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Your salvation lies in the WORD ALONE

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Your salvation lies in the WORD ALONE. During the time of Christ on earth anyone who would receive the Word had to come to Him personally. Now you have the Word in a book in the "IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH". Anyone no matter how poor he is, can afford it even if he were to starve himself in order to possess it, he would only gain thereby.








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The bandage falls, and belief becomes conviction. Liberation and redemption's lie only in conviction!

I am addressing Ernest seekers only. They must be able and willing to examine this matter objectively! Religious fanatics and irresponsible enthusiast may hold aloof, for they are detrimental to the Truth. As for the malevolent and prejudiced, they shall find their sentence in the very words. The Message it will strike only those who carry within them a spark of truth, and the yearning to be true human beings. To all such it will become the shining light and staff. It will lead them unswervingly out of the chaos of the present day confusion.

The following Word does not bring a new religion, but is intended as the torch to help all serious readers or listeners find the right path, which leads them to the long-for heights.

Only he who bestirs himself can advance spiritually. The fool who uses extraneous aids for this, in the ready made opinions of others, only walks his path as if on crutches, while ignoring his own healthy the limbs.

But the moment he boldly uses all the abilities which lie dormant within in awaiting his call, he is employing the talents entrusted to him in accordance with his Creators Will and will easily overcome all obstacles that seek to divert him.
Therefore a wake! Genuine faith lies only in conviction, and conviction comes solely through an inflexible weighing and examining! See that you are truly alive in the wonderful Creation of your God!


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His civil name is Oscar Bernhardt. He was born in Bischofswerda, Saxony, on 18 April 1875.

In 1919 he became conscious of his task to open the way for new knowledge of creation. For this purpose he chose the name of Abd-ru-shin.

In the years 1923 to 1937 there came into being those lectures which were later combined and published by him in the Work "In the Light of Truth" The Grail Message.

He did not compile his Message from of the teachings of ancient and modern times, but drew his Living Knowledge from the purest and highest Source, thus creating his Message from the Grail, which indeed is his actual identity!

Like every Truth bringer he was hindered in his beneficial working.

Abd-ru-shin Died on 6 December 1941. But his Work lives on, and works to help all men who are earnestly seeking the Truth.


because I have had a stroke I can only converse via Dragon speech, if you give me a chance I will reply eventually.

Peace and light


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I have deleted this because it didn't appear the first time, so re-wrote it. Strange

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Dear Peter,

Considering your circumstances, I’m sure everyone respects you for your courage, determination and dedication.

When you posted a thread on The Bible in the Spirituality pages, Amy Green wrote:

…This thread really belongs under the Christianity section since spirituality is not aligned to orthodox religion.

And you replied:

Because I have had a stroke, I cannot always place in the right place, I try but my brain does not work well, it takes me about an hour, from start to finish every time.

May I respectfully suggest that this thread called salvation, doesn’t belong here in the Christianity pages either! Apart from the words ‘salvation’, the ‘Word’ and one mention of ‘Christ’, it bears no resemblance to Christianity. Frankly, I haven't found any of Abd-ru-shin's teachings that you have cut and pasted that have.

I totally understand why you want to promote the teachings of Abd-ru-shin, (and you have every right to do so) but as you yourself said:

He did not compile his Message from of the teachings of ancient and modern times, but drew his Living Knowledge from the purest and highest Source, thus creating his Message from the Grail, which indeed is his actual identity!

These are the Christianity pages Peter and while in some threads you have cut and pasted where Abd-ru-shin gives his own take on the teachings of Christ, it’s not Bible-based – in fact, he seems to make up his own stories and changes not only the events but the actual meaning, which is all very confusing. The right place for these teachings is <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="General-Faiths,">General-Faiths, which is a more eclectic area and is where you resurrected a thread from 2003 last Christmas.

I know you're having a hard time and certainly wouldn't want to upset you, but it's better always to be in the right forums. If you stick to General-Faiths you won't go wrong! 😉

Love and peace,


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As per Judy's suggestion, I've moved this thread to the General Faiths forum. I'm no expert on the different religions, but I know I can trust Judy's judgement in that respect. If you have any concerns about this, please let me know and we can discuss.

