Hi Guys and Girls,
I was just wondering, is there anyone here that is Wiccan, or anyone that follows Witch Craft? I've not seen this subject mentioned here unless I'm blind lol. Just out of curiosity. 😀
RE: Any Wiccans?
I'm not Wiccan, don't really like to use labels but I've been using magic and following my own version of the craft for many years so I suppose you could call me a witch.
Sulis xx
RE: Any Wiccans?
hi there, im a wiccan. got a diploma in it.....dont really know what else to say.
RE: Any Wiccans?
Hi thank you both for your replies, I am learning Wicca, and just wondered if there were any wiccans here.
RE: Any Wiccans?
hi whispers
if you would like any info or just a chat feel free to PM me and i will see if i can help.
RE: Any Wiccans?
Same as Sulis,
I do not give myself a label, but have been following a Kemetic Path. I have done magic, and spell work for as long as i can remember, so i suppose i too am a witch.
Bright Blessings
RE: Any Wiccans?
I am too..but you already know that! of course I will help you in anyway I can. btw WiccaUK is a great site!
RE: Any Wiccans?
How do you get a diploma in witchcraft or wicca? Wicca is a coven based spiritual path, started in the 1950s by Gerald Gardner. How can you get a qualification in a spiritual path?
Sulis xx
RE: Any Wiccans?
Good question.... How DO you get a qualification in Wicca?
Wicca is a coven based spiritual path, started in the 1950s by Gerald Gardner.
Ummmmm, I thought it was slightly older than that!
I am Pagan/Wiccan.
Do a search for 'wicca', there have been some discussions on here before.
RE: Any Wiccans?
Ummmmm, I thought it was slightly older than that!
No Wicca was 'invented' by Gerald Gardner after the repeal of the anti-witchcraft laws in the 1950's. Wicca is a combination of ceremonial magic taken from such organisations as the Order of the Golden Dawn and traditional witchraft.
If you want to know about the history of Wicca as an organised religeon and witchcraft in the Brithish Isles a good book to read is 'The Triumph of The Moon - a history of modern, pagan witchcraft' by Ronald Hutton.
Sulis xx
RE: Any Wiccans?
I do not understand how you can get a diploma in Wicca, forgive me if i am wrong. A spiritual path is one that takes time to find, if ever, some are happy to have a mixture of many ideas and thoughts.
I have always known that i was different from a young child, and if i look back in my own way was a pagan even then.
The way you live your life and how you treat people and the Mother Earth, is in effect a diploma in life and spirituality.
You are constantly learning.
Bright Blessings
Kybalion xx
RE: Any Wiccans?
The way you live your life and how you treat people and the Mother Earth, is in effect a diploma in life and spirituality.
You are constantly learning.
Exactly - witchcraft is the craft of the wise. You don't get wise by getting a diploma from a 'witch school' - sounds very Harry Potterish to me.
I think a lot of people are cashing in on the popularity of modern witchcraft these days.
Sulis xx
RE: Any Wiccans?
I'm another who prefers not to limit myself with labels. I endorse the quote in your post - Kybalion's words.
One thing I do find fascinating is that a number of leading lights and authors on the Pagan scene are also Jungian psychotherapists. Vivianne Crowley is one, her book Principals of Paganism is well worth a read for either a basic grounding or a refresher. She has written a number of others. I have not read them all, but for my money they are worth a great deal more than the current plethora of "How to cast a spell to bring your lover back" type of books. Tut, tut to that anyway 😉
RE: Any Wiccans?
Sometimes i feel mean, when i answer a post, and i can tell by the general content that it is a teenager ( sorry to the sensible ones )
All they want is a quick fix answer, a spell as you say for a boy/girl friend, or to keep a person with them, or get them the best exam results ( one i had recently )
To me spell work is not for this, they never want to look for the root of a problem, or find ways of boosting their confidence etc.
It is Harry Potterish, and it makes me angry sometimes.
Being a Pagan or Wiccan Druid whatever, is not all about spells, and what you can achieve with them. I have had people say to me, if you are doing a ritual you must be casting a spell, please, give us a break.
I do rituals to thank the natural world for all it provides for us, to say thank you to my favourite tree, who i spend time talking to.
I try always to be polite, but it is hard sometimes.
Bright Blessings
RE: Any Wiccans?
Thanks for your replies everyone.
RE: Any Wiccans?
Hello Whispers!
I am not a Wiccan by trade or label so to speak, but have actively studied it and go to many gatherings and meetings local to me with Wiccan friends. I am a Natural witch, I'd say - being that I grew up in the native American tradition of medicine and magic by teaching of my fathers family.
I believe that we are all magical and by linking with all holistic and openminded people of many beliefs the magic may be different by label, but the same basic vein when you get to the spirit of it! I hear many of the teachings I know when my Wiccan friends speak. How encourageing!
I am excited you are in the forum and look forward to your posts!
xxMalissia - Vida! abundance of Life!
RE: Any Wiccans?
Hi Malissia,
Thank you for your kind words, it is always nice to hear from people that are or have studied Wicca. I am having fun studying it and hope many more will share their experiences. I have found Wicca to be a little bit controversal as some wiccans do not believe in different types of wicca. I am however going to go ahead with it my way, whether I follow it as a religion or as something I incorperate into my life.
Thanks again 😀
RE: Any Wiccans?
I am glad you are going ahead with what you believe and feel. It is always best that way, as many beliefs are controversal - one thing is for sure! there is always someone who doesn't agree and always someone out there who does!!
I enjoy reading the cultures and religion books and philosophies, but it doesn't mean I always agree - it just means I can add it to the big soup cauldron that is "me" and mold and create the beautiful person I am with all my beliefs and teachings!
The great spirit, Earth Mother, God, Goddess...sometimes people get offened with the names, but remember - Vida, vita both mean Life!
Good luck on your path and I hope you'll be going to some gatherings too, as you will meet many people to discuss with - are you a Children of Artemis member? they have a great forum! they have several links to forums and sites all about wiccan!
RE: Any Wiccans?
Hi Vida,
I have that link, but have not had a good look yet. I'll take a look now, I'm always looking for great Wiccan/Witchcraft sites. 😀
Thanks again. 😉
RE: Any Wiccans?
Reply to all:
It was partly this thread, and the interest shown here, which prompted me to start A Pagan Forum??? in the Spiritual, Psychic and Paranormal forum.
The other part of it was an awareness that this religion is not as yet catered for in its own right, this is the case across the board it seems, eg diaries listing religious festivals and notable dates, mine gives only Halloween, but Jewish, Hindu, Christian, Islamic, even Sikh and Bahai are all there.
As I have said on the Spiritual forum, I don't have a particularly vested interest in this, just feel there's something of an omission in HPs religions forum.
RE: Any Wiccans?
Hi Holistic
I put in a suggestion here for one generic forum on *Religion*.
Break-away sects, paganism, wiccan, along with various mythologies and philosophies etc can then be a considered topics for discussion within one forum without recourse to the dogma of the main religions (which can be addressed separately on the sub forums)
What do you think?
astra x
RE: Any Wiccans?
Hi astra
I just posted a reply to Principled over on the Pagans Forum??? thread in Spiritual ... Have a look?
It seems that there's been a general religious forum all along, I mean since the shake-up, but it was a case of "now you see it, now you don't" and then it was so well hidden no one knew it was there.
I also noticed, from the link you gave above, your suggestion for having the Spiritual and Religious forums (whatever format the latter take) geographically closer together, and I think that is a very good idea.
Many people have expressed many and varied viewpoints, and you can't please all of the people all of the time ...
I would suggest as a compromise: A broad heading "Religion" underneath the Spiritual forum. Have a place for general airing and sharing of views, and then the 5 boxes underneath that, for those who want them. And see how it goes.
RE: Any Wiccans?
Hi Hol
>>It seems that there's been a general religious forum all along, I mean since the shake-up, but it was a case of "now you see it, now you don't" and then it was so well hidden no one knew it was there.
Well it's definitely a case of now you don't....just checked
>>I would suggest as a compromise: A broad heading "Religion" underneath the Spiritual forum. Have a place for general airing and sharing of views, and then the 5 boxes underneath that, for those who want them. And see how it goes.
Yep, that was my suggestion: one forum on *religion* for general religious themes, comments and ideas that are not necessarily tied into the dogma of any of the religious splinter groups. So the various sects, pagans, along with mythologies and philosophies can then be a considered topics for discussion within one forum.
The sub forums for the main religions can then be used for topics on a specific religious group/sect.
Anyway it's up to Mike, just grateful that we have somewhere to go:)
RE: Any Wiccans?
Hi Astra
It looks like events have overtaken us while I was busy weeding the garden. If you go and take another look [8D], you'll see there's now a Pagan Forum - and I pipped 'em to the post, he he he, so who's going to be first in the Wiccan Forum then???
Please stack broomsticks neatly at the entrance. :D:D:D
AND there's also Inter-Faith, so it seems everyone's prayers have been heard.
I'm sure all are grateful to Mike for listening.
BTW, Astra, I love the abreviation of my name to Hol. I had a couple of minutes of fun in my mind, wondering what else it could be short for and if I should consider a change:
Holly - nah, I'm not that prickly.
Holiday - life's one long one.
Holiness - now that really appeals! Maybe better not, might be accused of delusions of grandeur. I'll stick with ...
RE: Any Wiccans?
btw..just a bit lazy in typing your whole name;)
RE: Any Wiccans?
Hi Ast
Of course, it needs to have the "t" there, doesn't it, your abbreviation. I tried saying it to myself without when posting earlier, and really the pronunciation didn't sound at all polite :D:D
I was just reading your earlier thread on astrology/psychology when I heard the "ping" to tell me there's a post, so now I'm going back to the Astrodienst site again.
Later ...
Hol 😉