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Mar 12, 2007 5:49 am
Babylonian Feast of Marduk 12th March
Go back in time to the third dynasty of Ur and " Marduk " was venerated as the God of the city of Babylon. He was so popular that his worship spread through Assyria from about the 14 century bc.
The worship of "Marduk" , even in it's most extreme form could be compared with monotheism, but never led to the denial of other Gods or to the exclusion of female deities . The word Sabbat originates from this celebration meaning; " Day of rest of the souls ".
Bright Blessings
1 Reply
Mar 13, 2007 12:46 am
RE: Babylonian Feast Of Marduk 12th March
Once again, thank you.
Really enjoyed this one.