There's something that is niggling at me, it has been for a while, and I've never felt "brave" enough to voice it or ask anyone for fear of judgement or condemnation. This morning I actually voiced it to my partner and he followed my line of thinking, so now I guess I feel brave enough to ask it here!
I have religious (as well as spiritual) beliefs but for a number of reasons I have turned my back on organised religion. However I believe in the teaching that there is but one god, and that you should not worship false gods and idols.
And so my question: If we accept the above, how can so many people worship at, and pray to, the various statues of saints and the Madonna? They are not gods, they do not come before the one god, so why isn't this seen as worshipping false idols?
I hope the question does not offend anyone and look forward to some interesting answers!
RE: Worshipping false idols
"[color="#0000cc"]Your statement about [color="#330000"]"The #1 fear of all Humans = Death” is rubbish, and you know it… LOL, you even state it yourself in your reply to me when you're trying to argue the opposite …. [color="#000000"]"How about when you've been injected with a poison that causes you immence pain to eventually die wishing someone will just end your life""
Pain and Torture would amplify ones decision to seek death faster than normal. Why would they want to continue life when they know ALL is lost? Is'nt this the case with suicidal tendencies? You would have to completly not care about your own life to not fear death but, did you fail to read my question about the Death of a loved one or ones child? Only way I can see someone not fear death entirley is if they have absolutly no care in the world for themself and others.
RE: Worshipping false idols
Wow, I thought, there's been a lot of replies to my question, I'd better go check - and never have I seen a thread that started so innocently go so far off topic and end up with such a furore! C'mon guys! But still I find myself needing to chip in......
I believe in a Higher Being - call that God if you will, although that has too many "organised religion" connotations for me.
I believe that a man named Jesus once walked the earth - and yes, he was a son of "god" in the same way that we are all children of "god", and we all have our own purpose in life just as Jesus had his, and Buddha had his, and so on for all the other prophets.
I do not believe that the only way to a good afterlife, what some might call Heaven, is from worshipping Christ and that anyone who doesn't is consigned to Hell or some other place - Heaven and Hell are man-made creations to keep people in check with fear rather than love, in my view.
I do believe that when our human body dies, our spirit lives on.
I DO NOT fear death, for it is simply the end of one part of the journey and the start of the next. What I DO fear is the process of dying, which is what you are describing, oblivionlord. To my mind the process of dying and death itself are two different things, and I fear one but not the other.
Well, that's my tuppence / two cents worth!
RE: Worshipping false idols
What you are admiting is that you do fear death for is the whole purpose of yourself believing in Souls/Spirits which would sudjest to you that there is infact an afterlife. An Afterlife which would infact guarantee you homage so that you just do not cease to function. An afterlife that would allow you to put aside your fear of death so that when the time comes you will feel at ease. Nice to drive a belief in the mind when it is nothing more than subjective just to escape reality.
However CAN you at all put aside your subjective feelings, look at things at a diffrent perspective and think that maybe there just is a possibility that there are NO souls/spirits just as there may be. So when that critical moment comes and there just Is no afterlife then again as I said above.. an Athiest would be just as much a believer as anyone else just for hope that their life cycle won't end.
Why would anyone want to believe in these irrational thoughts? Of course Hope is what strives man. Depending on how you look at Satan..... What would Satan do if all his minions suddenly lost hope of ever reaching Heaven? It would be no diffrent than torturing mindless zombies. Inanimate objects just aren't fun to toy around with when the real thing brings soo much pleasure.
RE: Worshipping false idols
With moderator's hat on, and in reply to Amber Lady first of all:
I'm sorry your well-intentioned thread seems to be getting somewhat bent out of shape, and our apologies for that. I personally have not been following this thread, and have only just seen the recent posts.
You may well say:
Wow, I thought, there's been a lot of replies to my question, I'd better go check - and never have I seen a thread that started so innocently go so far off topic and end up with such a furore! C'mon guys!
In reply to others in regard to the recent exchanges of views:
C'mon guys! indeed!!! Surely you don't need reminding of the guidelines - AGAIN - in respect of addressing others with civility and tolerance of differing views and beliefs.
May I ask that insults cease, please, and that we return to the topic of the thread.
Many thanks.
On behalf of the Moderating Team
RE: Worshipping false idols
If not the death of yourself then how about a loved one such as your children? I can think of many sadistic ways to torture a small child in front of the parents face making them submit to my needs
What a nasty, twisted, sick mind you must have to suggest this. Are you a christian?
