Hi All,
I wonder if you could help me out, I have just started reading 'A Witch Alone' and wanted to start the first exercise after the next New Moon. I'm a little confused as to when this is, is it 25th Feb or 11th March? Just want to ensure that I am starting on the correct footing as this is all very new to me!
Thanks in advance
the new moon in UK is tomorrow, Weds
Thank you Tigress, I will start my book of Illumination tomorrow then!
This link of Moon phases may help in the future:
Jonathan Cainer does quite a nice Moon Calendar I had one a couple of years ago
If you want to know where all of the planets are as well as the Moon's phases, planetary aspects and eclipses you can get a copy of Raphael's Astronomical Ephemeris any bookshop would order it for you.
Love Binah
Hi Binah & Andre,
Just wanted to thank you for your replies, I will certainly have a look into that!
Another site is: [DLMURL] http://www.moon-phases.net/calendar/index.php [/DLMURL]?
Lunarium is a good site for moon phases and moon signs. Moonwise do lovely diaries and calenders that run form new/dark moon to new/dark moon. It also gives dates for all major religions. I can't live without mine.
Hi All,
I wonder if you could help me out, I have just started reading 'A Witch Alone' and wanted to start the first exercise after the next New Moon. I'm a little confused as to when this is, is it 25th Feb or 11th March? Just want to ensure that I am starting on the correct footing as this is all very new to me!
Thanks in advance
Just wondering what A WITCH ALONE is,and can anyone tell me why I can NEVER sleep when there is a full moon?:confused:
A Witch Alone is a lovely book by Marian Green, a wonderful book for those starting out on the Pagan path. I love it and my copy is about 10 years old (or more and well thumbed).
I can't give you an indepthe answer on the full moon I have to go and prepare my lunch for tommorrow), suffice to say my partner gets a bit grumpy and my cats go wild for a few day. And my dreams tend to be more vivid - probably becuase I don't sleep so deeply when th moon is full.
Most people I dare say are affected by the phases of the moon, they just don't watch or follow it to notice.