Pagan Festivals
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Pagan Festivals

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Pagan Festivals

Sheela - Na - Gig 18th March.

This Goddess of fertility , known as Sheela - Na - Gig , was annually honoured on this date in ancient times . Many carvings of this Goddess have been found on medieval churches , priories , convents , and castles .Usually depicted as a squatting female fiqure , displaying exaggerated genitals and yawning vulva . She represents the " Great Mother " in her most ambiguous form. The Sheela - Na - Gig is associated with the generative principle of Nature . Her Image reproduced in amulet form is worn for protection - possibly from harm or from safe sex......

.A few miles from where I live here in Hampshire . We have our own Sheela - Na - Gig carving.It can be found at " Romsey Abbey ", local school children call her " Nun on the potty " because she appears to be going to the loo..........

Bright Blessings


EDIT: Title edited at oakapple's request 🙂

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RE: Pagan Festivals 19th March

Quintaria 19th March

In ancient Greece the day prior to the Spring Equinox was dedicated to the goddess Athena.In the Roman calendar this was the fifth day after the Ides of March - starting the five day festival for the God Mars and the main festival of the Goddess Minerva. The first day was her birthday the following four days were devoted to circus games.

Minerva was the Goddess of crafts and trade guilds. Her origins were from the Etruscan Goddess " Menrva " and identified with the Greek Goddess Athena.Minerva had temples on Aventine Hill and in the Forum of Nerva. Her festivals were held on...... March 19th....June 19th.....September 13th.Being the Goddess of wisdom ......I thought she would fit in nicely on this forum.



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RE: Pagan Festivals 21st March (Eostre)

The Vernal Equinox (Eostre)
The first day of spring

The vernal, or youthful, equinox falls on 21st March, the first day of Aries and spring. At this time the sun has reached the equator, meaning that the hours of day and night are equal across the world. Known as Eostre, which is in honour of the Anglo Saxon goddess of spring. Eostre was invoked on this day, and it is from her name that the word 'Easter' comes from. 'East' - the direction of the first light and warmth of the dawning sun - is also derived from the name of the Goddess of Spring. Many witches choose to place their altars facing east in honour of Eostre.

The christian church transformed this festival into a time to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. During church services, the priest turns to face the east as an expression of belief in Christ as the harbinger of light itself. Church altars are placed in the east to signify the birth and resurrection of Christ, and Christians tend to be buried with their feet pointing eastward in the hope that their souls wil be resurrected. The date for Easter Sunday is guided by the moon. It falls on the first Sunday after the Paschal moon - the full moon that occurs either on the equinox or on any of the following 28 days.

All of nature is now coming alive. The sun is gaining strength and the days are longer and warmer. It is the time to throw off the restraints of winter and reach out for what we want, make plans, journey forth, take risks. The earth's energies are now blended. Celebrate the dance of life, of Gaia - interdependent complimentary parts of one energy system, which we can embrace on our journey to become whole.

How sleep the brave, who come to rest
By all their countries wishes blessed!
When Spring with dewy fingers cold,
Return to deck their hallowed mould,
She there shall dress a sweeter sod
That fancy feet have ever trod.

By fairy hands their knell is rung,
By forms unseen their dirge is sung;
There honour comes, a pilgrim grey,

To bless the turf that wraps their clay

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RE: Pagan Festivals 23th March

Festival of Marzenna 23th March

In the Polish countryside, people prepare to send Winter packing with the festival of Marzenna. They weave straw dolls, each three or four feet tall, they dress them in rags and and decorate them with ribbons. These dolls represent the waning season. On the first mild day, the villagers announce that spring has arrived and, then they sing and dance their way to the nearest river or lake where they are tossed into the water.



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RE: Pagan Festivals 24th March

Day of Heimdall 24th March

Today celebrates the horn blowing God who guards the Rainbow Bridge to Valhalla,who is " Rig ". He was the progenitor of each of the different classes of the traditional society. He was the God of orderliness and has been equated with the archangel Gabriel - Lord of the Moon, and every thing that grows upon the Earth.

Prayer for the Angel Gabriel to grant a wish

In honour of Gabriel, light a violet votive candle and ask for something you need by saying;......................
In the name of the Great Creator of all that is, I call
upon Gabriel, guardian of the Moon,and all that
grows upon the Eart to grant me - ( state wish ) - this
special favor that I shall realize - ( repeat wish ) -for
the good of myself and to harm none.



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RE: Pagan Festivals 25th March

Festival of Hilaria 25th March

Hilaria, is the ancient Roman festival and day of merriment and rejoicing, in honour of Cybele and Attis. There were many days leading up to this festival of Cybele that honoured Attis, her son and lover;.......March 15th...........His finding by Cybele among the reeds on the banks of the river Gallus;......March 22nd, his self mutilation;........March 24th.

