels right then that is the right way for you to do something. If it doesn't feel right then find a way that suits you best. We all have our individual path to walk and it is important that you feel comfortable and happy with whatever you are doing.

Good luck, I wish you well! [sm=nature-smiley-008.gif]

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RE: college university of wicca??

Hi Moongoddess,

after reading Michelle's list of interests, they are very much mine as well and i now have a list to work from - so thanks Michelle!!

Would you mind Moongoddess emailing me the info you have as that would be a great starting point for me, I know i need to take thing one step at a time and i cant wait to get started!!


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RE: college university of wicca??

Thanks Moongoddess, i have jsut seen your reply on other thread, there is no hurry just when you get chance.

Many thanks and blessings to you,


Moon Raven
Posts: 848
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RE: college university of wicca??

Hi moonflower[sm=wave.gif] It seems we are chasing each other around the threads:D

I will sit down on Wednesday evening after work and send you a pm with some info! I am at development circle tomorrow after work so will catch up with you on Wednesday.

Blessings xx

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Beware of Sacred Mists "College"

I was with Sacred Mists for over two years, and I can tell you it's a complete scam. The college is not certified to give you degrees, and the whole program was initiated to put money in the pockets of Lorien Carrillo (who calls herself Lady Raven Moonshadow) and her (already rich) friends. Since leaving, I've been subject to harassment from "students" at the college. They also broke FTC law when they stole words I had written and used them against my express wishes, and I now have reason to believe they are using more stolen materials belonging to myself and a whole bunch of others. In fact, the "lessons" at the college are largely stolen from free websites. If you want to learn, there are so many other good places out there. A great online forum is Mystic Wicks. But, please, don't make the mistake I did. Avoid Sacred Mists.

And, if you'd like to know more about crimes committed through Sacred Mists, please feel free to e-mail me at

Scott Hill (my real name, not a phony one)
