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Illustrious Member
Joined: 18 years ago

Has anyone made their own besom and if so do you use it for ritual?

Do you need to use any specific materials for purpose?

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Posts: 6137
Illustrious Member
Joined: 18 years ago

Hi Fleur

Yes, I have made my own besom broom. I used the traditional method and using materials from three trees.

Birch, twigs ( the first tree to colonise new ground). In antiquity birch was used for sweeping away negative energy and preparing a way for new beginnings and changes, driving out evil.....changing old patterns, ways, people who's influences are detrimental to your higher good.

Ash, staff ( One of the five sacred trees ) represents the tree of life or Ygdrasill, or the Celtic three levels of existence. Past, present and future. Abred, Gwynedd and Ceagant.

Willow, binding withys( confidence and trust ) enables us to let go of negative emotions and facilitate healing and protection.

The besom was always used in ancient times at handfastings and signified a commonlaw commitment by both bride and groom.

It is also used in meditation as part of journeying. Used as a tool in visualization meditations it gives access to other spiritual realms.

The besom signifies both male and female aspects of the god and goddess and it is used for clearing our sacred space before rituals.

Personally I don't use a besom.....I use a rattle and drum in meditation, for a much deeper connection to spirit...


Posts: 6211
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Illustrious Member
Joined: 18 years ago

Thanks Oakey..:)

So have you used twigs that have dropped naturally from the tree?

Posts: 6137
Illustrious Member
Joined: 18 years ago

No Fleur,

Mine was made when we were clearing the new site for the natural burial ground at our local sustainability centre.

At that time I made quite a few wooden tools for ritual use.

I personally would only use live wood selected from a tree that I had meditated with.....sounds a bit new-agey but it's the connection with the tree and the environment that makes it work, IMO
