Ive just found out im expecting our 5th child:)
me and dh are very happy but im really quite worried as i lost a baby in begining of june i want to know if anyone knows a pretection spell to keep baby safe from harm?
can anyone help
RE: anyone know of a spell for a healthy pregnancy?
Hi Dreamer,
Congratulations firstly!
Mother Mary, who is the archeia to Archangel Raphael, oversees child-birth. Speak with her, and voice and surrender Your concerns.
If You wish to have some influence over the gender of said baby, then speak with Archangel Sandalphon.
Hope this helps and that everything goes fine for You all.
With Angel Love and Blessings,
David Coulson
RE: anyone know of a spell for a healthy pregnancy?
dreamer, thats wonderful news, rest well ,eat well, take care and your baby will thrive. I'll get the coven onto it for you and be back!xx
RE: anyone know of a spell for a healthy pregnancy?
thankyou both very much:Dim so happy
RE: anyone know of a spell for a healthy pregnancy?
Congratulations, Dreamer!! That's wonderful news. [sm=jump1.gif]
I had a feeling the card you picked recently about new beginnings might have to do with conception as well. 😉 I'm so happy for you! [sm=love-smiley-009.gif]
RE: anyone know of a spell for a healthy pregnancy?
Dreamer, have had a chat, and we are putting you (both) in our Lammas Ritual, I'll let you know the details when we have sorted ourselves out, so that you can 'tune in' to pick up our Energies
Its a really good time as the Moon is waxing, and it looks as though she may be just right for Lammas
If you don't mind the lack of privacy, could I continue to post on here? then all the other Witches can join in, in a massive Cone of Power
BB June
RE: anyone know of a spell for a healthy pregnancy?
ORIGINAL: Sherringham
Dreamer, have had a chat, and we are putting you (both) in our Lammas Ritual, I'll let you know the details when we have sorted ourselves out, so that you can 'tune in' to pick up our Energies
Its a really good time as the Moon is waxing, and it looks as though she may be just right for Lammas
If you don't mind the lack of privacy, could I continue to post on here? then all the other Witches can join in, in a massive Cone of Power
BB June
that would be great to get everyone to join in:)thankyou very much
look forward to hearing from you soon