:)Hi I'm a muslim, two years ago I came to hear about reiki. I just knew that it was something right for me and I took the Level 1 attunement and a year ago, the level 2. I feel really at peace being able to help myself and others with the Divine's love. I have experience so much positive things in my life from my reiki experiece and i appreciate life and Allah's blessings so much more. The thing is I live in a country where people of different religions live peacefully side by side. Yet reiki is not something that is openly discussed among muslims. I would like to have your views on reiki and islam please. Love n light. Shein
RE: islam and reiki
Hi abidcsuet
[link= http://learnreiki.tripod.com/grassrootsreiki/index.html ]http://learnreiki.tripod.com/grassrootsreiki/index.html[/link]
RE: islam and reiki
Hello and welcome to HP 🙂
You may also find someone closer to home, although of course I don't know if you have explored your local possibilities:
[link= http://www.themindpower.com/tims.htm ] http://www.themindpower.com/tims.htm [/link]
There are many other results if you put 'Reiki Master Lahore' into Google.
You will also find HP members' views on distant attunements if you visit our forum for Reiki& Other Energy Healing, here:
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tt.asp?forumid=14 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tt.asp?forumid=14[/link]
Reiki and Islam
I am a Reiki master teacher and now practise and teach Reiki from an Islamic perspective.After doing research on the symbols I have realized that they are un-islamic. If you look at the meaning of the symbols you would realize that they have their roots in Bhuddism.Futhermore,during the attunement process the teacher calls on ascended master to help with the process and again Japanease symbols are used to make one a Reiki channel- thus making the process un-islamic.
This is my person opinion, but I hope it helps.
Hi Rookaya
Yes some aspects of Reiki is influenced by Buddhism and also Shintoism. The Symbols are not the basis of Reiki, but some practitioners may still use them to focus healing intention. As for ascended masters, this is not part of Reiki and it is up to the practitioner whether or not to work this way. Its up to the practitioner whether to bring Islam, Christianity or any other spiritual path into the healing.
Best Wishes & Salaam
Reiki Pixie
muslim reiki
Good Luck..I am sure you will have a lovely time,
Hi Hal
I know its been ages since you commented on this subject -just wanted to know what was the latest position on using the symbols when practising Reiki - I am a practising muslim and have just completed Reiki I & II. I'm really eager to self heal and try and heal family and friends but wasn't sure about visualising the symbols. Some of the comments suggested praying to Allah for guidance ( which I do anyway) but was wondering if you could shed any light on this - many thanks RP
Hi there,
I know that this thread is a bit old but it came up when I was searching about Islam and Reiki. I am a muslim and have just finished the Reiki Level 2 and found it a really amazing experience. However, a few things are bothering me. The drawing of the symbols and the incantation make me feel that I might be doing something not permissible in Islam even though I start by asking Allah to help the healing.I would like to know whether muslims who are practising Reiki regularly also feel the same way and whether they use the symbols and do the incantation and drawing on the body, etc.
Many thanks,
Remember that Reiki is not dependant on the Symbols. If you do not wish to use them then that is fine. After all Reiki is Spiritual Healing which is fine if you are a muslim.
hello just replying to this post so long PLESE HELP
hey guys im new member and trying do some research about angelic reiki.
I am Muslim and had this healing process done and i was amazed on what happened to my body. i couldn't control my body on what was happening, only thing I could control was my mind (thoughts). just brief my body started getting hot, everything was getting bright, felt like somthng was pushing me to the ground and pulling me out of my body, i started to cry, and smile to it was so weird.
Any way the practitioner told me what had each thing meant and what it means and it really made sense, this brought me closer to my religion islam. i felt real good and happy and so positive in my life and still fell good now.
NOW here comes negative part..... after the healing during the night in bed i felt a presence ghost, spirit, jin whatever you may call it was here in the room with me felt like it was standing over me i was laying on my side i was really scared, all of sudden felt like it tried to enter my body for like a 1-2 second i had like a little fit, and then i think it left im not sure if its stayed in me or it left my body it was really scary and i couldn't sleep.
after this i herd foot steps outside my window and then up stairs in the attic this is first time i experienced this i was scared i dont know if that was a good or bad spirit. It seemed like he would walk a few steps and stop and then walk and stop and then eventually dis aper.
was really scary experience but i was still postive with my life and happy until this day.
