Evidence given dire...
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Evidence given directly after Passing!

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Why is it that after losing someone to death (spirit) we receive more evidence that they are close to us?
By that,I mean hearing,feeling,sensing and 'knowing' they are near.
As time passes by,this feeling recedes bit by bit until we no longer feel their presence around us. We wonder why that happens?
Why only straight after physical death do we feel the presence so strongly.
Why does the feeling of 'nearness' drift away from us?

Is it because they have moved a litle nearer to the light?
Is it because they are told by the spirit world that to progess,they must leave the earthly atmosphere and move on?

Anymore ideas why this happens?


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Sue CarberryF
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Hi Silverhoodedowl,

My mother passed in 1994 and father in 2001 (on the same day) and I still feel their presence close to me and my name called. Both my parents presences are felt at various times and not just in my darkest times. I feel and felt them close always since their passing. They're not stuck as I don't need them close and I don't call on them, they just pop in every now and then. One of my best mates is a medium and mum chooses to keep an eye on me along with my dad (although more at a distance). I haven't bound them to me by my grief it's of their choosing.

Sounds cool to me. Cheers mum and dad.

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My husband passed in 2006,I heard his voice two weeks before his funeral,clear and near to me.

I had a lot of experiences of him being near to me and such a lot of evidence that he was very close.
Plus physical evidence (items moved).
Now that has stopped to a certain degree but I do feel him close to me at times but not as much as I used to.

I read, that in time,they do move on to another higher plane in spirit to evolve more in the spirit world.
I miss him.:)

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Darling Silver, of course you miss your husband. My condolences to you. Know that he is with you, even in your happiest and darkest times, even when it doesn't feel as if he is.

Evidence of a spirit presence can occur before death, as well as after. My mum died in Decmeber 2011, just before Xmas. She was bedridden and required carers to help her, as well as my brother and I. One evening in late November, I was at the front door letting them out. I felt a very strong 'presence' behind me, the feeling one gets when another is breathing over one's shoulder. I knew it wasn't my brother, as he was making tea in the kitchen. I turned around and there was nobody there. A week before she died, it was late evening, about 10.30pm. My brother and I were the only ones in the living room (mum was in the bedroom) when I looked up into the dark hallway. A figure in a swishing black cloak 'turned' around, looked at me with a white, grinning face (not menacing, though) and disappeared. Mum died the following Friday. She had Alzheimer's Disease (not simply a 'forgetting' illness, but a devastating, horrible illness.) and was 'out of it' for most of the time.

After her funeral, when I had to return to work, I had so much good fortune. I applied for a job by sending my CV to various companies. The first interview I went to, I was offered the job, and I love it. I received so many interview offers, I can't tell you how many. I think my mum helped with it, I am quite certain. The otehr thing that happened, post-funeral, was that I ws sorting out financial things (as one does following a death) when I looked up and I saw mum standing in the hallway of my home. I knew she was okay.

My dad died 11 years ago, and he is still with me, as mum is. Your dear husband will always be with you, even if you don't realise it. They are always with us.


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Lovely post,Songstress.
I'm pleased you brought some of my old posts up.
Change of scenery is always good.

Well,as more time goes,I still feel like hubby is around,more than usual these days.
Been through a bad patch over the last two years,lost a grandson aged 35 years.

Talking about 'passing to spirit' I arrived at the hospital shortly after grandson died.
Doctor wanted to talk to his mum so I sat with Young Ken as he was often called,after hubby.
The room was very quiet and I sat holding his hand.
The window was open in the side ward,warm day outside.
Coolness crept in and I shivered,shut the window slightly.
I had a strong feeling there was someone else at the other side of the bed.
So strong.
I felt as if could reach out and touch them,so near.
The feeling passed.

The end of this story is recently,I dreamed an old dream of mine.
I often dream of visiting what I call the Meeting room.
Many times I have visited this room in dreams.
Standing at a table,I felt a tap on my shoulder,turned aroung and there was Young Ken.
His mouth stretched in a wide grin.....:)
That was the first time I had seen in 'life' since his passing.

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Darling Silver, that was your grandson, believe that it was. Our loved ones are never far from us.

I am glad that your reconnection with Ken strengthened your knowedge of the so-called 'afterlife.'

Keep me posted!


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I'm sorry I haven't answered some of these posts before now but I don't always receive email notifications so have no idea they are here.

One suddenly arrived out of the blue!
So here I am.
it's so nice to be back too.

You asked me to keep you posted so I will.

A short while ago I had another experience taking place in the same place that I saw my grandson.
Always Ken is with me,I wonder sometimes if he is now a sort of 'gatekeeper'. I am not allowed to enter this room unless he is with me.

This time a lady spoke to him and I sensed she was telling him someone was arriving who he knew from past times.
Don't ask me how I knew but I did.
A soldier in Australian army uniform came into the room.
He was tired and dirty still wearing his slouch hat.
He looked to be about in his 20's to 30's.
Ken went over to greet him.
When I 'woke' up from this dream,I instantly knew who he was.
Ken was in touch with this army mate who had passed over several weeks previously.
He passed over in his seventies.
So why did he look so young in my dream?

Answer. He was showing himself at the age Ken had known him in old times in Korea.
That was the only age Ken would have recognised him.:)
