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Pagan/Witchcraft/Wicca without worshipping deities???

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I have always struggled do identify with religions because of worship to Gods and to some extent Goddesses. I just find it hard to accept that there is someone sitting up there controlling everything we say and do. I have always been interested in wicca/witchcraft but again there is worship to the god and goddess. I have looked into spiritualism because that seemed close but after spending time at spiritualist churches I felt just the same as in any other church (a fraud). My beliefs are that we are all spirit and all interconnected and while there are different tiers so to speak I just cannot bring myself to worship them, it just feels wrong. After being a member of this forumn for a little while now I am finding more and more that I need to give myself a label of some kind for me as much as anyone else. And I am leaning very much toward Paganism and especially Wicca/witchcraft. I keep being guided towards nature and the moon, I love all aspects of nature (even those which I'm terrified of like spiders). I love all weather and feel deeply emotionally connected to it especially rain and storms.

I feel I need some guidance on how to proceed and please don't direct me to the sticky threads because I have read and re-read the weblinks suggested. Although I haven't read all the books recommended I have read some by suggested authors as well as many others and I am read out. Please could someone recommend something that is a little less Deity related or at least in the worshipping sense. I know a lot of this has been mentioned before I have also spent a lot of time reading past threads and still feel baffled. I know it takes time but I have been trying to find these answers for years now. If you can't reccomend any books please could you suggest some exercises to find the answers elsewhere or maybe recommend another path that fits better.

Thankyou for reading my rather long post and thankyou in advance for your replies.

P.S. Also not strictly connected but what does 'amp' mean I keep seeing it and it's been driving me crazy.

Much Love & Light

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I can't really help as I am one who does worship - and loves to worship - the Divine Mother above all else. But that's just my inclination; it's fine if your path takes you in a different direction. there's no 'having to' at all. However I was caught by one thing you said:

I just find it hard to accept that there is someone sitting up there controlling everything we say and do

and I want to say that I don't believe the deity (call him/her by whatever name you please) actually controls us in any way at all.

BTW if you want a name, how about 'pantheist' which means seeing God in everything?


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Hi Serenity79.

I cannot really say I follow any particular path, or that I can be given a label.....I am neither Christian, Buddhist, Wiccan, Spiritualist Pagan, and cannot really be called a Shaman, A Medicine Woman or Healer, the list is endless isn't it?? I understand how frustrating it can be because I suppose I am in a similar situation. But, having said that.......IMVHO, all are beautiful methods and passageways to connect with your own "Deity" your Higher Self.

Just for the record.....If I should offer a prayer or request to whoever is "upstairs", I refer to "The Great Spirit". I do not/cannot visualise a "Deity", because to me there is no image to visualise.."The Great Spirit",,,,is The All, and the Highest aspiration to which we are all reaching for.

I do tend to take a little bit from each though,,,a pinch of this, a peck of that, and dash of the other , it makes a wonderful appetising plateful and feeds my soul, and I am the baker of my own mix with Great Spirit as Head Chef.

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Are people afraid to say the word atheist, there are more and more people deserting the church these days than ever before, me being one of them.
I'm an atheist I don't believe in god.

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We have the earth who gives us life and the sun who gives us light and the power to fuel life.

To me the true pagan is the honour of nature and I would agree with you that all is interconnected. The earth is alive, all that we consume is alive and then it returns to the earth to be re-born. We are born and then in death return to the earth and become part of nature, and the circle of life continues.

Don't worry about no deity to worship, don't worry that there's system to follow. But listen to your heart and follow nature.


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As someone who rebels against organised religion but has a deep faith and spirituality, I also don't have a label, but I don't see why I need to have one either.

If pressed, I say I'm "pick and mix", I have looked across the religions and belief systems and taken those pieces that resonate with me (usually the parts that come from love) and discarded those pieces that jar with me (usually the parts that are fear-based or judgemental) and so come up with my own unique set of beliefs that are personal to me.

There are many roads to the same destination, we each must find the one that is right for us, sometimes it's a well-worn path already taken by others, sometimes it's a new path that we're the first to explore. May you find the path that is right for you.

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Thankyou for the replies they have been helpful, I suppose what I am most concerned about is that I feel like I would like to follow the path of a witch and for the most part it feels right but then the authors of the books and websites etc I have read all seem to be very focused on the God and the Goddess, the love story between them and the worship of them. Do you think it would be disrespectful to follow such a path but alter some of the celebrations & rituals to just pay tribute to nature and celebrate life etc without worshipping any of the many deities associated. And if so is there any literature more from this perspective to help.

Oh and please can someone point out where the handbook is for all the IMHO's and AMP's etc, it's so confusing :confused: LOL :027:

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I don't like the word 'worship' either and would never worship any deity. Instead why don't you look at them as friends that help to guide you on your path.

All the relationships I have with Spirit are very much in this light. I respect them and work with them, ask them for help but I don't worship them. I also don't think they want our worship. Just my humble opinion!

Perhaps if you looked upon them as trusted friends that help to make your path smoother and can offer you guidance, advice and wisdom you will find working with them easier.