OK last night as if your muslim you should know its the month of rammadan now ad we are fasting. last night i ahd another experience with a presence in my sleep i was lyng on my back this time was much more sneakier than last time it didnt really stand over me it just came and tried to enter trough my face or top my head and i i started to speak but i was weird words i couldnt control it and i tried open my eyes i opened them but they shut closed when i tried then suddenly disapered i dont know again if its in my body or if its gone.
Im starting to get worried if this is going to be a regularly thing thats going to happen to me i started to pray and tried to ask for allah hopefully it dosent happen again and im worried about goin to bed tonight we will see if they try to come back.
I was also told i should do another healing but scared if its gonna do more harm than good
why is this happening to me can someone explain? what should i do?
please can u help me as i dont know what to do.
has this healing made me more vulnerable?
any help will be appreciated
Hi Bal213 and welcome to Healthypages,
It seems your post got overlooked, so apologies for that, as I would surely have like to answer sooner.
When we have a Reiki treatment is does not give us anything that is negative or bad (though some people do perceive it that way). Instead, what happens is that Reiki helps us to heal on many levels, and that can include those things that we have put to the back our of minds that we don't want to face.
It is likely that Reiki has opened you up to your own fears which you are feeling in the context of your own beliefs, i.e. as a Jin or bad spirit of some kind. I would suggest that rather than attempting to avoid this fear, you examine it and try to understand it for what it really is and recognise the root of this fear is within yourself. By putting focus on the fear, it will dissolve and cease to exist. If you're not comfortable doing this by youself, I would certainly recommend you go back to the person who gave you Reiki and talk with them about it, so that you can work on this with their support and with Reiki to help heal it.
Whatever it is that is making you feel this fear, it ultimately cannot harm you.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
I'm glad this thread got bumped. I'm not Muslim but I live in a Muslim country and I will be offering Reiki and massage for my clients. I'll have more time to reply to the other posts later this afternoon.
last search
hi hal
pls i need u if u can to send me all what u have about reiki sufi, before i do attunement because in their site they said they will send it after registration.
hi dody,
i would like how u ceased ur reiki.i wanaa get rid of my reiki usui attunement.
dear all,
i did my reiki n i ddnt even know about attunement i searched a lot i heared i can see creatures so i felt terrified to close my eyes, also yesterday i left my house i was alone i was terrified, i made istekhara, n continue searching i found that they use spirit (jinn) thats why they blow three times at attunement, of course w r not allowed to use jinn.if it was only about the symbols it was ok n w would not use it, i found also that the symbol one of them mean that w r one soul with god boudha(astaghfero allah).now my problem is how to get rid of the heat in my hand.pls help me i m really depressed n afraid.also i found this link i found it reasonable cause i dnt like people forbid things even without knowing about it, but this one is good.
[DLMURL="http://www.arabtimesonline.com/NewsDetails/tabid/96/smid/414/ArticleID/143040/reftab/69/t/What-s-halal-haram-in-different-healings/Default.aspx"]What's halal, haram in different healings[/DLMURL]
Hi gad_rania and welcome to the forum. I've skimmed through that article and it makes some very interesting points. You mention jinn, as does the article, and I've recently learned about jinn.
Reiki in itself does not use spirits. In the mentioning of using God as your energy, many practitioners do exactly this. I'm not really sure why you would want to reverse your attunement, because in Reiki there is no harm.
I know a few Reiki practitioners and masters who are Muslim and they are very successful and happy doing the Reiki. It's all in the intentions. For example, anytime I give Reiki, I ask permission first, then I ask the universe for balance. that's all.
Some practitioners are more into the symbols, other rituals, or closing techniques, but the teacher (master) that I learned from said that this is all up to you. I think you would be best to find a Reiki Master who is Muuslim, and, if you can, from your own background.
I'm only saying this because the place that I learned about Jinn was on a travel show, and the traveller was in Afghanistan. BUT, what was interesting as well, was that he was told to go to a specific town and to meet a healer.
The healer was an older man who used snakes, and would tell the patient what was wrong with him and what he had to do to get better. So, obviously the healer is not doing anything wrong, and in Afghanistan they believe in Jinns, and they give advice on how to get rid of them.
So thre were a few things that the healer had told the traveller was wrong, gave him advice on what to do to remedy things, and the traveller said that much of what the healer said was true.
