Why are messages re...
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Why are messages received from spirit such a mystery to us?

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Recently I received a short message from spirit,a male voice giving me words that I cannot interpret having any meaning to me.
When we are given messages from spirit,why are those messages so mysterious seemingly without meaning?
It is like trying to do a gigantic jig saw puzzle,with several pieces missing.


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Recently I received a short message from spirit,a male voice giving me words that I cannot interpret having any meaning to me.
When we are given messages from spirit,why are those messages so mysterious seemingly without meaning?
It is like trying to do a gigantic jig saw puzzle,with several pieces missing.


Because mind is a linear mechanism, very set and confined by past experiences. It can only interpret what it has a reference to.
When you receive a message unless mind has a reference point from where it can interepret it, it finds it impossible to interpret and decipher.
Spirit moves beyond mind and time which are both a mystery to mind. Hence the mystery.

But usually as time passes things come into awareness and in the realm of our understanding. Then in the hind sight one can say, ''I knew that''
Which is that I 'knew' it but now all the pieces have come together in mind so I fully understand that message now.
Mind is that 'couple of miles' so to speak behind the consciousness. It can't help that.

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Thanks so much,jnani.

That makes a lot of sense,I have received crytic messages like this before but usually able to 'unravel' them.

But this particular message was strange in itself,

When a message is received like this one,how would you interpret it?

''He has been certified by the law'.

Certified for what?

Madness,certified lawyer?:confused:

I could go and on.


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Thanks so much,jnani.

That makes a lot of sense,I have received crytic messages like this before but usually able to 'unravel' them.

But this particular message was strange in itself,

When a message is received like this one,how would you interpret it?

''He has been certified by the law'.

Certified for what?

Madness,certified lawyer?:confused:

Don't be in such a rush to have it interpreted. ''Slowly slowly catch a monkey''. Ask who is in such a rush to come to conclusions. mind - same mechanism which can't conclude it because it is beyond it. Its doing its nut to crack it, own it and put in the box called ''Understood'' But you just relax, get out of the way before long it will be known.
There is only one way. Get out of the Way!

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You see I have a feeling I know who this message is for.

But the content is rather embarrassing to give out.

So I really need more information before I give it.

I will take your good advice and 'stowe' it away for the time being.

My very best to you,jnani.

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This used to happen to me before I learned discernment (spell?) I am not for a minute suggesting you have none btw, but I did not have any control over who came in and out so some things I often got were rubbish which all the strowing away till later and trying to decipher did not solve and I am now learning that no matter how much we learn there will always be the odd spirit nipping in now and then to play a trick or talk utter tripe, either that or you are hearing a conversation which bewteen two spirits but for some reason you can only hear one of them.



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I've had that as well,Rebecca,two voices having a conversation between themselves.
It usually happens when I am on the edge of sleep.

This message came when I was reading.
But I have a strange feeling I am going to have another message,hopefully to sort out the first.

Thanks for your help.
Much appreciated.

SHO (Joan)

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You are welcome Joan hope you get it sorted it would be interesting to know what it was all about when you do (if appropriate that is.)


Rebecca xx

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You are welcome Joan hope you get it sorted it would be interesting to know what it was all about when you do (if appropriate that is.)


Rebecca xx

I will,indeed,Rebecca.

Joan xx
