Hello all,
You all seem like a very friendly bunch and I was looking for some answers.
I have always been very spiritualist and open to the concept of following the pagan ways and have been looking at paganism for a few years, I've decided it's definatly my path to follow but honestly don't know where to start. I live near Portsmouth so any groups I can meet to talk to or any information on here would be greatly appreciated. Also my partner and I have decided to have a hand fasting ceremony after the required registry office affair and would like any help people can.offer as to how to go about it.
Thanks xxz
Hi Tiggermad and welcome to Healthypages,
I know there's a lot of people here who follow the pagan way of living, so I'm sure you'll get some good advice. 🙂
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Have a look at the Pagan federation website - . Loads of pagan links on there. You might find something for your area. 🙂