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British School of Yoga courses.

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I just wondered if anyone had any experience of their courses in Wicca - they do three course Wicca, Wiccan Education and Training and Advanced Wicca - all under their Mantra Arts catagories. I was considering taking their Wicca course to learn more but just wondered what other people thought about stuff like that. Are they a good idea, courses in general I mean, or is the path into Wicca more of a personal journey rather than studybooks, assignmentsand certificates?

If anyone knows anything or has any views on the subject I'd be really interested to hear them - if anyone wants to take a look at the BSY their address is [link= ][/link] and the Wicca courses can be found under the Mind, Body and Spirit catagory along with manyother courses.

I just thought I would add the "Course Outline" for the Wicca Certificate for anyone who would find this easier/quicker than going to the website.

Many myths still exist about witches and those who practise witchcraft. Witchcraft is, however, a gentle practice, full of love and joy, peace and balance. Wiccans lead their lives and cast their spells according to the Wiccan creed.

Many people are turning again to the old religion and beliefs in witchcraft as a way of giving their lives a new meaning, and as a life - enhancing way of developing their own personal powers. This course will give you the knowledge of how to improve your own life and the lives of others using Wicca powers for good.

Subjects included in the course:

  • The Old Religion
  • Divination
  • The Eight Sabbaths
  • Spirits
  • Gods & Goddesses
  • The Book of Shadows
  • Spell Casting
  • Moon Magic
  • The Tools of Wicca
  • Covens & Solitaries
  • Natural Magic & Nature
  • Candle Magic
  • Students obtaining 70% or more marks in the final examination will be awarded a [link= ]Certificate[/link] in Wicca of the New Age Foundation.

    I know the school itself has a good reputation and are well affiliated, just wondered about course specifics.

    Hope to hear from you all soon.


    2 Replies
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    RE: British School of Yoga courses.


    Are they a good idea, courses in general I mean, or is the path into Wicca more of a personal journey rather than studybooks, assignmentsand certificates?

    Hi Naomi,

    I would definately say it is more of a personal journey. I read in your other posts that it is all new to you, in which case I would recommend just reading up as much as you can online.
    Many people start out on the Wiccan path but then the more they find out about the less well known belief systems, may find themeselves feeling more suited to one of those instead, or take aspects from several.
    There is plenty of good information online about Wicca & Paganism in general & so I would definately recommend starting there instead of paying for a course which may not be 100%what your wanting. It is a very personal thing & I personally think that learning what is in a layed out course will not help someone evolve as much spiritually within themselves on their path.

    Love & Light,

    Posts: 584
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    RE: British School of Yoga courses.


    If you don't particularly want a Certificate in Wicca from the New Age Foundation ( which incidently is a division of ..... BSY itself! ), then I would agree with SS. Given that you've already got a course outline, you could use that as a guide to hunting out some good introductory books for much less than the course fee.

    I've taken several BSY courses over the years; some I would recommend, others I wouldn't, not because they were 'bad' necessarily but because I felt they were too simplistic. BSY do a good job in providing structured learning at basic level in many topics, but with some discipline and application you can achieve just as much on your own. If you need the motivation of having to submit essay/test papers to keep you on course, and want the tutor feedback then something like BSY would be a good option. Otherwise get yourself down to Waterstones - they stock much more along these lines now than they used to!

    Wish you well on your path.

