Hi Prashna,
You do not know me and I do not often post usually checking in for sending healing .However you and others in the recent posts have shared much with all of us and have given me much to be with and consider and helped me to understand more about myself and the world in general. Especially about India so thank you all for the sharing and openness with what you bring to this forum.
RE: Sharing of knowledge and experience
Hi tsegyal,
First let me thank you most gratefully for your kind words. I hope I can live up to them.
I like it when someone starts by saying "Hi ..., You do not know me..." and then does little in the rest of the post to change that state of affairs. No I am not being sarcastic, I rarely am if ever, only being accurate. You see, you have given me a good opportunity to try out my long range sensors.
I shall do so in the next couple of days and let you know the results. Meanwhile please continue to maintain radio silence about that particular aspect.
Oh yes, I am happy to share whatever I can. My motive is very simple. If I can bring a little happiness even to one person for even a few minutes then my life has not been wasted. As simple as that.
We will talk again.
Regards. 🙂
RE: Sharing of knowledge and experience
Dear Prashna,
As soon as you think of the long range sensors you are already there in the ether searching and linking in.Thought as you know creates energy and it goes somewhere in this case towards and into me and my guides. So welcome and that is not sarcasm either .
I was just appreciating what you and others bring to this as Sunanda has brought much and shared much it has always helped me to know a little more .
Enjoy your search .