This was a day of rejoicing the resurrection from Winter to Spring, from darkness to light. The festivities culminated with a ceremony of washing that was believed to promote fertility



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RE: Pagan Festivals 26th March

Festival of Liber Pater 26th and 27th March

The God of wine and pleasure and mystic ecstasy, also known as Bacchus or Dionysus.

The cult of Bacchus was a mystery cult and many elements were only disclosed to initiates, so little is known about the exact content of the cult and rituals. we know his festivals were a time of great feasting, dancing and drinking. It was believed that by partisipating in the festival, young men entering into manhood would be gifted with strong sons and bountiful harvest.

The Roman senate banned the cult in 186 BCE and many sanctuaries were destroyed but it still flourished into the 2nd and 3rd centuries CE

The wall paintings in the Villa of Mysteries in Pompeii depict images and rituals probably from the cult of Bacchus.



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RE: Pagan Festivals 27th March

Festival of Liber Pater 27th March

For the male population of Ancient Rome, this day......the Festival of Liberalia, in honour of of the vegitation God, Liber.....marked the transition from boyhood into manhood. Youths who had reached a suitable age ( usually 17 years ) cast aside their purple bordered togas and donned plain togas worn by men. Thus, they assumed the status of citizens.



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RE: Pagan Festivals 27th March

Thanks for these Oakapple. they make fascinating reading! We're only usually aware of the major festivals so its interesting to see how many more there are.

Pooks x

EDIT: Title

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RE: Pagan Festivals 27th March

Hi Pooky, Your more than welcome,...... Those Pagans sure love to celebrate back then!!!. Not sure that it's changed much now........We do like a good celebration.

Bright Blessings


EDIT: Title

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RE: Pagan Festivals28th March

Sacrifice at the Tombs Day 28th March

It is written in the cosmological text, " De Pascha Computus " written in 243 A.D., both the moon and the sun were created on Wenesday. March 28th. This is also the date of the nativity of Jesus of Nazareth, before it was changed by the Catholics in Rome, in 336 A.D. and then again in 377 A.D. by the Orthodox at Constantinople.

March 28th was the date of the Roman festival "Sacrifice at the Tombs Day ". When ancestors were remembered, and then honoured very similar to todays Catholic services in cemeteries on All Souls Day. .......This is also a time of divination. When the other-world is a little more accessible than usual.



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RE: Pagan Festivals 29th March

Festival of Inanna 29th March ( Mesopotamia )

This was the most significant rites of the New Year. The holy marriage between the King , Who represented the God Dumuzi, and the High-Priestess of the temple, who represented the Goddess Inanna, It was ordained that the King of Summer, no matter what his lineage, must become the husband of the life-giving Goddess of love.

The role of the High Priestess of Inanna was that of the dominant partner who makes love to the King. The ceremony was called the " Fixing of Destinies ", and determined the prosperity of the New Year. The entire ritual took place in a chapel on the summit of the Ziqqurat and was considered essential for the fertility of the land.

The Marriage Charm.

Tie two gold rings together with a white ribbon.Hold the tied rings in both hands as you chant the following over them;

With body and spirit
As these rings entwine
Unite our souls
Our essence combine.

Place the rings in your pocket or purse. Carry them with you whenever you are with the one you wish to wed............Happy Days



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RE: Pagan Festivals 29th March

In the Polish countryside, people prepare to send Winter packing with the festival of Marzenna. They weave straw dolls, each three or four feet tall, they dress them in rags and and decorate them with ribbons. These dolls represent the waning season. On the first mild day, the villagers announce that spring has arrived and, then they sing and dance their way to the nearest river or lake where they are tossed into the water.

wow, somebody here knows Polish traditions:) ! to update this, I will say that the Marzanna (the name comes from Marzec - March, as 21st March is the first day of Spring) tradition is still alive, and not only in the countryside:) I remember not so long ago , the teachers would take us children to a nearby river and we would make a Marzanna in class to throw her in. This was a 'spring outing' thing, we would learn lots about spring and traditions and how to spot the first signs of the Nature waking up after winter... and I live in the middle of the industrial zone 🙂



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RE: Pagan Festivals 30th March

Festival of Janus and Concordia 30th March

Janus was the Roman God of Doorways and of the Turn of the Year, along with Concordia the Goddess of Peace and Civic Harmony, were honored on this day. Even in the ancient world, March was a time of change - turning form darkness to light - a time of equality, peace and harmony. According to Norse traditions, this day begins the runic half-month Ehwaz (the horse month) a time of partnerships between humans and Nature, as represented in the relationship between rider and horse.



