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Beltane celebrations

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Hi ,
Is anyone going to any Beltane or Mayday celebrations......there's a couple in Hampshire that are open to everyone....just wondered what else was happening.

Oakapple xx

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RE: Beltane celebrations

Hi Oakapple

My goddess group had a cicle last night as we couldn't meet tonight. We looked at the traditions around Beltane, shared strawberries, did a bluebell blessing meditation and sang a few songs. Will be lightin a few red candles tonight!

Pooky x

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RE: Beltane celebrations

Hi I am going to Thornborough Henge this weekend and camping nearby where they are erecting a stone circle - very much looking forward to it !! see [link= ][/link]

I will be sitting and thinking on Beltane tonight as I sit in the development circle at the local spiritualist church but it will not be the same I think . . . . .

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RE: Beltane celebrations


I won't be able to go to anything tonight but will light some candles, maybe burn some wood in the garden. Is there anything specific I should be doing or is lighting fires the main thing? Sorry to sound thick... quite new to celebrating Beltane! 🙂

Have a great evening everyone [sm=bouncy.gif]

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RE: Beltane celebrations

Hi mir,
this is the festival for the Goddess Flora, so any ritual using flowers will be good. Flowers have many magical properties, and different plants can be used to enhance your spells. The scent and colour of flowers can evoke powerful thoughts and will increase the effectiveness of any ritual. This is the month of Willow, so use a willow wand if possible.......

.Clematis, Jasmine or Peony flowers;
Green embroidery thread;
green candle;
lemon balm oil;

Anoint your candle with a few drops of the lemon balm oil, then place it on your alter then place it in a safe container and light. Select the flowers you wish to use for the willow wand wreath and lay them before the alter.

As you breathe in the scent from the burning oil, repeat the incantation.

Goddess of the flowers
Bring your riches unto me,

Show me treasures of the Earth
that we might live in harmony.

Carefully bend the willow wand into a circle and secure with some strong twine or wire. Then tie the chosen flowers onto the circle of willow, tying with the green embroidery thread, securing them just before the flower head

Once your wreath is decorated with the flowers sit quietly for a few moments and imagine your life becoming rich with success and prosperity. Place the wreath inside your home, at a focal point you often pass or look at. Every time you pass imagine your success coming to fruition.....

.Hope that's OK mir.......Put your candle out when you've finished.......

Happy Mayday

Oakapple xx

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RE: Beltane celebrations

Hi wispy/pooky/mir,....have a brilliant Beltane and May-day, don't drink to much mead!!!

Much Love

Oakapple xx

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RE: Beltane celebrations

I shall be in my back garden as the moon rises with a bonfire burning loads of stuff (writing, photos etc) from the past 15 years or so that needs to be released.
Today feels the right day to do it 🙂

Amethyst x

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RE: Beltane celebrations

Hi Amethyst, sounds as if you mean time to do it...we;re off to the woods tonight,should be fun !!!

Oakapple xx

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RE: Beltane celebrations

Oakapple, I won't ask whether you'll be following ancient ways when in the woods! ;)Enjoy!

Pooks x

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RE: Beltane celebrations

I know its rather late but anoyone know of anything open to all tonight or tomorrow for Beltaine? In SE London but can get to Kent or close to SE London.

Happy celebrations one and all

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RE: Beltane celebrations

Hi Pooks, yep I sure am, I have the company of my dear wife , a large group of friends are meeting up... So it looks to be a good evening. Last time we heard an owl....the real Twit- an ancient Yew forest as well, in a vale of the South-Downs. Full Moon tonight as well......Spooky but great.


Oakapple xx

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RE: Beltane celebrations

Hi Oakapple

Hope you have a really good night. It sounds absolutely lovely and truly magical. Lady moon sure looks beautiful tonight so she'll light your way.

Many Blessings

Sorry Adara, saw your post too late. I know there are various groups that meet in London. The Pagan Federation should have details of events as should Children of Artemis. Hope that helps x

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RE: Beltane celebrations

Hi Pooky
Thanks, I did indeed chaeck PF and COA but neither has anything over this week, so no go there! More planting of seeds for growing my own food will be my celebration I think! :0) And some magic to bring my dream home in the coutry with real garden space (as opposed to the pots I have on my balcony!) soon! :0)

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RE: Beltane celebrations


Just thought I would share with you all the wonderful celebration of Beltane we had last night, that is my good self and my hubby, Oakapple.

Started off by meeting in a car park (about 30-40 of us) and walking about a mile through tracks and paths to a site in the woods where the Yew trees are so ancient that they looked like something out of Narnia, gnarled and wisen. This group of trees is actually called the 'Watchers' and is part of a yew woodland which is the oldest in England. We sat ourselves around in a circleand the bard startedby lighting a fire, not with matches or a lighter, but good old bushcraft way with a bow and piece of wood. It took some effort but we chanted 'fire, fire,' and calling the salamanders to help and eventually it lit, to us all cheering and saying 'blessed be!'.

We then closed the circle by calling the four quarters, which included a new mum and 3 week old baby (Alfie) as the East, two young teenagers as the North and the South and an old hand as the West, lovely to see all the generations together.

We had a story from the 'Bard' from the ancient welsh Celtic tradition, excellent storyteller, and it was a tribute for someone most of us knew, who had passed over two weeks ago. Very moving. There was some beautiful chanting and singing, which we all joined in to and the 'piece de resistance' (after the fruit, nuts and hawthorn tea was consumed) was jumping the beltane fire. I have some lovely photos of this to share when I get round to it.....if anyone is interested.

My husband and I (oooooh I sound like the queen!!!) had a great time, and we jumped the fire, hand in hand and madeour wish! After opening the circle again we all sloped off back down the path, lit by our lamp until it suddenly went out, but it made no difference as we could see perfectly well by the light of the moon, she was looking out for us!

To end a perfect evening, as we drove home, we turned a corner to find a herd of half a dozen or more deer just wandering across the road, we stopped and they just looked at us.....beautiful!

Sorry to whittle on, but you had to be there!!


Crabapple ( and Oakapple xx) x

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RE: Beltane celebrations

Hey don't apologise for wittering on, it sounds wonderful and thanks for sharing it with us! :0) Soooo longing for the day I live in countryside enough that will be possible to come across dear like that!

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RE: Beltane celebrations

I did something very small for Beltane but it meant an awful lot to me. I rededicated myself to Wicca and wrote the ritual and dedication in a small prayer book in theban

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RE: Beltane celebrations

Lovely hearing of your experiences Crabapple (& Oakapple) sounds wonderful, I am looking forward to my weekend even more now although a belated celebration of Beltane.

I'm glad you also had a special time Little Em.

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RE: Beltane celebrations

Hi Wispy misty,

Thank you, it was brilliant but yours sounds really wonderful too! If we were closer we would consider going. We have another celebration which entails the burnig of the wicker man (about 30 foot high) and loads of traditional crafts and entertainment. It takes place on Saturday, but they have run out of tickets so we don't think we will make it this year!!

Happy Beltane one and all!!:D

Oakapple xx (+ Crabapple)
