hello there.
i am a witch, but dont really practice anymore, but i have been asked if i can find out if a person has been cursed? he thinks he has been. and if i can help him if he has.
does anyone know if i can find this out? i never worked with curses when i was studying as i have been taught that everything a witch does is for good. but i do want to see if i can help this person. and what to do if i can?
dont know if anyone can be of any help or point me in a direction?
peace and love
RE: anyone a witch?
Hi periwinkle,
does anyone know if i can find this out? i never worked with curses when i was studying as i have been taught that everything a witch does is for good. but i do want to see if i can help this person. and what to do if i can?
Your studies will not necessarily equip you to know about everything to do with witches, there will always be various schools of thought on what can be done and how, there will always be someone doing something nasty.
Also it doesn't take a witch to put a curse on someone and I do think that there is such a thing as a bad curse and that they can work.
Why does your friend think he has a curse on him? Can you give a bit more information?
I have been asked to remove curses from people before with great success and I am not a witch, I also have found on several occasions thta the people who thought they had been cursed were actually being followed by Jinns..in both situations I can help.
First to know if it is a curse or a jinn.....In my experience I can often see the jinns or feel their presence, very often they might communicate, also the symptoms of the person would often point me to that conclusion.
Where a curse has been put the appearence and energy of their aura will change, it is hard to explain, (have you any experience of this sort of thing?) I have seen where people's auras change in localised areas where perhaps the curse affected them or all over. i have seen some really shocking things, for example auras that have become blackened in places, the energies become very distorted. You might see greyness, the aura might look very thin compared to that of a healthy person. the areas that ssem to be most often affected are around the head and shoulders and the hands but I wouldn't make that a hard and fast rule.
All of this doesn't necessarily mean a curse has been placed, it can be that the person is ill etc, these signs are often seen with people who are drug addicts etc, ill, traumatised....
Another sign is that the ketheric aura which surrounds the aura, round the outside will be bright and moving as normal, it may be dull or appearn dented as opposed to smooth lines. It should pulsate and look healthy, you can tell if you can see it, however, when someone is cursed and in some way taken over it suffers and it's protective strength can diminish.
If your friend sees someone who is able to spot these things easily then they should be able to help.
To get rid of a curse..I persoanlly don't believe that spells and rituals as such are needed, evil and negativity can always be defeated with positivity and conviction. Is your friend religious?
I personally would ask God for help in either situation, I would also use reiki treatment and crystals to help the person, the afflicted person needs to be helped to realise that he can get rid of whatever this is, if he believes he can he is half way there.
if you would like any further help, please ask away, if you are local then I will happily help you personally if you like, had a bit of experience here and I am confident that all curses can be lifted far more easily than you think.