RE: Worshipping false idols
ORIGINAL: oblivionlord
What you are admiting is that you do fear death for is the whole purpose of yourself believing in Souls/Spirits which would sudjest to you that there is infact an afterlife. An Afterlife which would infact guarantee you homage so that you just do not cease to function. An afterlife that would allow you to put aside your fear of death so that when the time comes you will feel at ease. Nice to drive a belief in the mind when it is nothing more than subjective just to escape reality.
However CAN you at all put aside your subjective feelings, look at things at a diffrent perspective and think that maybe there just is a possibility that there are NO souls/spirits just as there may be. So when that critical moment comes and there just Is no afterlife then again as I said above.. an Athiest would be just as much a believer as anyone else just for hope that their life cycle won't end.
Why would anyone want to believe in these irrational thoughts? Of course Hope is what strives man. Depending on how you look at Satan..... What would Satan do if all his minions suddenly lost hope of ever reaching Heaven? It would be no diffrent than torturing mindless zombies. Inanimate objects just aren't fun to toy around with when the real thing brings soo much pleasure.
how can you ask others to suspend their beliefs in favour of yours, when i doubt you'd do the same for them... i mean, "CAN you at all put aside your subjective feelings, look at things at a diffrent perspective and think that maybe there just is a possibility that there ARE souls/spirits just as there may be."? well can ya?
and, i hate to mention here but satan is a made up christian character... so if one is not a christian, satan dont mean much. so asking "what would satan do..." isnt relevant to many people, cos it'd be a <shrug> "bovvered" moment.
RE: Worshipping false idols
I don't take sides to a belief or a disbelief. I'm Agnostic. I myself believe that there may be a supreme intelligence or group of intelligence governing all and also the the possibility that there may not be either.
I only used Satan as a representation to what one would consider a place in the afterlife if they aren't accepted. Of course Satan is merly a figure used by Christians as you pointed out but, what about the belief systems of others when they aren't accepted.
Then again are you just looking at Satan as figure within a False religion... not the true religion? hahaha
RE: Worshipping false idols
With Moderators hat on again!!!
Please see post....
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=390018 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=390018[/link]
This subject is going way [sm=offtopic.gif] please have respect for Amber Lady who's orginal question is about false gods/idols....
On behalf of the Moderating Team
RE: Worshipping false idols
Hi amberlady
Is it safe.......[sm=hidesbehindsofa.gif]....:D
Anyway, I would just like to say that i really dont know why each religion has there own idols and respect there own reasons.
Although i do believe in god and jesus i can only give an example to a cross that i wish to wear all the time, it may not be a kind of idol in a way of statues, but i feel that the cross feels acloseness.
A kind of personal and private item that makes me feel at home with the divine and close to the connection, im not sure if other religons worship their idol that they look to in this way, but maybe its a way of a type of messenger, a door to the divine above.
As some speak to the cross knowing and feeling that their prayers with be taken through the cross to god ??:eek:
mmm, interesting post
RE: Worshipping false idols
Where is the peace and love and understanding that so many religions claim is their guiding tenent? Reading this thread on a site where I hoped there was a more enlightened attitude saddens me. Maybe the message for Amber isto find your own path, listen to your own heart. You don't need organised religion to become close to the Creator Spirit-just take a walk in Nature and there you may findthe answers you seek.
RE: Worshipping false idols
Hi Guys,
Wow, much has happened since I was here last, and it seems I'm part of the problem,:)
So I think I owe you an explanation.
Personally I think “enlightened” is a much used word and attached to other words too easily, I for one (as an example) don’t really know what an ‘enlightened attitude’ is supposed to be… does anyone really know?
I can see where the note of my posts on this thread can be taken as abrasive and confrontational, and for that (as much as it may displease any) I offer no apology. But please allow me to ‘nail my flag to the mast’ so that there is no ambiguity about my stance on both the subject of this thread, and the reasons for the questions I asked.
I believe strongly in the right of any individual to follow their chosen faith or belief (whether an organised religion, self-defined or indeed strength in the belief that there is no higher power at all), because whatever gives that person peace, succour, solace and/or access to the divine is theirs and theirs alone, we all each of us walk ‘our’ path - no?:eek:
I felt compelled to post because I took exception to two statements, both of which were posted as if they are indisputable fact![:'(] much like anyone feels compelled to post because they take exception to the tone of a thread (for example).
