flying in broomsticks, making things fly around, the cone hat..
It's been like that for ever but does anyone know how it started?
Obviously, once hollywood creates something everyone follows it but i dont see the logic behind the simbols at all :confused:. My just beggining my journey in the path of paganism so I still dont know a lot of things...:)
Can't exactley remember which/witch book I read it in, may be Marian Green or Vivianne Crowley - but it made reference to old pictures of Welsh Witches in traditional Welsh dress of the time with the tall dark hats. And that prehaps that is the image that has stuck with us since then???
Well the caricature of witches to which you refer is based on the premise that witches can use even the most commonplace objects to create magick. So instead of associating these things with everyday life for peasants in the middle ages, we now associate them with a stereotypical "witch" who is always an old ugly woman somehow. It's all part of the anti-wiccan thing of making it all look unattractive so we're not tempted to try it.
As for the pointy hat, I had a discussion with hubby over the hols in which I questioned why pointy hats were invented, and his reply was that they were the easiest way to make a hat using the least material. Not being mathematical I have to admit it's one answer....
My understanding is that it was the victorians.