Woman in Judaism
Interesting link especially as we never hear about the female prophets
Both man and woman were created in the image of God. According to many Jewish scholars, "man" was created "male and female" (Genesis 1,27) with dual gender, and was later separated into male and female.
According to traditional Judaism, women are endowed with a greater degree of "binah" (intuition, understanding, intelligence) than men. The rabbis inferred this from the idea that woman was "built" (Genesis 2,22) rather than "formed" (Genesis 2,7), and the Hebrew root of "build" has the same consonants as the word "binah". It has been said that the matriarchs (Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah) were superior to the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) in prophecy. It has also been said that women did not participate in the idolatry regarding the golden calf. Some traditional sources suggest that women are closer to God's ideal than men.
Women have held positions of respect in Judaism since biblical times. Miriam is considered one of the liberators of the people of Israel, along with her brothers Moses and Aaron. One of the Judges (Deborah) was a woman.
Seven of the 55 prophets of the Bible were women.
So when Hugo gets back from holiday maybe he will enlighten us on the female prophets but in the meantime I will do a search.
Love beyond measure
kim xx
RE: Women in Judaism
If you are into light reading I picked up a great little book at the airport last year
10 minute Kabbalah
by Shoshanna Cohen
Love beyond measure
kim x
RE: Women in Judaism
Hi Kim
This post may be off topic abit but hopefully will be OK!
I have always been facinated by womens role around the world, most think that in the middle east that women are repressed, but when you actually study cultures etc you find that a lot of countries hold women in reverance as the sacred person! They bring life into being so are a precious being!
I have been reading lately about the eqyptians and also been watching on t.v and the women were the way to the throne. Any man would have to marry via the eldest female child available. That is why you got so much inbreading, as the males had to marry their sisters of step sisters in order to achieve the royal title, also any man outside the royal family would have to marry the surviving queen or sister - amazing
It is all facinating when you think about it!
RE: Women in Judaism
Dear mariaob1
Yes I agree
Yes and the native americans too.
And the elders both male and female taught the children the wisdom of the ages.
Another 18 months before I officially become old enough to be an 'elder' big smiles!
To this day in the strict Jewish household the woman is Queen and the man is in charge outside of the home.
Love beyond measure
Kim xx
RE: Women in Judaism
this link might be of interest
RE: Women in Judaism
Thanks Kim
I will save it for later when I have more time to read!
With love
RE: Women in Judaism
Hello all,
I was under the impression that Jewish women are very well thought of in Semitic society. Were my perceptions incorrect?
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