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Hi Serenity i am a witch to and feel a very strong connection to all life, i know of others who don't worship the Goddess or God, myself i think of them as guides and friends like has been said but not everyone does. don't punish yourself through worry over this, with love in your heart you can be whatever you wish. We are all part of the wonderful creation.

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Well I looked at Universal Unitarianism recently, and that seems to fit my philosophy better than anything: the idea that God is one, and all, and in all, and in whom we live, move and have our being. Apparently there are also atheists in that religion: these are people who believe in spirit but not God. It's quite interesting.

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Hi 🙂

Just joined and eventually noticed this interesting thread. Although I've always been mild Church of England I've never gone into religion(s) much. However about 3 or 4 years ago I did discover Pantheism which now suits me to a T as I love Mother Nature and the visible world of matter above all else.

Hope this helps a tad ?


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I am nature aware, guided by the phases of the and the seasons, the bare trees in winter and the new shoots of spring. I have never been one for Goddess worship (I have a rubbish memory for them anyway). Yes, I believe we are all interconnected and this is my ackknowlegment, what ever the faith, respect others in their chosen path.

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missed out a word in the above post, I forgot the owrd 'moon' as in quided by the phases of the moon. (silly me)

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Hi Rebecca,

Do you think it would be disrespectful to follow such a path but alter some of the celebrations & rituals to just pay tribute to nature and celebrate life etc without worshipping any of the many deities associated. And if so is there any literature more from this perspective to help.

Wicca, in my opinion, is a worship of nature, of walking this earth with love and respect. I do work with deities, especially the Egyptians, and find it works for me. I live and breathe wicca every day, all days. However, my path started out with being in tune with the world around me and honouring life.
All rituals are personal, if not, they would mean nothing to you. If you feel that you would like to sit outside and feel the power of the Moon and honour the tides of life, then that is a ritual. You need to find what works for you and what gives you meaning.
I would recommend you to read "The Natural Magician - Practical Techniques for empowerment" by Vivianne Crowley. Yes, she is a Wiccan priestess, but the book focues more on nature worship and "what it is really like to live as a contemporary magician".

Blessings on your journey

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Hi Rebecca,

I hope your searchings are taking you on a good and pleasant path. I just wanted to add something about the whole god and goddess thing. I am a practicing wiccan and have been for over 20 years now. For me the god and goddess are not individual personalities or beings, they are simply the masculine and feminine energies in all of nature - we just give them names and forms in order to make it easier to relate to them and to have something to focus on when working with these energies.

As for worshiping them, I prefer to use the terms "honouring" and "respecting" them rather than actually bowing down and worshiping them. In order for us to be able to work with the powers and energies of nature we have to appreciate them and show respect to them. There is absolutely no need to "worship", it is enough to be aware of the energies.

Personalising and deifying the natural forces is for our benefit and not for theirs.

Enjoy your path and your journey along it.

Bright Blessings


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My path has meandered considerably since my last posting here. Unfortunately it has taken me away from the spiritual side of life somewhat and in turn away from HP.

I have regained my interest in reading of late and this has re-awakened my need to follow the Wiccan path.

I decided to re-read this thread and to my surprise found some posts which I had not read. My heartfelt thanks to all that have replied. All the reading I have done of late has given me as many new questions as answers, now after reading these posts both old and new I feel I finally know my path, or at least my next step. So Thank you again, I'm sure my journey will keep me closer to HP from now on.

Bright Blessings to all! 🙂

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I have always struggled do identify with religions because of worship to Gods and to some extent Goddesses. I just find it hard to accept that there is someone sitting up there controlling everything we say and do. I have always been interested in wicca/witchcraft but again there is worship to the god and goddess. I have looked into spiritualism because that seemed close but after spending time at spiritualist churches I felt just the same as in any other church (a fraud). My beliefs are that we are all spirit and all interconnected and while there are different tiers so to speak I just cannot bring myself to worship them, it just feels wrong. After being a member of this forumn for a little while now I am finding more and more that I need to give myself a label of some kind for me as much as anyone else. And I am leaning very much toward Paganism and especially Wicca/witchcraft. I keep being guided towards nature and the moon, I love all aspects of nature (even those which I'm terrified of like spiders). I love all weather and feel deeply emotionally connected to it especially rain and storms.

I feel I need some guidance on how to proceed and please don't direct me to the sticky threads because I have read and re-read the weblinks suggested. Although I haven't read all the books recommended I have read some by suggested authors as well as many others and I am read out. Please could someone recommend something that is a little less Deity related or at least in the worshipping sense. I know a lot of this has been mentioned before I have also spent a lot of time reading past threads and still feel baffled. I know it takes time but I have been trying to find these answers for years now. If you can't reccomend any books please could you suggest some exercises to find the answers elsewhere or maybe recommend another path that fits better.

Thankyou for reading my rather long post and thankyou in advance for your replies.

P.S. Also not strictly connected but what does 'amp' mean I keep seeing it and it's been driving me crazy.

Much Love & Light
