I am constantly in a state of 'discovery' just the way I am and although labelling is frowned upon in certain instances i would like to have at least one!!:eek::confused: ( i think)
I did the beliefomatic and i came out..100 per cent neo pagan and this was an eye openener, as ive never heard of it..i knew there was a pagan website on here so i thought i would ask those in the know:027:, this internal searching for a niche is an ongoing process for me and i actually quite envy those that are comfortable with their choices 😀
any info anybody on neo pagan...
1. (40%) 21. [url]Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist)[/url] (38%) 22. [url]Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)[/url] (32%) 23. [url]Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant[/url] (30%) 24. [url]Eastern Orthodox[/url] (29%) 25. [url]Roman Catholic[/url] (29%) 26. [url]Seventh Day Adventist[/url] (18%) 27. [url]Jehovah's Witness[/url] (3%)
Source: [url][/url]<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href=" http://www.beliefnet.com/Entertainme...iefOMatic.aspx "> http://www.beliefnet.com/Entertainme...iefOMatic.aspx
Hello Polly Valente
If quoting from a website on the internet, could you post a link to your source, please? This will keep you on the right side of copyright, and the forum guidelines on same.
There are thousands of results from a Google search on beliefomatic, so of course we don't know which one you've copied from.
Many thanks 🙂
On behalf of the Moderating Team
link as above.
originally on a thread of venetians, i was a liberal christian then :p, not sure whats changed!!
link as above.
originally on a thread of venetians, i was a liberal christian then :p, not sure whats changed!!
Many thanks 🙂 I've added it to your post above.
I think that what the Christians called "pagans" (anyone that didn't agree with their dogma - ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Shaman, mother earth, Goddess, etc) were good, civilized people, in much greater harmony with nature then Christians. Presumably Neo-pagan refers to the re-birth - which I think is a good thing.
I tried that questionnaire - and it thinks I'm a 100% Christian-scientist!!! Funny, as I'm neither Christian, nor do I give any credence to science!
(1. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (100%)
2. New Thought (98%)
3. Scientology (93%)
4. New Age (89%)
5. Unitarian Universalism (88%)
6. Neo-Pagan (83%)
7. Mahayana Buddhism (80%)
8. Liberal Quakers (73%)
9. Hinduism (72%)
10. Orthodox Judaism (71%)
11. Reform Judaism (71%)
12. Baha'i Faith (68%)
13. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (68%)
14. Orthodox Quaker (68%)
15. Theravada Buddhism (67%)
16. Islam (61%)
17. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (61%)
18. Sikhism (60%)
19. Taoism (59%)
20. Jainism (55%)
21. Secular Humanism (55%)
22. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (50%)
23. Eastern Orthodox (50%)
24. Roman Catholic (50%)
25. Nontheist (41%)
26. Jehovah's Witness (37%)
27. Seventh Day Adventist (34%) )
Hi Jamesk
to be honest im not quite sure what I am :confused:, a bit of this and a bit of that and maybe a few sprinklings of something else:).
I enjoy having tidbits of information about everything, (typical gemini:rolleyes:) but I will no doubt take a further look into neo pagan, as is my nature to do so:nature-smiley-008:
I'm no religious scholar, but pagan (or paganus, country dweller, I think!) was originally a term used by Roman Christians to describe the 'rustic' people who stuck with other religions. In the broadest sense it refers to anyone outside of the Christian/Jewish/Muslim religious tradition. From the Abrahamic point of view, that is--I don't know that Hindus for example would think of themselves as pagan. It's been used as a negative term and as a representation of something 'lost' or 'mystical'.
Neo-pagan is a big term that includes a lot of different religious groups, some a mix of old and new, some interested in recreating the 'old ways' in an accurate sense as possible. Wicca is probably the most well-known. Most are interested in pre-Christian religious practice although not all are Europe-centred. The natural cycles and reverence for the earth tend to be important themes. There are good links at the top of this and the Wicca forum that can start you looking, if you haven't already.
From my own point of view I don't know how useful a term 'neo-pagan' is, simply because it is so broad. I don't consider myself a pagan though I do follow a spiritual path that might be called such. But then I don't really consider myself a Christian either, even though I still follow my Catholic upbringing to a degree. I know that probably makes little sense, but there you go :rolleyes: