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Anyone know a spell to find your true love?

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I don't think it's a bad one or would interfere with free will or anything, but I am looking for a spell that will let me know who may be my true love in a dream or something perhaps cause I don't want to waste any money on a psychic. If anyone knows of one please let me know.

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RE: Anyone know a spell to find your true love?

Hi dynasty100,

The best spell of all is to radiate love to everyone that you meet - black, yellow, olive green or white - simply everyone. When you radiate a smile and ask for nothing in return then the universe will provide what you need. Practice makes perfect, so start now and never stop :D.

Best wishes
Publisher [sm=wave.gif]

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RE: Anyone know a spell to find your true love?

lol.......I found a spell anyhoo mr. publisher.....

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RE: Anyone know a spell to find your true love?

I think you'll find that people offering to sell spells are highly suspect.
The trouble is with love spells is that they are temporary. Still, you asked forone.
First you need to prepare a candle. Red are the best for this.lay the candle on your pantacle and taking your boline inscribe the name of your target into the wax using theban script. Concentrate and picture him/her burning for you as you are doing it.
Then take a clean piece of parchment (paper will do) and write the name of your targt in red ink again in theban scriptconcentrating again. Now fold the paper three times and tie it with a red thread.
Cast your circle in the usual manner and declare the spell in your workings. When the planetary hour is Venus light the prepared candle in a holder on your pantacle and push your boline through the tied paper and burn it in the candle flame. Let the ashes fall onto the pantacle. Chant "The Rune" until you feel the power rising. Finish your other workings, take cakes and wine and then close down the circle. Leave the candle burning on the pantacle on your altar, however, until none is left. When the candle is burned out take the ashes on your pantacle outside and scatter them on the earth.
It should take effect at the same time as the ashs hit the ground. If you want to make the spell more effective get hold of a piece of the targets clothing or something with their essence on it and when preparing the candle stroke it from south to north like a magnet with the item.
To reinforce this you just repeat the whole proceedure. Beginning on the night of the dark moon is best as when the moon waxes so will your spell.
Hope this helps.

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RE: Anyone know a spell to find your true love?

what is a pantacle? pentacle anyone? the spell sounds dangerous as if you are chosing to use a specific name or person it's forcing their freewill isn't it against the law of karma? won't it bounce back to you. better off radiating love out or calling arch angel zadkiel. stay positive. don't forget what you give out will return to you so be carful when doing love spells.

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RE: Anyone know a spell to find your true love?

A five pointed star with a circle around it. Each point represents one of the elements and the circle represents infinity. It is a strong wiccan/pagan symbol with protective attributes
