Hi everyone,
I have just returned from living in France for the last 3 years, and now settled back in Cumbria again. I was initiated in 1968 into Gardnerian Wicca, and then initiated into an Alexandrian coven in 1990. We have had a coven in this area for over 15 years now and were featured in local newspapers and radio a few years ago.
in love and light
Hiya Lakewitch..:wave:...you sound very experienced....welcome back.
Maybe you could share some of your more treasured experiences with us, here on hp.It's always good to learn from others.
Hi Lakewitch nice to meet you:) Look forward to seeing you about the pages.
welcome to HP lakewitch
Experienced = old perhaps?
Its just that I have been around a bit......first I must apologise to the moderators for my first post. I inadvertently 'advertised' myself,,so sincere apologies for that folks.
Experiences indeed, most of them wonderful and life enhancing....and more than ever I find that The Craft has a part to play in todays world, as long as it is has the integrity it should have.
Also a lot of humour in our circles, sometimes ending up with the whole coven crying with laughter and then a dash for the toilet. Luckily we have the Lake district on our doorstep and the sea on the back door...so a lot of beautiful, natural places for our rites. Our newest initiate has just had a baby after being told she could not have one...exactly as my Tarot predicted 2 years ago when she flew to France for initiation. So a lovely Wiccaning to organise for her.
Pathworking is one of my favourite ways of passing on knowledge, and also helpful in healing, and I love the atmosphere of music, incense and candlelight when doing them.
I look forward to getting to know more of you in time......and again, my apologies to the moderators for my first post.
in love and light
No need to apologise to us moderators lakewitch, as no harm was done.:)
On behalf of the Moderating Team,
calla lily
Hiya Lakewitch,
Maybe you could explain a little bit about coven pathwork, if it's not too sensitive a subject....I for one would love to hear about how you set out the courses.......
We are just forming a Spiritual group and we hope to include some pathwork....
I found that my voice seems to be suited to recording pathworkings, and with the right music behind the voice it is strange how magickal the journeys become. I have a standard opening which puts everyone in 'the same place' and from there we journey to different parts of a whole world. Each journey utilises a primary element and the things we learn are taken in at a subconscious level. I have not figured out how to do a private message yet, but am happy to explain more if that is the way to do it? I have used these pathworkings to help a lot of people understand their problems and blocks, and allow them to move on in their own way.
But of course a tape or CD is one thing, but it can never be as good as doing it in person, as that way the journey can change in an instant depending on the energies involved or needed by the individual or group. I never have more than a vague idea of where it will lead, and trust implicitly in the way in which it comes to me now. I did a series of meditational pathworkings based on the Tarot many years ago, and am considering updating these as an aid to learning the underlying message of each major arcana key.
My favourite festival is coming next........Samhaine! I love the dark (as in restful) nature of it, and look forward to using the winter months to make candles and soap again.
Bright blessings to you all
Hello Lakewitch and welcome to HP:)
Just a brief word in response to your:
I have not figured out how to do a private message yet, but am happy to explain more if that is the way to do it?
May I direct you to this post by Admin, which will explain things for you:
You should be able to use the PM system quite soon, and then you will find links from members' usernames so that you can send PMs to them, as well as receiving them.
Thanks for the quick response Holistic....as you may guess, I am better as a Witch than a computer operator, (at least I hope so).
Hi Lakewitch
Welcome to Healthypages.
I liked your reference to Samhain and the darkness of winter approaching - and I am looking forward to making soaps and candles for the winter festivities too.
The pathworkings sound really fascinating. I love pathwork and have only walked the paths of the Tree of Life it teaches you so much about yourself and your blocks as you so rightly say. Are you familiar with the works of Delores Ashcroft Nowicki?
The pathworkings sound really fascinating. I love pathwork and have only walked the paths of the Tree of Life it teaches you so much about yourself and your blocks as you so rightly say. Are you familiar with the works of Delores Ashcroft Nowicki?
