Buzzard Day 15th Ma...
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Buzzard Day 15th March

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Buzzard Day 15th March

The Buzzards ( turkey vultures ) of Hinckley , Ohio return like clockwork on this day each year. Their uncanny return to Hinckley Ridge on March 15 has been the subject of folk legends dating back nearly 150 years .It seem that no one paid them much attention until a reporter in 1957 , from the Cleveland press took an interest. When his artical about the buzzards appeared in the paper along withthe prediction that they would return again on exactly March 15, interest in the birds mounted.

The Buzzards arrived -right on time. News travelled fast , bring the media from the surrounding states.Now thousands of bird watchers descend on the town each year, and March 15 is officialy ..........Buzzard Day

Today their legendary return rivals stories of the " Swallows of Capistrano."

An old manuscript account by William Cogswell, one of the first white men to set foot in the county in 1810 made references to " vultures in the air " at the gallows of the big bend in the Rocky River , where an indian squaw had been hung for " Witchcraft ".


