I write a regular column on another website where a lot of it is relevant to here, so I'd thought I'd share soem of them with you.
I am going to talk about the witch’s graces. These are the rules I choose to live by, and the majority of witches will probably agree though some may vary.
The first thing I choose to have in my life is LOVE. This includes the love I have for my family, friends and partner as well as my idea of the God and Goddess. Think about how you can get this into your life, just telling someone you love them everyday is so special. Especially as the future is just so uncertain, you need to tell people your feelings.
Next on my list of graces is FORGIVENESS. A wiccan witch does not hold grudges against people. I would never do anything to harm another person even if they had hurt me. Instead a wiccan may do a banishing spell to take this person out of their life so they can both move on. Remember to forgive yourself too, so stop telling yourself how fat and ugly you are and focus on the inner beauty within yourself. Live for today, not for yesterday.
WISDOM and GRATITUDE are also important. Remember to give thanks for anything good that comes your way, even in a bad situation you have learned a lesson you need to know. I try to take some time each day to thank the lord and lady for blessing me with another day of life.
JOY and HUMOUR are just as important as any of the more serious graces. See things in a positive light and life will slowly seem to be so much better. Laughter is the best medicine and even the Lord and lady will play tricks on us when they think we are taking life too seriously!
GROWTH, INTEGRITY and COMPASSION are part of my beliefs too. I have been practising Wicca for five years, but I still have a lot to learn, so I never stop reading and growing. This goes for other things in my life. I try to be honest whenever I can. COMPASSION is the one I have most trouble with, but I feel I am starting to work towards it by becoming a vegetarian(6 months now) and I am donating items we no longer need to charity shops etc.
Lastly I’d like to speak about HOPE and CREATIVITY. I don’t think I could live without HOPE. No matter how hard things can get, there is always HOPE. CREATIVITY I feel is important because we have been given these hands so we may as well use them to create something beautiful whether its a poem, a painting or even a meal.
Well that’s all for now, May the God and Goddess shine on you.
Blessed Be
Moonlight Phoenix