Any good books on wicca rituals, festivals etc. and can any one tell if their is any other name for the moon goddess, the sun god, and mother earth or is that their only name. also the waxing moon looks like.
Hope some one can help.
Hiya Natured Fox, if you look at the sticky just above the thread starter, there is an abundance of books listed. These books will include the many names of God/ goddess/ Gaia......which run into thousands of deities and traditions.
Today....In many African republics, the Goddess Mawu is celebrated....she is a Goddess of the Moon and is considered to be cool and gentle.....She is a also a Goddess of some areas of Africa she is combined with Lisa ( Sun ), and creates a dynamic union of protection over the land.
Many of the ceremonies at this time of year are fertility ceremonies, designed to honour and protect the people and crops, so that there will be enough food for the coming year.......
Tomorrow (28 April ), in ancient Rome......the people celebrated ' Floralia ', and dedicated their first temple to the Goddess 'Flora ',....Goddess of flowers.
You could try making a Flower Wreath, to wear at Beltane (Beltain)....
Thanks oakapple, you said for me to look at "sticky just above the thread starter" sorry I should have said I only started on this site ysterday, I am still trying to find my way around this site. could you tell me what is a "sticky" and a "thread starter" and if you can could you also tell me how to pm some one?
Hi Natured Fox,
If you go to the main [url]Wicca forum[/url] page, at the top of the forum you will see threads that have been made "Sticky" (as indicated by the word "Sticky:" before them). This means that that thread will always remain at the top of the forum, whilst other threads of discussion will drop down the forum as they become inactive. This allows important information, resources, specific forum rules etc. to be clearly kept in one place for all. 😉
Love and Reiki Hugs
MM Natured Fox. 🙂
Have you read any of Kate West's books? Always a good place to start. Joining a good witchcraft/pagan forum will help as well. You could try here...
Also, with regards to pm's, you have to be a member for a little while before you can pm.
Hope this helps.
Love and light.
Thanks energylz I have found the sticky you meant
I meant to have asked you when I was viewing some ones post, I have been trying to get some ingredients for numerous spells, like the ones you referred to in some ones post for protection such as; patchouli oil, frankincense oil (on its own with out myrrh), etc. but none of the new age shops and shops alike sell them and as for; sandalwood powder, powdered myrrh, I never knew you can get them in powder form cinquefoil leaves? I don't seem to be able bay leafs any where. is there a substitute that can be used? I can't even get sage (unless its ready chopped up) or Pin oil/incense sweetgrass, mugwort, copal etc. any ideas how I could get around these problem and use alternative ingredient's?
Also the American Indians used to use what they called a medicine bag for protection, how do I go round making my own?
Hope you can help with thanks
Hiya,there is a great book as an introduction to Wicca,which has a few rituals in it called "The Real Witches Handbook".I cant for the life of me remember the name of the Author,but i know its available in most book shops.I recommend it any way..XXXX
The Real Witches Handbook is by Kate West 🙂 I recommend that aswell as that was the first book I read on witchcraft 🙂
A waxing moon, means when the moon is going from new to full, and a waning moon is when it goes from full to new 🙂
I meant to have asked you when I was viewing some ones post, I have been trying to get some ingredients for numerous spells, like the ones you referred to in some ones post for protection such as; patchouli oil, frankincense oil (on its own with out myrrh), etc. but none of the new age shops and shops alike sell them and as for; sandalwood powder, powdered myrrh, I never knew you can get them in powder form cinquefoil leaves? I don't seem to be able bay leafs any where. is there a substitute that can be used? I can't even get sage (unless its ready chopped up) or Pin oil/incense sweetgrass, mugwort, copal etc. any ideas how I could get around these problem and use alternative ingredient's?
Also the American Indians used to use what they called a medicine bag for protection, how do I go round making my own?
Hope you can help with thanks
If you contact a shop in Edinburgh called Fool, they stock herbs and oils, many of which are grown on their own land. Their daughter is a herbalist and packages them under her brand name of Akasha Products.
Alternatively, look up Druids Keep online (I think it's who stock products from both of these suppliers.
Bay leaves are really easy to buy, they are stocked in all major UK supermarkets in dried form and often fresh as well (and cost next to nothing).
Sage is a pain in the backside to get hold of in the UK in a decent quantity/quality/not already made into a smudge bundle/stick. However, Fool should be able to get some for you, alternatively, you can ship bagged white sage direct from the US from a company called Azure Green.
I might sound a bit harsh here but I mean this as a tip rather than as a criticism.......... magic is as much about the effort you put in as it is about the intent. All those items can be traced very easily (except the sage) with a bit of effort!
Edit: Also Wyrd shop in Edinburgh have some of these items - I think it's Some of them are also available from Neal's Yard. The list of places goes on and on, I have probably forgotten more suppliers than I can remember!
Alternatively, grow your own! That's what I had to do when I started out as a pagan as none of these shops existed back then. There is a fantastic herb nursery on Angelsey and most large garden centres also stock herbs. If you want to read up on plant lore and work out the alternatives to use then read Paul Beyerl's books or better still, invest in this two volume book: