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Any Mormons here? Or do any of you know much about them?

The reason I ask is this religion is one I know little aboutand usually wouldn't be interested in knowing more, however as someone who believes all religions and their followers should have respect it would be good to speak to those who know about it, especially from an unbiased view point.

I hate to admit it but Mormons religion is one of which I feel naturally suspicious of and the outward appearence is odd, but, people feel like that about Christian science, Jehovah's witness and Islam and of course it isn't usually right.

So, today to be open minded I would like to know more!

I live in West Sussex and they have a huge place near East Grinstead, they have a Mormon temple and loads of buildings which are actually really pretty old buildings and huge grounds, anyone seen it?

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RE: Mormons

hi Hal,

I don't know much about Mormons, but Donny Osmond's son once turned up on my doorstep! He was trying to persuade me to attend a Mormon meeting in Staines..!

I declined.


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RE: Mormons

Hi Hal,

I know little either. But a good friend was converted 25 years ago - he was going through a bad patch (had left the JWs in fact just months before!) and the Mormons turned up on his doorstep. I just never had the interest to discuss it with him. Whereas the JWs are very 'pushy', Mormons seem to keep a lot to themselves.

They do have a fascinating origin: Joseph Smith and the entire Book Of Mormon turning up from an angel in gold leaf or something like that. And they founded basically the entire state of Utah.

In his first Mormon year, I did get their Book from my friend for Christmas! Found it pretty unreadable, but I do recall that to them God, as I recall anyway, is PHYSICAL, in a body, and lives on another world.

Wierd or what?


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RE: Mormons

hi hal,

i use to converse regularly with someone from SLC, (where else!)...

i do know they prefer to be referred to as LDS (latter day saints). my dad lives in forest row so i go past the temple regularly on visits to him and you can see it quite clearly on the descent into gatwick! every now and then they have open days so the curious and (nosey!) can go have a look. i missed out last time but i wouldnt mind at some point.

on the inter faith forum where i knew this lady, it was often hard to pin down some aspects of the religion from her. i have to say that there were a couple of forum members (non *godly*, for want of a better term and many times harsh) who would badger her on the non caffeine, alcohol, sex bit and she would never be specific.

she would never really go into details of becoming gods in the next life... hmmm actually is that LDS? i think so, or certainly they go to heaven. (or maybe another world as V says).

i do know they are into genealogy and the LDS website is a great place to start. interestingly though, (and generally speaking) they trace themselves back to adam and eve.

now at this point, i will apologise to anyone i may have offended with what i have written. i just am saying my impressions and i am probably not accurate.


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RE: Mormons

I too apologise as does Rosie, in my use of the word 'wierd'. Just my 'take' if my recollection is right that they think God is in a physical body.

On the other hand I have a few Mormon acqaintances, and boy are they upright and law-abiding. If you 'join' to a certain depth then all Mormons are sent off for two years of full-time evangelism. It seems that they are deliberately sent far from their homes which may be understandable but could be seen as manipulation. However the friend I mentioned before, who'd been a hippie, was sent to Alaska for 2 years and really enjoyed being there.

To be honest, I somehow avoid asking the people I know in this church about it, and they don't volunteer information. Another friend was in the middle of his 2 years of evangelism when he found the spiritual Path that *I* tread ... and I had to send him letters to a secret address - he was really paranoid about the community he was in finding out that he was 'looking' elsewhere. However so much for the hearsay which is all this amounts to.

Maybe take a look at the Book of Mormon?


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RE: Mormons

Hi all!

In my capacity of tour guide, I once had a family group on one of my tours (Mum and Dad celebrating 50th wedding anniversary had brought two daughters, two granddaughters and one of the daughter's partners plus his daughter on a tour of UK.) Well, the family was Jewish but one of the daughters had married a Muslim who had converted to Mormonism and she too had converted. I was fascinated and had some very frank discussions with all of them. The family told me upfront that they thought she was mad. When she told me what Mormons believe I got quite excited because to begin with I thought it chimed with what I have been taught by my (Hindu) guru, Amma ie. we are all God etc. But then she went on to say that to them Joseph Smith is The Prophet (aka God) and that when we die, each of us will go before a panel of (I think) elders and will be given the opportunity to declare whether we believe that Joseph Smith is God. If we accept him as such, we will be saved; if not, not. Anyone who doesn't believe in JS is in for a very rough ride apparently. What upset me also was that her teenage daughter was in a terribly depressed state because her boyfriend had been posted to Paris to work as an Elder (ie missionary) there and she wasn't allowed to see him for 3 years. It appeared to me that they are dreadfully controlling of their members' private lives. That's all I know. It's another non-tolerant religion i.e. believe what we believe, or else! No thanks.

Sunanda xx

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RE: Mormons

I must admit i am not keen on all of this, and i have noticed that they do seem to be a mysterious bunch.

I remember my farrier's brother became mormon to his distress and as a reult the brother's wife and kids as well, their life did appear to be taken over by the mormon group, everything they did seemed to be decided by the church.

Then the brother got terminally ill with cancer and i remembre no one from the church seemed to help the family at all, in fact they were left to it through a really hard time. the the widow found another husband and got kicked out of the church and her own children were ordered to have nothing to do with her. i find this very odd.


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RE: Mormons

I must admit i am not keen on all of this,

That is very good that you know what you would like to avoid and would not like to be a part of…

I believe we should still not stand in judgement of these people and the path they choose to walk, whether it is a short-term path or a path they choose to follow for the remainder of their lives.

I believe any religion or belief form etc., etc., has its pros and cons.

You and I might not agree with the way LDS/Mormons choose to live their lives, but we cannot and should not stand in judgement. We have to respect their choices. (As long as they do not break any laws)

Mormons are not the only religion, which is extremely controlling of their ‘flock’. I grew up in a Christian family and it was not very different from what I have just read about how Mormons treat their own.


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RE: Mormons

Hi, my mum join the mormon church when i was very young, i was baptise in the sea by two American Elders and i remember they were all very kind, but as we grew up we all went different ways (driffed away from church).
To them there chuch is right to other it is wrong..........but who are we to judge.
I dont belong to the church or any church as my temple is within me and when they call i just tell them about how i feel.
But i do have two mormon who call once a month to see me as a friends we dont discusses any religion
and i do have my cup of tea and they have there hot choclate;)
love and blessings
lightwinds xx

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wanna to play [url]age of conan gold[/url]??[url]lotro gold[/url]??

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