Everyday is special ......., thanks for reading:D

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RE: Pagan Festivals 31st March

Festival of Luna

Today the Roman Festival of Luna celebrates the Goddess of the full moon whose temple (on the Aventine Hill) was the main place of worship. The Goddess of the moon, Luna, represents growing awareness, the fulfilment of love and the mystery of enchantment, being both lover and mother to her suitors and identified with Diana and Selene.

Prosperity spell

Things needed: silver candle, teaspoon of ground allspice, almond oil

On the night of the waxing moon, inscribe the silver candle with the exact amount of money you need. Rub the candle with the almond oil as you chant the following:

As moon doth wax and grow,
So to me doth money flow.

Once youfeel the candle is thoroughly charged with your wish, roll it in the allspic and light. Allow the candle to burn for one hour and then extinguish. Repeat this spell each night, at the same time, until the moon is full. On the night of the full moon, allow the candle to burn out.



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RE: Pagan Festivals 31st March

Thanks Oakapple, I really do enjoy reading your festival posts

But can I just put my sensible head on as you never know who passes through & reads this thread & ask that if anyone intends to leave a candle to burn out please don't leave it unattended;)(guess who's a fire phobic[:o])


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RE: Pagan Festivals 31st March

Hi Amy,
Thanks for pointing that out,I'll be more safety conscious in future ......Glad you like my posts......only eleven months to go and the thread will be finished...

Much Love and Hugs [sm=hug.gif]

Les xx

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RE: Pagan Festivals 1st April

Feast of Fools 1st April

April Fools' Day,.....or Feast of Fools, Ruled by the Norse prangster God Loki . In the countryside of Scotland this is " hunt the gowk day " ( cuckoo - hence fool ) a time to send friends on silly errands for articals such as; pigeons milk, tartan paint, hens teeth and elbow grease

No-one is sure where the origins of this day lie, but it may have originated in France. It was the custom today to fool the evil spirits that were thought to be about at this time of year, so that they would not interfere with fertility, a necessity in ancient times.



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RE: Pagan Festivals 2nd - 3rd April

Rejoicing Day 2nd-3rd April

This is the time to rejoice in some regions of Germany, with the return of the Spring, and the warmer weather. The ancient custom of "carrying death away ", is still practiced with the burning of straw dolls depicting " Death " being carried through the streets and placed on a central the last of the dolls are consumed by the fire..." Winter " gives way to "Spring ".

The Sun was warm but the wind was chill,
You know how it is with an April day
When the Sun is out and the wind is still,
Your one month on in the middle of May.
But if you so much as dare to speak,
A cloud comes over a cloud lit arch,
A wind comes off a frozen peak,
And your two months back in the middle of March.

ROBERT FROST ( 1874 - 1963 )



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RE: Pagan Festivals

[&:]That was very interesting Oakapple. Please tell more.

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RE: Pagan Festivals

Thank you Ostara,....... OK, I will



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RE: Pagan Festivals 4th April

Megalesia Mater 4th April

Today marks the beginning of Ludi Megalenses, the first day of a weeklong celebration called Megalesia Mater to honour the Goddess Cybele, usually described as Magna Mater. Her cult originated in Asia, from Greek Mythology and was centred on Mount Didymus at Pessinus in Phyrgia, where she was known as " Agdistis ". ( There is great mythology attached to this Goddess ) Her consort was " Attis ", who was raised by shepherds under the wachful eye of the Goddess Cybele.

The Cybele cult was bought to Rome in 204 b.c. following a prophecy in the " Sibylline Books and advice from the Oracle at Delphi.......The prophecy stated that the invaders would be driven back if Maganer Mater was brought to Rome. Not long after ,her sacred black stone was transported to Rome, and placed in the temple of Victoria, later to be re-sited wthin a temple on the Paletine Hill, which was dedicated to Magna Mater in 191 b.c.

The Megalesia festival was from April 4th to 10th and consisted of games in the Circus Maximus. A festival of fertility, it consisted of a large Pine tree representing the God Attis. He ( the tree ) was dressed in white cloth and placed at the centre of the temple of Cybele. The novice priests would then cut their arms and sacrifice their verility to the God. The severed portions of their manhood were thrashed against the pine tree and then buried. This brutal display of bloody adoration was considered crucial in recalling Attis to life......thus, the return of summer growth.