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I agree

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Thank you Judy, for pointing me in the right direction, I recognized my mistakes, I recognize now it wasn't appropriate to place in the category that I had placed it. I am not a Christian in the sense of the word I love God with all my heart, but I cannot forgive them for crucifying Jesus and calling it a sacrifice on their behalf, it was definitely murder, the religions at that time just had to find a excuse to murder him, and remove him as he was a thorn in their side, as he did not agree with their teachings they had him removed by any means possible.

I recognize the Bible as the word of God, only people see what they want and then interpreted to their thinking, so many religions and only one God, everybody thinks they have the truth and are following the truth, but they err, truth is eternal, many distort it, but you can't change it!

As for copying and pasting the Message it is too Holy to interfere with, the way it is put together I wouldn't like to change a single word of it. The versions of Ab-ru -shin of the events of the life of Jesus are too Holy to change, it is the living Word, I have been reading it over 10 years, every opportunity I read it or listen to it!

It is called the living word it changes almost every time, you read it's you see everything differently what you see at one time changes, you have to bring it to life in you.


May I respectfully suggest that this thread called salvation, doesn’t belong here in the Christianity pages either! Apart from the words ‘salvation’, the ‘Word’ and one mention of ‘Christ’, it bears no resemblance to Christianity. Frankly, I haven't found any of Abd-ru-shin's teachings that you have cut and pasted that have.

I totally understand why you want to promote the teachings of Abd-ru-shin, (and you have every right to do so) but as you yourself said:


He did not compile his Message from of the teachings of ancient and modern times, but drew his Living Knowledge from the purest and highest Source, thus creating his Message from the Grail, which indeed is his actual identity!

I do not promote his teachings I only make people aware of them, or try to.

Peace and light


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Hi Peter,

I’m so glad you’ve taken my post in the spirit it was meant. 😉 You know, I totally agree with you about the way some people interpret these important events of the past and also totally agree with this statement:

I recognize the Bible as the word of God, only people see what they want and then interpreted to their thinking, so many religions and only one God, everybody thinks they have the truth and are following the truth, but they err, truth is eternal, many distort it, but you can't change it!

You are right, there is only one Truth – and that is God, who is Truth itself! I always think that my friend Tony gave an excellent description of the one universal Truth in a letter, which he has given me permission to share:

“I think that there is an absolute truth, and I believe that absolute truth is God, good. I also follow a religious walk devoted to discerning, uncovering, and even demonstrating that Truth (with a capital "T") in healing. However, I genuinely respect the spiritual walk that others are taking in their own search for Truth, and I have found that I can learn from believers of other faiths and of none, as well as from literature and art.

I also respect those who conscientiously believe that there is no absolute truth, and I share their concerns about the attitudes of absolutists who are dogmatic in preaching that only their way has any truth to it. I don't think that the problem is with Truth being absolute, though. I think the problem arises when a denomination thinks it IS that Truth - rather than being a lens through which that Truth can be viewed - or that it has a monopoly on Truth.

Truth, to be Truth, has to be universal. Can you imagine if the laws of gravity applied only in one location? Or if you were only able to benefit from them if you happen to be a paid-up member of a particular gravity-believers club? Gravity-believers might feel that they can do a better job of harnessing the laws of gravity in their own lives and for the common good, because they are more focused on understanding those laws and are in discussion with others who have already proved their many wonderful applications. They can never, however, have more access to those laws than other believers or even non-believers.

So it is, I feel, with God's goodness. It is available impartially for all and it can, and does, work through all people - whatever denominational label we wear, or even if we shun all such labels, or consider ourselves humanists, agnostics, and atheists.”

I’ll continue in the next post.

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I am not a Christian in the sense of the word I love God with all my heart, but I cannot forgive them for crucifying Jesus and calling it a sacrifice on their behalf, it was definitely murder, the religions at that time just had to find a excuse to murder him, and remove him as he was a thorn in their side, as he did not agree with their teachings they had him removed by any means possible.

A lot of people feel like that, including a lovely lady I knew who wrote about her spiritual journey, starting with:

When I was a child, I would sometimes be left alone for several hours at a time. Yet, I knew that there was a loving power that was looking after me, protecting me. This benevolent power was unseen, but at the same time tangible to me. It was God….