I really hope this helps you. I'm certified in Level 2 of Reiki, and I often come across or hear about Reiki practitioners or masters saying really crazy things, or insisting that their way is the only right way.
Take a look through the Reiki subforum, and you'll find a lot of stories, but also lots of good advice.
Maybe get an Islam exorcism?
Hi everyone. I've just started reiki i was a bit skeptical but im glad i made the right decision... I've finished reiki one and now will start practising it. Is anyone here from Manchester?
Hi Syqah and welcome to Healthypages,
I'm not from Manchester, but congratulations on doing your Reiki I.
Just be aware, that if you are going to be a practitioner of Reiki, then you should complete Reiki II first, as many (of the reputable) insurers will only cover you for practicing on the public if you've achieved Reiki II. If you've done Reiki I, then your teacher should have made it clear that this is primarily for using Reiki on yourself, and you can give Reiki to friends and family, but should not be charging for it as a practitioner.
Is Reiki and exorcism are connected??
Hi i am fully aware that i can not practice on public as my Reiki master has made it clear. Im only asking if anyone's from Manchester would be good to know like minded ppl. Thank you
Hi Syqah and welcome to Healthypages,
I'm not from Manchester, but congratulations on doing your Reiki I.
Just be aware, that if you are going to be a practitioner of Reiki, then you should complete Reiki II first, as many (of the reputable) insurers will only cover you for practicing on the public if you've achieved Reiki II. If you've done Reiki I, then your teacher should have made it clear that this is primarily for using Reiki on yourself, and you can give Reiki to friends and family, but should not be charging for it as a practitioner.
Is Reiki and exorcism are connected??
No. Exorcism is nothing to do with Reiki. I think it was meant figuratively speaking rather than literally.
Hi i am fully aware that i can not practice on public as my Reiki master has made it clear. Im only asking if anyone's from Manchester would be good to know like minded ppl. Thank you
Ah, ok. Just when you said "I've finished reiki one and now will start practising it" sounds as if you planned to be a Reiki practitioner, which is the term used to refer to people who are going to set themselves up in business treating the public.
I know this is a very old thread but I really need some help. I just signed up today reason being that on Monday i am to be attuned to first level Reiki and 21 days later go for level Il. I am so confused now, as i thought i would do some research about Reiki in Islam some say Islam prohibits Reiki because you have to write symbols and worship Buddah, and some say its allowed. I have read some posts on this thread but still have not got my answer. My best friend is a Reiki Master and has been for over 10 years. He has been saying for so long to get attuned but didnt make up my mind till yesterday that i will go for it had never looked into Reiki but now that I have/had made my decision I am totally confused if to go ahead or not to.
Could someone please assist me in this or if there is someone from the Muslim religion that can help i would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you
I know this is a very old thread but I really need some help. I just signed up today reason being that on Monday i am to be attuned to first level Reiki and 21 days later go for level Il. I am so confused now, as i thought i would do some research about Reiki in Islam some say Islam prohibits Reiki because you have to write symbols and worship Buddah, and some say its allowed. I have read some posts on this thread but still have not got my answer. My best friend is a Reiki Master and has been for over 10 years. He has been saying for so long to get attuned but didnt make up my mind till yesterday that i will go for it had never looked into Reiki but now that I have/had made my decision I am totally confused if to go ahead or not to.
Could someone please assist me in this or if there is someone from the Muslim religion that can help i would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you
Zoha welcome here.
the confusion you are experiencing is typically religious in nature. I have been there done that, albeit, burnt the T shirt a long while ago.
Each religion has set of things it does not allow. Jains don't allow eating tomatoes...because it resembles blood....you got to sift through drivel to know what is trully the essence of any teaching.
Islam probably does not allow it, but that is nothing new. The present context of humanity has very little reference in medieval religions.
Myself, As someone who broke away with most religious conditioning that rules our minds, I would encourage you to investigate the nature of fear in your own mind....
In the end it is not religion one is answerable to, it's the personal relating with divine that we must respond to.
Nobody can guide you the right way....it is totally your call.
I just want to give you courage in the sense that God does not judge....no matter what you experiment with, whatever path you pursue.....you are only ever in divine protection, if you allow yourself to feel that way, beyond teachings of all religions. it's people who feel it's their job to interpret God and divine will, that judge. Interpretations can be highjacked and can be full of fear, judgement....hence a fine means of control.