Crystal Divination
Items needed;
Clear glass bowl
Spring water
Quartz crystal
White taper candle

Place the crystal in the clear glass bowl and fill with spring water. Place the candle in a safe container, behind the glass bowl, and light it......with your right index finger, slowly stir the water within the bowl.....clockwise ( Deocile ) you chant

Blessed spirits of the night
Bless me now with second sight

Focus on the water. It will begin to cloud over with a fine mist. Once the mist clears from the bowl, concentrate your attention on the crystal and repeat the following;

Fire and water, crystal clear

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RE: Pagan Festivals 5th April

Festival of Kwan Yin 5th April

Today in Japan ,Korea and China ,many thousands of people share their love for this Goddess of healing, compassion and mercy. Kwan Yin is widely worshipped and you'll find a shrine dedicated to her in most Eastern households..Here in the UK she is depicted as Cerridwen ( The White Goddess )

At the temple of Miao Fend Shan, near Peking.This day, devotees make their annual pilgrimage to her shrine. Many want healing and the power to get rid of lifes pains and sorrows As her powers of compassion and healing are invoked, offerings of candles and incense are given.Request written on rice paper are left at her shrine....

.Here in the UK we usually ask by tying a small piece of material to a Hawthorn Tree to make our request.......The piece of material is called a " Cloutie " Try it, ......

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RE: Pagan Festivals 6 & 7th April

Rhine Boat Festival 6 & 7th April

Today the annual boat festival takes place in France to celebrate the return of Spring. Children make all sorts of boats and place candles inside them to symbolize, the joy of sailing on the " Sea of Life ". At the end of the festival a great procession makes it's way down to the river Rhine where the candle-lit boats are cast off and illuminate the evening sky, where upon everyone makes their wish for the coming Summer

In England we have our own river traditions, and this Saturday marks the 178th boat race between Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Held on the river Thames .The competitors race between Putney Bridge and Mortlake Bridge.........ancient tradition?......maybe



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RE: Pagan Festivals 7th April

Festival of Blajini 7th April

In Rumania today offerings are made to the.... Blajini...or" kindly ones ".In folklore they lived in the wilderness, on the shores where all the rivers meet, and lived under the shade of the trees. They lived on wild fruits, and met their women once a year to share fun and laughter.......they then returned to their devotions.
These kindly , priests, shaman, deevotes are remembered as "spirits of the water", and are deemed to be beneficient if given the proper respect.



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RE: Pagan Festivals 9th April

Matzu festival


In both Portugal and coastal regions of China the Goddess Matzu, guardian of the sea, protecor of all fishermen and sailors is honoured. Altars are drsse with offereings of fresh seafood, flowers and are placed upon the altar. Candles are lit and sweets of all kind are presented.

Parades last all day and finish with firework displays, thanks and blessings to the Goddess at the seashore are given for her protection of all the sailors who depend on her whilst fishing upon the often turbulent ocean.



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RE: Pagan Festivals 10th April

Festival of Megalesia - 10th April

In ancient Rome today saw the culmination of the Megalesia, with numerous games in the Circus Maximus followed by a grand procession to Palatine Hill (Palatium) This was the last day of the festival and a silver statue of the Goddess Cybele was mounted on a horse-drawn carriage and paraded through the streets of Rome. There were great orchestras of music and flowers surrounded many floats that made their way down to the Tiber River. The statue was then baptised with water, by purple robed priests. Upon its return to the temple the procession was pelted with fresh spring flowers.



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RE: Pagan Festivals 11th April

Anahita 11th April


The persian river Goddess Anahita was celebrated. She was the patroness of marriage-able girls and childbirth.

In Babylon Anahita was also worshipped today, the daughters of wealthy and noble families gave up their virginity as her temporary sacred prostitutes.....



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RE: Pagan Festivals 12th April

Cerealia/Chu-Si-Nu festival 12th-19th April


The Cerealia is celebrated and is an ancient Roman holiday to honour the Goddess of grain, Ceres. The festival began on April 12th and ended on April 19th. As with most of the Spring festivals the Cerealia was celebrated to secure fertility for the crops, most of the activities were held inside the circus maximus, including the yolking of a bull and a rather strange fox chase. Burning embers were tied to the foxes tails and then they were set loose amongst the people.

Today in Taiwan, the Goddess Chu-Si-Nu, who was the deity of childbirth, was honoured. One of the customs was for pregnant women to go to the temple of Chu-Si-Nu and ask for her blessingsfortheir unborn child.



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RE: Pagan Festivals 13th April

Thai Water Festival -13th April


Marks the annual three day festival of water, celebrated by Buddhists in Thailand. The temples are cleaned and then purified with incense, all of the Buddha statues are ritually bathed. Water is then thrown on those attending the ceremony to wash away the evil spirits of the previous year.



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