One was the assertion that if the God of the Bible was not worshiped and his word adhered to… then that person remains ‘unsaved’ and ergo is consigned to hell and damnation
The other was the subjective notion that ALL HUMANS harbour as their number one fear – the metamorphosis known as “Death”…which was also posted as an irrefutable truth.
Both are patently untrue, the first notion is rejected by the Bible itself anyway… but I wanted to flag it because I don’t like the way the statement can push doubt and fear into those that are unsure of their path.
And I wanted toquestion the veracity of the second because it is an arrogant statement that negates the millions that exist in the knowledge and faith that life is eternal and therefore harbour no fear of ‘death’ itself, comforted in the belief that it is no more than a transitory phase, an intermission prior to the next part of their existence playing out!
If you fully read the reply to me, perhaps you'll understand more - why the tone of my replies were as they became.
In response to the original question of the thread, my belief & my personal faith tells me that any object can be instilled with the love and energy to allow me access to the divine. My belief is that there is but one ‘power’, whether I choose to soak in the beautiful and loving energy left by many years of worshipers in a cathedral and use the face of Christ as the focal point of my devotion to gain c
RE: Worshipping false idols
What a great post, roger! Thanks so much.
With love
Sunanda xxx
RE: Worshipping false idols
"[color="#0000cc"]The other was the subjective notion that [color="#006600"]ALL HUMANS harbour as their number one fear – the metamorphosis known as “Death”…which was also posted as an irrefutable truth. "
"[color="#0000cc"]And I wanted toquestion the veracity of the second because it is an arrogant statement that negates the millions that exist in the knowledge and faith that life is eternal and therefore harbour no fear of ‘death’ itself, comforted in the belief that it is no more than a transitory phase, an intermission prior to the next part of their existence playing out!"
I fail to see the arrogance in the statement which bothers you so. You say that it negates the opinion of millions "knowledge and faith"... and is this the reason that you disprove of it? Or is the reason that you posted stating your displeasure the fact that it negates your own opinion? Since it goes against your own beliefs, perhaps you've taken a personal offense and called it arrogant.
You make some interesting points however I believe that you should perhaps choose your words more wisely the next time you decide to comment.
You obviously care for your childrens well being. You may say that you don't fear death for yourself but, again do you not fear the death of your children? I would dare to say that you do. I think it would be impossible to find a parent who did not fear the death of their children unless they just don't care about their child. How could you possibly say that a fear of spiders holds greater importance than the life of your child? I would feel shame and embarrassment if I ever held the life of my child second to anything else and I'm appalled that you would say such a thing.
RE: Worshipping false idols
This post brings to mind another biblical quote that all churches seem to ignore.
" Build not an alter unto us"
This would suggest that the deighty does not consider its' self a god but a guiding light, bringer of knowledge and wisdom!
RE: Worshipping false idols
ORIGINAL: oblivionlord
I fail to see the arrogance in the statement which bothers you so. You say that it negates the opinion of millions "knowledge and faith"... and is this the reason that you disprove of it? Or is the reason that you posted stating your displeasure the fact that it negates your own opinion? Since it goes against your own beliefs, perhaps you've taken a personal offense and called it arrogant.
I think you'll find that Conspiritualist was merely making a point that to say (and I'll summarise here)
"ALL HUMANS number 1 fear is Death"
Is given as a statement of fact, with nothing to back up such a "factual" claim.
The point is that, because people have different faiths and beliefs, not everyone sees death as something to fear. In fact people of some faiths, past and present, believe(d) that death is something to be revered and see it as a means to pass on to a new better life or to go back to their respected "creator".
If you had said something like "A great deal of humans, beliefs permitting,harbour death as their number 1 fear", then this would have been more acceptable.
That's the way I see it anyway. I'm sure Conspiritualist will be able to clarify further for you.
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Worshipping false idols
I am not a religious expert by any means! but I have looked atsome of the most common. and they all seem to come down to love and respect for others and the planet we live on, so,if they all come down to that .. why all the fighting?
It seems to me that it all gets changed to fit the needs of the people who preach or rule.
Taoism for example, it WAS a more philisophical than religious movement. but it became polluted into a religion with Gods and temples!
it was so simple and pure, but I am again no expert, but that seems to have become the extreme opposite! from one honest frustrated man writting his feeling in verse, into beingused to bond people together with ornate templesand Gods and stories. It suited the Emporor!