Take your time, relax and sink deeper in your own heart.....you will know exactly what to do, when to do and how to do it
May clarity dawn
I know this is a very old thread but I really need some help. I just signed up today reason being that on Monday i am to be attuned to first level Reiki and 21 days later go for level Il. I am so confused now, as i thought i would do some research about Reiki in Islam some say Islam prohibits Reiki because you have to write symbols and worship Buddah, and some say its allowed. I have read some posts on this thread but still have not got my answer. My best friend is a Reiki Master and has been for over 10 years. He has been saying for so long to get attuned but didnt make up my mind till yesterday that i will go for it had never looked into Reiki but now that I have/had made my decision I am totally confused if to go ahead or not to.
Could someone please assist me in this or if there is someone from the Muslim religion that can help i would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you
I can't speak in relation to Islam, that is something for yourself to consider, and there's plenty of good information already in this thread.
In answer to your specific questions, Reiki does NOT require worshipping Buddha at all.
The originator of Reiki, Usui sensei, was from Japan, for which Buddhism is obviously a predominant philosophy, and he was obviously brought up with Buddhism, but he also travelled and studied many different religions, philosophies and spiritual practices, so when he taught Reiki, it was not with any particular Religious requirements. I consider myself an atheist with strong scientific background, having no belief in God, in the traditional sense, but still consider myself to have the spiritual nature, and find Reiki works for me, even without such 'religious' beliefs; because it simply doesn't require them.
As for the symbols, yes, Reiki does include three symbols when you learn Reiki level II, and a further symbol at Reiki Master/Teacher level should you choose to do that. So that you can make an informed choice, one of those symbols is based on an old traditional Japanese symbol, found on Shinto and other temples, and also in other cultures, and represents power and the physical aspects. Another one of the symbols is based on Japanese Kanji (Japanese writing) and is used for giving Reiki at a distance, representing time and space. The third of the level II symbols is loosely based (it's less clear) on Sanskrit writing and is used for the emotional and mental aspects of giving Reiki. So, they represent the ability to use Reiki for physical, emotional and mental aspects of healing (yourself or others) in any time or place (thus some may choose, for example to heal an emotional issue that is rooted in their childhood, by using the emotional symbol with the distance symbol, and using the power symbol to 'magnify' the healing energy - it's open to interpretation, and intention, how you use them).
Now, when I say we "use" the symbols, in Japanese they are referred to as Kotodama, which is the belief that words have energy/power, because each of the symbols has a Japanese 'word' associated with it, and we 'use' it by simply saying the word with the intention of what we are using it for. People also tend to draw the symbols in the air with their hands, or in their mind as they say it, as that can help to focus their attention on their intention; however it's NOT necessary to draw the symbols, if that is something that your beliefs tell you is wrong in some way. The key here is the "intention", so simply stating the intention of e.g. emotional healing, or of physical healing etc. and where you want it to go e.g. emotional healing on this childhood issue; or physical healing on this pain in the leg etc. is all that is required.
Original Reiki teachings were using the Kotodama (words), but it is thought that the symbols were included as an aide to those students who needed something to help them focus and visualise on to improve their intention. Remember, Reiki originated a long time ago, before many could read or write, and the teachings were not passed on using written texts, they were taught verbally instead, so the association of the words, with a symbol was a means of aiding memory of the teachings.
I hope that helps to clarify for you.
Doing Reiki II after only 21 days of Reiki I is somewhat unusual in todays society. It is usually recommended that you take time to get used to treating yourself daily, and family/friends (if they are accepting of it) and time to study and learn about Reiki until such a time that you feel within yourself that you are ready to progress. In Usui sensei's day, it is believed that he did teach what we call Reiki I and II within the same timeframe e.g. over a few weeks, but that was for students who were studying daily with him, and who may have travelled some distance to be taught so would not be making multiple journeys to be taught.
The "21 days" you mention sounds a little like the myth that people who get attuned to Reiki I, should do daily self-cleansing healing for 21 days after the attunement. This is considered a myth because so many people mistakenly think that after 21 days you stop giving yourself healing; the truth is that you should give yourself Reiki every day, regardless of how long you have been attuned for. We've had people on these forums before asking things like "what should I do now that I've done my 21 days healing?" because their teacher hasn't explained it (or even understood it in some cases). The answer is, you carry on doing it.
At the end of the day, it's your choice to get attuned. Don't do it just because your friend has said you should.