Abraham and the sac...
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Abraham and the sacrifice

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Dear All

Following a PM about an analogy that I have used a couple of times regarding Abraham and the proposed sacrifice of his son from the OT.

Here is a couple of links for those that are interested in the story.

So here are two differing view points: One from the Christian Bible story and an alternative Islamic view.

GOD Never ordered Abraham to sacrifice his son
... Abraham and the Sacrifice God never ordered Abraham to sacrifice his son. ... (2) The Quran never said that God told Abraham to kill (sacrifice) his son. ...

Abraham's Sacrifice of his son Isaac Bible story
... were trembling. He was about to sacrifice his son when heard the voice
of God saying, “Abraham, Stop! Do not hurt your son. You ...

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Kim xx

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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

From an enitrely personal perspective, this is simply a test of faith, a way in which to show the Tribes of Israel that in order to thrive and prosper, first and foremost they had to be submissive to Jehovah's Will.

It is a purely symbolic message to an ancient and nomadic people to enable them to comprehend and abide by the Laws which governed them and keep them together in mostly dangerous, warlike and edgy lives.

We must put ourselves into their situation to understand the need for a God who would suposedly ask for such a sacrifice, but the fact is, it worked, it promoted a certain fear and therefore obedience, not so much to Jehovah, but to the Elders who actually made the Laws.

There is not much that has more power as a weapon of Divine destruction than God!


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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

Dear Gillyann

A test of faith exactly how I used it as an analogy.

How many people feel that their faith has been tested?

How many people feel that they have been tested in their lives?

How many people feel that the spiritual journey is just a series of life tests?

And we don't need GOD to respond to the above.

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Kim xx

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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

Yes, Kim, indeed I have.

Love Gillyxxxxxxxxxx

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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

PS it was only an analogy strange isn't it as soon as GOD gets in the way it adds so many other connotations.

Thank you Gillyann hope you had a great holiday it seems to have gone really quickly.

So do you think the soul chooses the tests and are pre-ordained?

I do

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kim xx

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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice


I am afraid the link to the islamic site is rather worrying and this version is far from the accepted normal version that many Muslims accept. I realise that they state that they believe their version to be correct and the usual one wrong, however I personally disagree.

I went to plenty of medrassah as a kid and no one taught me that version. The whole purpose of the story is to show the importance of faith in Allah despite the odds, also it shows that God then stopped the sacrifice of humans. but I think this is the same as in the case of all other versions of this story.

Also, in Islam, the needless and wasteful sacrifice of aniamls is banned, so humans celebrate eid al adha by preparing a feast and traditionally sheep are prepared for this, but the other important matter here is the sharing of this food. The feast is a celebration and appreciation of how when we are faithful Allah ultimately helps us. Abraham and Isac were rewarded for extreme faith in God. We now should share our fortune and help others while remembering Allah.

So after the event of Abraham being asked to sacrifice the whole event is less about sacrifice but increasing faith` and celebrating this.


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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

Dear All

Thank you for sharing its interesting everyone's different views.

Yes I agree life on earth is an experiential journey and we the beautiful flowers, all colours of the rainbow and like a rose growing through the thorns.

But yet the ancient art of astrology shows us that there are predetermined aspects and negative traits to overcome if we wish our lives to be without pain and suffering.

This reminds me of a few words that I received the other day.

We have walked in his shoes
we have carried his cross
and now it is time for us to resurrect humanity

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Kim xx

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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

I am ambivilant about whether the soul has preordained 'tests' to endure.

Some people I know and love insist this is true, others say all is pure chance, others have no view.

I haven't formulated an exact opinion as yet, but since I believe in the human/animal soul/energy, and I have no idea what lies either before or after the death of the physical body, I have to remain open minded.

I think it is a distinct possibility our souls are on a journey of some kind, and that we choose what happens in our multiple lives. This is because I also believe in the 'evolving' soul. To achieve this evolvement, a wise teacher once said to our group that we often choose to live as disabled, as the starving, as the uneducated and poor of the world, and in direct contrast, the rich and powerful. As she explained, a soul cannot evolve until it has experienced all facets of human life.

Above and beyond that, I know very little.

Love Gillyxxx

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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

another thought

I can appreciate that it is hard for people who have not experienced real personal tragedy or severe suffering to understand those that got to the point where they have cried 'GOD hath you forsaken me? or have begged for no more pain from whomever would listen to them. And once reborn found great peace and liberation in their own knowing that all was for a reason and all was important, life-enhancing and valuable. Nothing was a waste yet leaving the past behind and looking back on it with humility.

My mother used to say that people either experience great pain early in life or late in life, but I don't agree with this I feel that people have a choice and some people sail through life.

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Kim xx

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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

hmm.....why do tests have to be 'endured' ?

I have enjoyed most of my tests (once I became aware of them) especially when I have passed with flying colours.

and I can remember another where I failed the test but enjoyed every minute of it!

I blush with no regrets!

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Kim xx

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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

Im not one to see God as a figure of authority that needs to test us. This is a very human factor. However, we are God in individuality. Ive said this before in other ways but because of how the stage is set, what we think as a whole will be what we see god as, and so being merely the arms of god we do, even in our limitations, what he wants to see. Because experience is the key element here.

Gods not testing us. We are testing ourselves because we have yet to truly see God.

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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

Hi Kim, I'm with you on this one, I get told when I've passed a test, they're most amusing upstairs aren't they!

I don't think of it as something 'they' are doing to me though, I almost feel that I've asked for the tests (at a higher level), as a way of determining if I'm ready to move on to the next level of my journey. The higher aspect of ouselves always knows what the correct thing to do is, it's our lower selves that we need to align.

I passed a test only some weeks ago, and bless them, they were more than happy to tell me that I'd passed! I know exactly what you are saying. 😉

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Rosi X

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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

Gods not testing us. We are testing ourselves because we have yet to truly see God.

I am totally in accord with you on this Zophiel.

Love Gillyxxx

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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

well it looks like we are all in agreement then and Rosi you explained it so well.

and from my perspective we are all GOD its just we haven't seen yet!

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Kim xx

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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

This is precisely where my morbid sense of humor came from. When Al Pacino is talking in Devils Advocate about god being a prankster by giving mankind these wonderful gifts of life and then sets the rules in opposition, look but dont touch, touch but dont taste, taste, but dont swallow...and what is god doing Al says ? "He's laughing his sick **** off, he's a tight ***, he is a sadist!"

I just have to laugh at this theatrical portrayal of mankinds stories to explain the nature of god or life in the spiritual sense.

Ive seen beyond what matters because it mattered so much for me to see. Ever since I saw beyond existence I have enjoyed a morbid sense of comedy because I feel God laughs with us.

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RE: Abraham and the sacrifice

Yes Zophiel I agree GOD has a great sense of humour and so do spirit at times it seems its us humans that lose it, often in childhood through it not being allowed either by schools or parents.

Blessings in Abundance

kim xx