Later, as I began attending my family's church, I learned that my relationship to God was possible only because Jesus had died for my sins. I was taught that when Jesus died on the cross, he paid the price so that I could have a relationship with his Father. I learned that God required sacrifice if you wanted to be close to him, and therefore Jesus had come to sacrifice his life for me. I didn't entirely understand this because it seemed so unfair to Jesus and involved a God rather unlike the God I knew and loved.

[url]The transforming power of God's GRACE [/url]

So let’s look at this quandary. For a start, it wasn’t Christians who crucified Jesus, but I’m sure you know that. But that wasn’t the point. Yes of course it was murder, Jesus was overturning the long-held traditions of the Jewish leaders and exposing their hypocrisy – more that that, his religion met people's needs, it was practical, not all rituals and traditions. Of course they hated him and wanted to stop the message by killing the messenger.

But Peter – Jesus’ crucifixion was something that had been foretold hundreds if not thousands of years before by the Hebrew prophets. Every detail was prophesied and Jesus was very aware of it. When Jesus told his disciples that he was going to be crucified but then rise again three days later from the grave, Peter protested loudly, but Jesus was furious with him and severely rebuked him (see Matt 16:3) Then later, when the impetuous Peter cut the ear off the high priest’s servant as they were arresting Jesus, not only did Jesus restore his ear, but again severely rebuked Peter:

“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?” (Matthew 26 52-54)

(A Roman legion was between 5000 and 6000 men, so twelve legions of angels could have been between 60,000 and 72,000 angels!)

“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." (John 15:9-13)

So if Jesus knew what he had to do, who are we to take issue with it?

Again, I will continue below.

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You titled this thread, “Your salvation lies in the WORD ALONE” and again, I totally agree. But what, actually is salvation and what actually is the WORD?

The gospel of John tells us:
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son,
so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.

Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world,
but in order that the world might be saved through him
. (John 3:16, 17)

You probably know that I study a book alongside the Bible that also is a lens through which Truth can be viewed, and its author, Mary Baker Eddy explains:

Was it just for Jesus to suffer? No; but it was inevitable, for not otherwise could he show us the way and the power of Truth. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures p 40)

Jesus could have withdrawn himself from his enemies. He had power to lay down a human sense of life for his spiritual identity in the likeness of the divine; but he allowed men to attempt the destruction of the mortal body in order that he might furnish the proof of immortal life. Nothing could kill this Life of man. Jesus could give his temporal life into his enemies’ hands; but when his earth-mission was accomplished, his spiritual life, indestructible and eternal, was found forever the same. He knew that matter had no life and that real Life is God; therefore he could no more be separated from his spiritual Life than God could be extinguished. (Science and Health p. 51)

Jesus knew he had to suffer and die on the cross and then overcome death and hatred with the resurrection until he rose above all materiality with his ascension. His birth, divine mission and crucifixion were all in prophecy. In Isa 53:5 we are further told that, “by his wounds we are healed.” That was echoed in 1 Peter 2:21-25.

The way we understand this, is not as God sending His wrath upon His beloved Son, but that Jesus, out of his great love, took our sins upon himself, allowing himself to be tortured and killed, so that he could prove to all that that Life is God and eternal Life overcomes death and all suffering, that Love is God and divine Love overcomes all evil, hatred and sin. The whole three years of his mission on earth were spent healing and saving people from sin, suffering, lack, disability, disease and even death and his overcoming the flesh and bringing salvation to the world with his resurrection was the crowning point in human history.

What was Jesus’ own understanding and description of his mission? He gave his answer to Pilate:

“… For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice.” (John 18:37)

Eddy again:

The final demonstration of the truth which Jesus taught, and for which he was crucified, opened a new era for the world. Those who slew him to stay his influence perpetuated and extended it. (Science and Health p. 43)

Jesus also said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:32)

He didn’t say that the truth would make us free ONLY after death, but, everything he said and did, pointed to the Kingdom of Heaven within, here and now. He didn’t come to start a new religion, but to give mankind a new way of understanding who we are and what our relationship with God is, a new way of thinking that gives us freedom, not only from sin, but from lack, limitation, fear, danger, disease, injury and even death. He proved by his resurrection and ascension that Truth has power over every single material limitation and all suffering.

