National SNU Memorial - Dedication ceremony, 2.30pm, 10 July 2010.
On 10th July, the President of the SNU and his officers will be attending the National Arboretum in Alrewas, West Midlands to dedicate the memorial.
Since our 2009 Annual General Meeting, the Spiritualist National Union has been raising money for a major memorial; “In memory of Spiritualists who have served, and continue to serve, in the British and Commonwealth Armed forces.”
It is hoped that as many Spiritualists as possible will attend the ceremony and visit this wonderful site. The National Memorial Arboretum is situated just south of Burton upon Trent, by the side of the A38, near the village of Alrewas; see The site covers some 150 acres and has permanent memorials to branches of the Armed Forces and other organisations.
What a lovely venue. I hope some of you made it.