Magical rituals of Guardinarian covens conducted parts of their three degree initiations in Hebrew......or so i am led to believe.....:).
Being a solitary has it's drawbacks I'm affraid. As a solitary I only get to share at open rituals.
Thanks for the quick response Holistic....as you may guess, I am better as a Witch than a computer operator, (at least I hope so).
Hi Lakewitch, may I ask if you still take the measure..( in the first degree) And if yes do you measure around the neck or the forehead.
In perfect light and perfect love
Lakewitch, dear old friend; so you have returned from France. I knew you were returning to Cumbria and hoped I may come across you again. I have thought of you both many times in the past few years. You were a good teacher Lakewitch. The saying "when the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear" was proved to be true that cold frosty winter when I battled my way to your home for my lessons. Alas, family committments prevented me from continuing and after a while you left our shores for the warmer climes of France. Your kindness and teachings opened many doors and my path was much clearer to follow. Much love to you both. Bright Blessings
Wow, I like this forum, it makes you feel right at home from the start...
First of all, 'Storn' so lovely to hear from you, and if and when PM is available for me, do get in touch and let us know how you are doing if you wish to. We are only a few miles from where we used to live, so you are more than welcome to come over and catch up. We would love to see you again, and thank you for the kind remarks about us.
Oakapple, indeed we do take the measure, but its head, chest and hips as well as crown of head to toe, and then we give it back to the Initiate as they entered with 2 passwords, and keeping the measure seems to be the antithesis of these words.
3rd degree? Hebrew ?? hmmmm! its a lovely ceremony and one which by its very hidden nature must remain so if one wishes to maintain the oath taken at 1st degree.
I think keeping it within the coven makes it more special for those undertaking such a degree. Sorry I cannot be more expansive here.......I hope you appreciate why.
'The Shining Paths' by Dolores was one of my better book buys, and its about somewhere (when I get unpacked), and I think its one of the best starters anyone could use within a fairly traditional path. There are others, but finding them now is like hens teeth....we pathwork at Samhain from a light to a dark circle where we invite our loved ones to rejoin us, and spend time in recalling them, their voice and the mannerisms etc. Often a tear is shed (more of joy than sadness) and it keeps our loved ones in our hearts in a very meaningful way, without bemoaning the passage of time and our mortality.
Binah....(lovely choice of name) I find the TOL paths are the best paradigm ever for spiritual development. I have found new paths on the Tree, and each one brings a new awareness and hopefully growth. This makes the Tree one's own and yet it can be shared so easily.
I always make a point of telling anyone who comes to me study The Craft, ' I will never push nor pull you, only walk beside you and offer my hand should you need it'.
This way you can make your experiences your own and not just a clone of mine.
With the light of love
Wow, I like this forum, it makes you feel right at home from the start...
First of all, 'Storn' so lovely to hear from you, and if and when PM is available for me, do get in touch and let us know how you are doing if you wish to. We are only a few miles from where we used to live, so you are more than welcome to come over and catch up. We would love to see you again, and thank you for the kind remarks about us.
Oakapple, indeed we do take the measure, but its head, chest and hips as well as crown of head to toe, and then we give it back to the Initiate as they entered with 2 passwords, and keeping the measure seems to be the antithesis of these words.
3rd degree? Hebrew ?? hmmmm! its a lovely ceremony and one which by its very hidden nature must remain so if one wishes to maintain the oath taken at 1st degree.
I think keeping it within the coven makes it more special for those undertaking such a degree. Sorry I cannot be more expansive here.......I hope you appreciate why.
'The Shining Paths' by Dolores was one of my better book buys, and its about somewhere (when I get unpacked), and I think its one of the best starters anyone could use within a fairly traditional path. There are others, but finding them now is like hens teeth....we pathwork at Samhain from a light to a dark circle where we invite our loved ones to rejoin us, and spend time in recalling them, their voice and the mannerisms etc. Often a tear is shed (more of joy than sadness) and it keeps our loved ones in our hearts in a very meaningful way, without bemoaning the passage of time and our mortality.