Okay, that is an extreme example, but the point is, take just about all religions to the root and it was for political manipulation OR was some living person saying ... we really have to be nice to each other you know!
As to false Idols, I agree with the rest of the posts, having something visual, ordable or tactile to focus on helps center your thoughts, so statues in churches or insence burning are just aids to prayer. if you imagien writting a letter to a friend sat at your keybord. Would you not glance over at a photo of them now and then if one was close while you thought what to say next?
we don't know what happens after death, no matter how many people say they do because God has told us. Unless God talks to you personally, you mean you have been told that God told us. .. not the same thing .
RE: Worshipping false idols
Hi Giles,
That’s exactly what I mean… now why can’t I be that nice lol.
I did try to explain and to bring the thread back on topic too; but
ORIGINAL: oblivionlord
I fail to see the arrogance in the statement which bothers you so. You say that it negates the opinion of millions "knowledge and faith"... and is this the reason that you disprove of it?
I don’t “disprove” of it [8D],
You stated it as a fact that “all humans” number one fear is death…
Whether you like it or not pal… it is WRONG… as in ‘not right’ – so which bit of that can’t you get?
ORIGINAL: oblivionlord
I believe that you should perhaps choose your words more wisely the next time you decide to comment.
Somewhat rich to say the least, coming from someone who said: -
ORIGINAL: oblivionlord
I can think of many sadistic ways to torture a small child in front of the parents face making them submit to my needs
And: -
ORIGINAL: oblivionlord
How about someone drugging you making you immobile yet knowing your own judgement but, at the same time cutting you up limb from limb.
As I said before, I offer no apologies for my reaction to you, moreover, I don’t like you…
As for your stupid assumptions that I’ve never faced death… I’ve been stabbed, beaten, had my bones broken countless times and even attacked by a guy wild on coke and acid - trying to slash my neck open with a cutthroat…
Like I said earlier…you don’t know nowt about me… so shove yer nasty, sick n’ twisted statements…Are we clear?
we don't know what happens after death, no matter how many people say they do because God has told us. Unless God talks to you personally, you mean you have been told that God told us. .. not the same thing
Hi piffy,
I can see what you are saying, but very many humans have experienced proof that existence continues beyond physical death… and I don’t mean the messages you get from the medium at spiritualist gatherings.
RE: Worshipping false idols
sorry, I didn't mean that I thought therewas nothing after death!, just that we don't have access to know forcertain. no matter what personal expeirence anyone may have had. If you personally have been give information on the afterlife that you belive is ultimate proof to you then fine! what I ment was the stories of heaven or nivarna or what ever people are told comes after the life they are living now, is not first handexperiece. and there isn't anyone who tell you what is right from certain knowlege! But there again, most religons agree, you reep what you sow!
RE: Worshipping false idols
"[color="#0000cc"]I don’t “disprove” of it ,
[color="#0000cc"]You stated it as a fact that “all humans” number one fear is death…
[color="#0000cc"]Whether you like it or not pal… it is WRONG… as in ‘not right’ – so which bit of that can’t you get?:
Seeing that you have still yet to answer my question about the death of your children after the many replies from the first time I asked only proves me right and you wrong.
RE: Worshipping false idols
ORIGINAL: oblivionlord
Seeing that you have still yet to answer my question about the death of your children after the many replies from the first time I asked only proves me right and you wrong.
surley the question is flawed, the fear of death would stem from fear of our mortality wouldn't it?, but any normal human being would fear theloss of a loved one...thats perhaps called dread of loss...not fear of death
Also you may of missed Energylz post #45 above which seems to hit the point here
So perhaps we could get back to the topic as requested twice by the Moderators "Worshipping false idols" it would be a shame if the thread had to get locked because of the tone of some of the posts
RE: Worshipping false idols
As sadistic as my above quotes may be, they must be said as so inorder to reach my point. Still in no way was I insulting you as you had done to me quoting my origional statement as being "arrogant".
[color="#0000cc"]As I said before, I offer no apologies for my reaction to you, moreover, I don't like you…
[color="#0000cc"]As for your stupid assumptions that I've never faced death… I've been stabbed, beaten, had my bones broken countless times and even attacked by a guy wild on coke and acid - trying to slash my neck open with a cutthroat…
[color="#0000cc"]Like I said earlier…you don't know nowt about me… so shove yer nasty, sick n' twisted statements…Are we clear?
