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Anyone know anything about Curses?

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Some people may think I have lost my mind completely, but I am starting to think I may be right. I remember stories my grandmother used to tell me whenI was younger,of how we would have witches in our family, and other things. My father's side of the family has atrail of bad luck, and I think I have inherited thattrailas well.
Everytime I turn around something new is going on one week after another it is getting a bit ridiculous. Lately it seems to have gotten worse. My Aunt and I live together and I have never seen two people have such bad luck as we have although she isn't related to me through my father's side.
I am starting to wonder if this could be a curse, not just on me, but through my father's side of the family, or even a hex. I know little of his family except the names on a tree that has been traced to the late 1600's, or perhaps it could be bad karma, at any rate....I know I am not the only one out there who has bad luck, but when it seems neverending it makes life a little difficult.
If anyone knows anything about how to remove curses, hexes, or has had the experiences I have please contact me back.

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RE: Anyone know anything about Curses?

Hi Dynasty,

51 views & no replies [&:] The curse continues lol (kidding!):D

Anyway, my suggestion to you would be to firstly protect yourself, your Aunt, (& anyone else involved) & your surroundings (home etc). Cleanse your home before protecting it from negative energies entering. That should help whether it's just general negativity coming from nowhere in particular which has it's affect on you, or if it is directly from one source.
I don't have any experience in family curses which are passed down through the generations but I would think thathow to getrid of such a thing, would work along similar lines to eliminating recent curses/hex's/negative thoughtformwhich are directed specifically at a person.
As for a specific spell, it will work better if you yourself think it up as it will be personal to you & therefore more powerful. Things that come to mind though could be something along the lines of a spell where you are cutting ties with the curse. Direct the negativity towards something as simple as a piece of paper & focus it towards that, write whatever you feel is appropriate on one side of the paper & you (or your family name) on the other side, then physically cut the paper in two, seperating them before burning the paper which symbolises the curse.
Otherwise, some crystals may help banish negativity around you also (I'm not sure which ones would be best off the top of my head - perhaps ask in the crystal section of HP)
Do whatever you feel will be sufficient enough to remove it from you & your family. Sending lots of love & light into the situation will help make any negativity weaker & dissipate also.
Good luck. [sm=nature-smiley-008.gif]
