hi all i am very interested in the art of witchcraft!! i have tried all the researching and reading books but sometimes its hard to no what to believe and what not to as many websites i have bin on charge up to £100 or $100 for simple spells such as to make you richer (thats not what happens in charmed lol !!!!!!!)
i thought witchcraft was about more than that and that it was not for trying to change your life so drastically.
Anyway to the point i want to learn more and would be very grateful for experience and wishdom or any imformation anyone is able to give me.
thank you
katy 🙂
RE: beginner
Hmm sites that charge that, to me, aren't following the Witchcraft path! Its someone just trying to cash in on another persons beliefs (it'd be like someone selling straw from Jesus' stable for £6million!).
With regards to what to believe, you follow what feels right to you. As long as you are doing no harm to anyone then you can choose who you want to honour in your spells, which cycles you wish to follow, how you conduct yourself as a Witch.
I think you can have spells that will attract wealth but only if it is ment to come to you, you can't cast spells to try a force a situation, whether its on yourself or someone else.
Have you tried reading Kate West's books? I think they are great, Scott Cunnigham has a few introduction books to. I know there are a few good websites around to but I'm sure people will post them when they see your thread.
Just go with what feels right for you.
RE: beginner
Hi Katy,
Well I think you're absolutely right - there is more to witchcraft than spells to get rich quick! I would steer well clear of buying any spells online - aside from the ridiculous cost, spells are highly personal and what works for one person may not for another. Some of the best spells are ones that you have created yourself, although this requires time and experience. There are some very effective and helpful spells in many good books on the subject and many have variations so that you can start to adapt them to suit your personal tastes. A table of correspondences comes in handy here (planet, colour, flower, stone, herb etc).
As long as you follow your own path with good intent and harm none I'm sure your witchcraft will grow more and more. I recommend reading Scott Cunningham and Starhawk. Also I like - some helpful writings here. And keep checking out this forum, there's a lot of lovely people here with good advice who definitely know there stuff!
RE: beginner
(it'd be like someone selling straw from Jesus' stable for £6million
Now now Doogle I told you that wouldn't be a good idea;)
Hi Katy
I agree with the above advice ~ following your own path in your own way, listening to your own intuition, another book I can recommend is 'A witch Alone' by Marian Green ISBN No: 0-00-713323-5 Publisher Thorsons,
Welcome to HP
Many Blessings
stormdeva x
RE: beginner
Hi Katy
I have been a witch for a number of years now, I tend not to cast spells (thats just me). I do have a fairly large library and one thing I have found is that the strongest and best things that I do come from inside me and not from books. That aside "Witch alone" is an amazing book. My copy is in several pieces now. It has also travelled half way round the world.
The thing to remember about the craft is that there is no right and wrong answer. What comes from inside is far more powerful than a bought spell.