Hiya all,
I was wondering if anyone knew of any apple magic or spells......I know there are lots of different rituals relating to apples....thought you might like to share some.
Here's one.
Used by young girls to determine which of her admirers she should pick.....Take an apple seed from each admirer, and toss the seeds, one at a time into a fire.The seed that popped- or popped the loudest.....indicates the young man who's heart is bursting with love.
Oakapple xx
RE: apple magic
I'm trying to collate a few rituals and spells relating to the history of the apple....A fruit we take for granted, and such a versatile fruit.
The British public consume a vast amount of apples each year.and are very easily stored. A lunch-time snack for the kids....Also fantastic with blackberries, baked in a pie or crumble.....Scrumpy apple cider......power brew that is.....WOW....what a head-spin.Here's another ritual I have found......enjoy.
[link= http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1373959 ]http://www.everything2.com/index.pl?node_id=1373959[/link]
Oakapple xx
RE: apple magic
Hi there Oakapple.
We had blackberry & apple crumble last night and while I was peeling one of the apples I managed to keep the skin in one long piece, and then that reminded me of something I read many (many!) moons ago.
A young lady would peel an apple on a particular night of the year (can't remember which night - but it might be mid-summers) and if she can keep it whole she will marry within the year - also if she drops it over her shoulder it should form the initial letter for her true love.
I'm sure I've still got the book somewhere - will look it out to double check the details!!
RE: apple magic
I've always associated apple magick with spells for fertility - I'm not sure where I got that from though!
Also if you cut an apple in half, it has five seeds in a circle which is like the five points of a pentagram so they can also be used in protection spells.
RE: apple magic
Thanks for your input, wispy/shining star......The apple symbolises love and protection, and there is a story of two young lovers.
Baile and Ailinn were the Gaelic Romeo and Juliet. The two belonged to feuding royal families, and each died of a broken heart on hearing a report about the death of the other....An apple tree grew out of Aillinn's grave,and each apple that grew upon the tree bore the face of her lover, Baile.........From baile's grave sprang a yew tree that resembled the appearance of a young girl, Aillinn.....Later the two tree were felled and fashioned into wands, tragic love songs were written about the young lovers and inscribed upon the wands.
I have a simple apple spell, all it requires is an apple. The morning after every new moon, hold an apple in both hands, and sit or stand where it can absorb the sunlight, or at least pick up the day-light. Cast this spell before you take the first bite.
O lovely lady, Goddess of Might,
I honour your beauty and love.
Bring to me a love that is right
Sent by the stars above.
As you take the first bite,Think about the stars above and the Love of the Goddess( as well as the pentegram within the apple )Imagine the sweet moist fruit of love turning into a wild juicy romance
Laurie Cabot.
[link= http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~krury/roots/uk/bailpoem.htm ]http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~krury/roots/uk/bailpoem.htm[/link]
Oakapple xx
RE: apple magic
Here's a Christian ritual I thought was pretty good, and thought I would share it with you..............
[link= http://hillconnections.org/rr/apple.pdf ]http://hillconnections.org/rr/apple.pdf[/link]
Oakapple xx
apple rituals
Hi Oakapple,
I see this thread hasn't been added to in a while, but I thought this would help.
Peace to you,