Now that you have clearly insulted me, I would like to point out that I never made any assumptions that you haven't faced death. I was mearly giving examples like the ones you posted of me above. Wether or not you have faced death or not at whatever degree still remains. I find it hard to believe that when faced with death, a person doesn't have a slight fear that their life is comming to an end. For example: A person is told by their doctor that they have a month to live and their reaction is what? Yippie? Oh great I'm going to meet GOD? Why did I buy that new car? No.. I believe that their first reaction nomatter how small it may be is "Crap my life is comming to an end".
You have also failed to answer my question about the death of your children: Do you not fear the death of your children over your own or is your bowel movement more of a concern?
This is a quote of yours towards piffy....
[color="#0000cc"]I can see what you are saying, but very many humans have experienced proof that existence continues beyond physical death… and I don't mean the messages you get from the medium at spiritualist gatherings.
This proof exists where? I agree with Piffy in that your proof in this regard is only to you. It is difficult for the masses to believe such a thing unless they themselves were witness to such a feat.
RE: Worshipping false idols
ORIGINAL: Amelia Jane
So perhaps we could get back to the topic as requested twice by the Moderators "Worshipping false idols" it would be a shame if the thread had to get locked because of the tone of some of the posts
RE: Worshipping false idols
ORIGINAL: Amelia Jane
"surley the question is flawed, the fear of death would stem from fear of our mortality wouldn't it?, but any normal human being would fear theloss of a loved one...thats perhaps called dread of loss...not fear of death"
I see where you are coming from Amelia, but I believe that "dread of loss" is only rewording 'fearing the loss of a loved one'. Instead, I believe that we need to look at the originating concern: What would make you feel "dread of loss"? If we follow this chain of emotion, I think we'll see that it is stemming from the loss of the loved one. We cannot have this ultimate loss without the death of that person. The death of that person being the cause to the entire scenario. Following this same logical pattern, we need to break down the attributes of "dread" to their simplest form (as we have above).
dread: to fear greatly
You will find similar statements in other dictionaries, but we shall use this as it is most common. When you break dread down into it's simplest form, we find that it stems from fear. Therefore, if we are dreading the death of our loved one, then we are actaully fearing the death.
Although I assumed that we were still on topic speaking about the fear of death. When I look at society as they age, their faith seems to increase as they get closer and closer to death. Even people who were atheist or agnostic in the past...many of these people change their views and believe in a god. I believe that this falls within the topic quite squarely. Are they worshipping a false idol (one that goes against everything they believed in for most of their life) simply for the fact that they know their life is coming to an end -- that they fear death? I believe it so.
I agree that we should stay on topic. Amelia, would you please lead us back to that?
RE: Worshipping false idols
Dear Amelia, Sorry, but for one post, we're still not back on topic. This is a new one - oblivionlord:
Dear Matthew and friends,
I've been wondering for a long time why you came to Healthy Pages and why you post here? I quote from the Rules and Guidelines;
"HP is a forum for health and healing and spiritual matters."
Do you realise that these are not debating forums, but DISCUSSION forums?
Have you read the Forum rules and guidelines?
Any foul or hostile language used will not be tolerated. This includes any derogatory statements and profanity. Direct or indirect personal attacks are strictly not permitted. Insults and negative attitudes are not allowed. Saying you don't agree & why, can be done in a good humoured and polite way without causing offence.All members have the right to their own ideas, beliefs and faiths . Members have the right to express these with equal respect and consideration.
You agree not to impersonate healthypages members or moderators. Not to create more than one username with the intent to disrupt discussions or deceive members.
Conduct of Others:
Our members represent a wide variety of religious and spiritual beliefs, when joining in discussions on our forums, expect to come across persons whose ideas, opinions and beliefs may be different from yours. Please approach such encounters with tolerance and an acceptance of others faiths and beliefs.
You sometimes remind me of the old film "The good, the bad and the ugly." I say this, because you seem to be 4 different people. There's the Atheist (or is it Agnostic?) Matthew, there's the fundamentalist Christian Matthew, there's the Matthew with his own philosophy and then there's the very pleasant, intelligent and reasonable Matthew, like the one below:
ORIGINAL: oblivionlord
The Old Testament Vs The New Testament - August 2006
I appreciate all of the replies. I truly appreciate the thought and consideration you all have put into helping me to understand and qualify/disqualify my queries (e.g. Interpretation, Differences, etc.); however, I must continue to persue this understanding, or lack thereof, for myself. SO, I hope that you will continue with your entries as they all make me think (whether or not I agree or disagree). I also feel that a heavily-weighted reason why the younger generations are turned off to learning about the Christian religion is that when they question (to clear their own confusion and muddled beliefs in their mind) learned individuals such as yourselves, they are looked down upon and accused of being "rude". We rely heavily on our reliable teachers to turn that confusion (what would be considered by some as simply being rude) into understanding.
