Hello to all.
I need guidance/help with the following: I am moving into a house with a couple of friends in 3 weeks but I want to cleanse the house before I move in. When we went to view it, I felt really uncomfortable and edgy. It felt like I was being watched and followed from room to room. I was the only one who felt like this about the place.
My aunt performed a cleansing ceremony in the last place I moved into, but she's too far away to be able to come and do it in the new place for me.
Is there anything relatively simple yet effective that I can do to clear any negative energy from previous tenants before I move in?
RE: Cleansing a house
I would use a sage smudge stick
Light it, blow out the flames and walk around each room , filling it with smoke
Leave a window open to let the smoke out while you do it
RE: Cleansing a house
I was also told to use a smudge stick when I moved into an old cottage. I also clapped my hands 3 times (with the hands cupped, not flat, to make a louder noise) in each of the areas to be cleansed. Can't remember if I had read that, been told it or just did it instinctively - dislodging stuck spirits/energies??
RE: Cleansing a house
Hi Lols if you look in the thread' Member with a HUGE problem', I've posted something there you would find helpful, and a blessing to follow the cleansing
RE: Cleansing a house
Hi Lols,
I agree, using a sage smudge stick (or any incense you prefer) is an easy but effective way. For this, I would personally go around each rooms in a clockwise direction (I'm not quite sure why clockwise tbh, it's just something that's stuck with me & I don't know why). Make sure you get into all corners of the rooms & as you are doing this, visualise any negativity being dispersed by the smoke which is purifying it. If you have any crystals, placing onyx & quartz around the rooms should help aswell (just make sure you thoroughly cleanse the onyx especially afterwards or it could almost have an opposite effect as it would be stored up with the negative energy it absorbs).
If it is agrounded active spirit/s you are worried about then that is something that in my opinion needs to be handled by someone who has handled that sort of situation before & knows what they are doing.
Do you or anyone you know use Reiki? Reiki can be used for space clearing & with helping grounded spirits move on if done in the right way.
Hope any of that helps!
Love & Light,
RE: Cleansing a house
Simply put, clockwise (also known as "deosil") raises energy, anti-clockwise (widdershins) lowers energy.
Making noise can also shift stagnant energy - drum, bell, even two metal saucepan lids would do - especially in the corners of rooms. Combined with smudging has led to the expressions "gongs and pongs" and "bells and smells" 😀 Very effective.
If carpets have been inherited with the house, as they often are these days, they can be cleansed/refreshed with dry salt. Sprinkle it on, grind it in a bit, leave it for a while and then hoover it up. That's all that fragranced carpet cleaners are anyway ... salt and artificial scents.
RE: Cleansing a house
ORIGINAL: Holistic
Simply put, clockwise (also known as "deosil") raises energy, anti-clockwise (widdershins) lowers energy.
Ah yes. It's one of those things that I've always done in a certain way (after initially learning it) desite not knowing for sure if it makes any difference or not. I tend to make a point of finding these things out, putting them to the test& coming to my own conclusion but with this clockwise/anitclockwise issue I never have. Thanks for reminding methough Holistic:D
RE: Cleansing a house
Thank you for the advise and help. I really appreciate it.
RE: Cleansing a house
Smudging with mugwort or if you have none normal cooking sage is one way and/or use a broom to sweep and chant. Beware though, mugwort stinks when it burns so open the windows beforehand.
RE: Cleansing a house
Blue sage can give you a nasty headache too, but white sage is easily obtainable from spiritual shops, and mixed with your own garden lavender...very effective.
I'll try to find a blessing for a new home and post it, but it will NOT be today, sorry