Binah....(lovely choice of name) I find the TOL paths are the best paradigm ever for spiritual development. I have found new paths on the Tree, and each one brings a new awareness and hopefully growth. This makes the Tree one's own and yet it can be shared so easily.
I always make a point of telling anyone who comes to me study The Craft, ' I will never push nor pull you, only walk beside you and offer my hand should you need it'.
This way you can make your experiences your own and not just a clone of mine.
With the light of love
I, for one, look forward to more information on the mysteries of coven pathwork and will try to get a copy of ' the Shining Paths by Dolores...
May I ask how much time you spend together as a Coven. As it must take up an awful lot of time to organise events and Sabbats....plus rituals, etc
Oakapple you ask how much time we devote to the coven...and it must be counted in years rather than hours. Our initiates really are family, and to that end they can come here whenever they wish. Sometimes coming for nothing more than a glass of wine or a meal with us, and staying over if they want. Our 2 original initiates (sisters) even came to France to help out with an initiation there. After our own children, we love our coven more than anyone. Of course work schedules mean its difficult at times, but we always manage to get together when its time. The first year, before initiation is quite involved as there is so much to get through in the way of learning. At least once a week for 5 or 6 hours if possible is good, but sometimes we spend a full day or weekend together going out and gathering 'things' or finding nice sites where we can hold rituals.
I understand what it is like to be on your own.......in some ways its great as you can do what you want, but when you join a really good coven, the atmosphere is lovely, and the energy just like nothing you have ever experienced before. Also it means everyone teaches everyone else. I spent 9 years between marriages on my own, and used the time to practice ritual magick to a high level. Even had the chance to join the Golden Dawn, but did not want to be tied to anything so formally organised. But when the present coven began it was lovely to be with others and to be able to share some of my experiences/skills with them. If you want to be part of a coven, then maybe something could be on the horizon for you? You can always skype me if you have that on your computer and I would be happy to help in any way I can.
Blessed Be
In perfect light and perfect love
Hi Lakewitch
like you I am a newbie. As soon as I am allowed to pm, I will get in touch and a visit is much looked forward to. Love to you both
Oakapple you ask how much time we devote to the coven...and it must be counted in years rather than hours. Our initiates really are family, and to that end they can come here whenever they wish. Sometimes coming for nothing more than a glass of wine or a meal with us, and staying over if they want. Our 2 original initiates (sisters) even came to France to help out with an initiation there. After our own children, we love our coven more than anyone. Of course work schedules mean its difficult at times, but we always manage to get together when its time. The first year, before initiation is quite involved as there is so much to get through in the way of learning. At least once a week for 5 or 6 hours if possible is good, but sometimes we spend a full day or weekend together going out and gathering 'things' or finding nice sites where we can hold rituals.
I understand what it is like to be on your own.......in some ways its great as you can do what you want, but when you join a really good coven, the atmosphere is lovely, and the energy just like nothing you have ever experienced before. Also it means everyone teaches everyone else. I spent 9 years between marriages on my own, and used the time to practice ritual magick to a high level. Even had the chance to join the Golden Dawn, but did not want to be tied to anything so formally organised. But when the present coven began it was lovely to be with others and to be able to share some of my experiences/skills with them. If you want to be part of a coven, then maybe something could be on the horizon for you? You can always skype me if you have that on your computer and I would be happy to help in any way I can.
Blessed Be
Thanks Lakewitch.....
Maybe you are right,......Certainly, working as a group has it's advantages of friendship and energy....it's always lovely to work within a circle and feel the power growing as the evening progresses.......
Thanks again for answering my questions and I look forward to your many future posts...
Its nice to see a bit of Cumbria on here 🙂
I feel I have lost my way a bit with my faith unfortunately, its probably with everything going on in my life but you seem like you have kept it with you throughout
Hi Little Em
Never mind Em, when the time is right, you will find your way back.