I won’t go into it all now, but I made a discovery recently that the Greek word sṓzō, used in the New Testament for salvation from sin (which is the normal Christian understanding of that term), is also used for passages that describe healing, so “being saved” also means being healed, being made whole, cured, protected.

And to me, that is the fullest understanding of the truth making us free. Truth isn’t some abstract theory, but is powerful and practical here and now.

Whew, sorry this was so long!

Love and peace,


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Wow, this a very interesting read and I love the passionate writing and food for thought.

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<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Zandalee">Zandalee

I was beginning to get despondent, I have started many threads here and the most important one is the last one that I had posted, you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink it!


Your salvation lies in the WORD ALONE. During the time of Christ on earth anyone who would receive the Word had to come to Him personally. Now you have the Word in a book in the "IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH". Anyone no matter how poor he is, can afford it even if he were to starve himself in order to possess it, he would only gain thereby.


The Message is the living word, even the Chinese have it I am told it is in a temple in China and they have recognized contents and where it comes from. It is in many languages, I have a copy in Chinese I had acquired for someone.

Like with Jesus many people passed. Him by as with Jesus. Bible was compiled from people like the disciples from hearsay, Jesus never wrote anything down, therefore it is only from what people remember including the disciples. People have a very deficient memory, secondhand information doesn't carry the way it people intended, they add their thoughts and how they see it or remember it. And then pass it on as inviolable truth!

It makes me sad that people are following a false path, Truth is the only true path,"What is Truth", is the book that I refer to so many times, Pilate asked Jesus, What is Truth? Before he had Him murdered by a howling mob.

Jesus was the Son of God, God incarnated in flesh in the the material world.

Peace and light


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It makes me sad that people are following a false path

I guess most people who follow a path, whatever it is, feel sad that others don't see things as they do.

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Crowan, there is truth in this statement you have made. It is proven belief systems cause great joy and sorrow.

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From my understanding Jesus was not against the priesthood as such just their profiteering. He supported their religious teachings.
Can it also be said that Jesus was murdered. He had the ability to "cheat" death but he chose not to. Some have even said that Judas was in fact a very faithful servant to Jesus and was actually assigned the role of betrayer.
The writings of one of Herod's high priests states that the reason Jesus had to go was because the people mistook his teaching and were moving towards mutiny against the Romans. The priesthood knew that if that happened the Romans would instantly crush the people including the priesthood. Even Nero's biographer spoke of a troublesome preacher in Judea.
The writings of ABD-RU-SHIN do try to differentiate between mortal intellectual misunderstanding and spiritual understanding just the same as other writers have. I'm only half way through the book but I haven't as yet seen anything that clashes with orthodox Christianity.

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How long have you been reading it?

Peace and light


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Because of my stroke that I had, I get mixed up with my words, and sentences I know what I mean to say but I just can't voice it, it just comes out differently, I know that Christians didn't murder Jesus, they just follow the wrong path, and distort the truth for their own ends, God didn't send Jesus to take our sins, we have to do or own dirty washing, as we reap so we must sow.

Jesus couldn't not on any of our sins we have to get forgiveness from who ever we have sinned against, no a person can give forgive another unless he was this one that was sinned against in the first instance.

No church or priest can forgive a sin against another person.

Peace and light


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This is an abstract from the book "Questions and Answers"that I read it is a companion to the book in the Light of Truth, I assume that people that have read the Message come up with all sorts of questions, this is the reply that was made.


I often receive letters of genuine gratitude, which arose arouse great joy in me: The serious seeker however, who through the lectures as become a finding one can express his thanks for that only to God Himself. Although I was able to become the mediator, the gift is not from me. I am a nothing without God, nor could I give anything without Him.

As an example I would like to cite the following. When a gift is brought to a man by a servant, he does not thank the servant, but the giver himself. It is no different here. If I am permitted to draw from sources which are closed to others, then surely I myself have the greatest cause for thanking Him who grants me this!


Peace and light

