11 February "Shrine of the Goddess"
On this day in 1858 an apparition appeared to a poor peasant girl at a shrine in Lourdes , known for many centuries as the "Shrine of the Goddess".
Born Marie Bernarde Soubrious,Bernadatte, she suffered asthma poverty and lack of education . At the age of 14 ,on february 11 Bernadatte experienced a vision of the "Virgin Mary" while collecting firewood on the banks of the river Gave near Lourdes.
During the next six months, she saw a series of 18 visions in which the Lady identified herself as "the Immaculate Conception" and told Bernadatte to drink from a nearby spring.
The Lady also instructed Bernadatte to erect a chapel on the site . Since that time ,the spring has produced 27,000 gallons of water each week and has been the site of countless miracles of healing.
RE: Bernadatte ,miracale at Lourdes
Hi Oakapple,
The miracle of Our Lady of Lourdes is one of the Catholic Churches approved apparitions and Marie Bernarde Soubrious is now known as Saint Bernadette.
I did not know that the miracle of Lourdes was believed by Wiccans and do you see The Blessed Virgin Mary as a goddes?
Just interested:)
God bless.
RE: Bernadatte ,miracale at Lourdes
Hi magno,
The site at Lourdes was before Christianity a sacred site called "the Shrine of the Goddess" , the rest is just politics........Suppose if you're unwell and need a little healing...you dont mind where it comes from.....as long as it works.......and the intention is good.
RE: Bernadatte ,miracale at Lourdes
Hi Oakapple,
Approx how long would you say that Lourdes was a sacred place before Christianity?
RE: Bernadatte ,miracale at Lourdes
I think your missing the point a little ,magno......When , on the Healing forum, someone asks for healing.......I dont ask what faith they are.....I ...With all my heart....send them love and healing.......If I had to ask them "Why ".....I would have to consider my own intentions.
RE: Bernadatte ,miracale at Lourdes
Hi Oakapple,
I understand your intentions regarding healing, but my question was regarding the shrine of Lourdes being recognised by Wiccans.
I only know of the shrine through the teachings of the Catholic church, therefore it is interesting to know that other belief or faith systems recognise the healing that comes from Lourdes.
Please understand I am not trying to flame the wiccan belief, I am just interested in how the wiccan belief system sees Lourdes compared to how I as a Christian see Lourdes.
I hope you are not offended by my questions.
RE: Bernadatte ,miracale at Lourdes
Hi again Magno,
I'm glad to answer any questions for you ,( that I can ),I can't speak for anyone else but myself. But....Here goes. "Wiccan Spirituality" is a magical Journey Celebrating folklore and customs through ritual and festivals .I am trying to highlight dates and times that are integral to Wiccan beliefs.
Not all are based on Wicca . But are simple reminders of revere'd days throughout the calendar year.
At Christmas I went to a Catholic Carol Service ,It was great singing all those carols,with friends and family.
On the 16 february we will celebrate"Shivaratri" at our local medetation centre ,which incidently means night of Shiva. So really Im Just looking for an excuse to celebrate......A spiritual "Knee's Up"
Open your heart and Love comes flooding in ,....So ....hope that helps
Much Love and Blessings..Magno
RE: Bernadatte ,miracale at Lourdes
ORIGINAL: oakapple
The site at Lourdes was before Christianity a sacred site called "the Shrine of the Goddess" , the rest is just politics
Hmm. It's interesting that it was a site before Bernadette. I didn't know and can you give a link? But the point has been missed so far: before Bernadette was visited by Mary, which in my personal view I take at face value, it was just dry ground. Mary told her to dig a little. Very soon the spring suddenly appeared, which hadn't ever been there before, and it's been there ever since. The miracle is the spring, which began with Bernadette. The spring is also symbolic of the fact that Life or Energy is always there to tap into if you know how. 🙂
Oh, to clarify my point. The 'rest' isn't just 'politics'! The rest is the miracle itself, which occurred to Bernadette. The spring is not political yet was not there before (which is why I wonder what the place was known for before?), and I wouldn't say Mary is political either. ;)I'm by no means taking exception, just trying to stress the importance of the miraculous spring which, we might say, happened to occur within a Catholic framework.
RE: Bernadatte ,miracale at Lourdes
Hi Oakapple,
Your explanation on your view of Wicca helps to explain the answers given.
Thank you.