That is in the spirit of HP and we would all be happy to write to you if you were always like this.
Sometimes you come across as an ATHEIST:
ORIGINAL: oblivionlord
Lets first talk about 1 thing. Each and every society in themselves determin what's good and evil as in right and wrong since each have their own set laws. Therefore what you consider to be bad in 1 society is not bad in another. How is it that the bible sets the rules for all men within every society without being discriminative? Clearly the bible forces you to follow its law or face eternal seperation from God aka Second death aka Hell. How is this any diffrent from Hitler to his own people and his vision of the world or any dictator in that manner?
Sometimes you pretend to be a fundamentalist CHRISTIAN, like here:
ORIGINAL: oblivionlord
If you try to interpret the Bible in your own image, then let me remind you of these 2 passages:Revelations
22:18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book, if anyone adds to them, may God add to him the plagues which are written in this book.22:19 If anyone ta
RE: Worshipping false idols
*mod hat on *
Thank you Judy forquoting the forum rules.
To all members:
We now respectfully, and for the last time, request that the conversation returns to the original topic. We feel that any discrepancies have been clarified and there is really no need to further discuss these things. If you wish to be reminded of the actual topic of conversation then I would suggest re-visiting the first dozen or soposts on page 1 as a good guideline.
We also request that personal opinions about other members are kept to yourselves as these are not in line with forum guidelines as pointed out by the rules in Judy's post. Those apply to all members.
Any further discussion off topic will result in the thread being locked.
On behalf of the HP moderators.
* mod hat off *
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Worshipping false idols
In fact, I never personally replied in the original topic whilst it was actually "on-topic" so let me get the ball rolling again with my own answer. (I'll try and make it short and succinct)
The question is whether people are worshipping false idols because they tend to worship the saints or the madonna etc.
Now, the first thing I asked myself is, Are these really false idols?
By worshipping something, people are showing respect to those things and respect the "answers" that they get back, but why are they showing repect to them? Well as I see it, these things have a history of being so close to the god(s) that the people believe in,they are seen as someone or something that their god(s) deliver their religious messages through. So by worshipping these things, they are truly believing that they are communicating with their god(s). IMO, this means that these idols are not false, and are merely a more physical manifestation of the persons god(s) that they feel more comfortable and at ease communicating with. It's something more tangible for the people, as are the responses, and that is what helps these people to feel safe in their religious community.
Now the other type of false idols are those where there are present day people who suddenly seem to, out of the blue, claim that they are a god or Jesus or one of the other typically respected manifestations from history. Are these people really false though? Only we as individuals can decide that, using our own common sense and by listening to what these people say. There are obviously those who are false, and have ulterior motives, i.e. to extort money out of unsuspecting needy people, but there are those who are more acceptable in society. Let's take the Dalai Lama for example. He is a well respected person and an idol who is worshipped along with the religious Buddha of Buddhism. He may not ask for that worship, but he gets it nonetheless. Is it wrong for people to worship him? IMO, not if it helps those people to reach their goal within their own beliefs.
So to summarise, before we can say whether it is wrong or right to worshop false idols, we must first be clear in defining what makes an idol false.
Love and Reiki Hugs
RE: Worshipping false idols
Energylz, I believe that you make some very important points: i) "Are these really false idols", ii) "they feel more comfortable and at ease communicating with [that idol]", iii) "what makes an idol false". (Assuming that we are speaking of an idol as the deity or god itself as opposed to the falacy of such.)
To continue with your thought, if I may, I think that we should also take into account the other possiblities of how people are viewing and worshipping these "false idols". Without misassociating the meanings of these idols, we should look at "what makes an idol". By definition, an idol can be looked at as a god (deity), God or a false god. The respective standing that a deity holds does not have to be bad or negative, as seems to be insinuated by some. A deity can be a god, God or a divine character. Here we see that I've made it back to our most common conception (aka. God), but we seem to look past the other, quite valid conceptual reference of a "divine character". This, as we can all agree, could be God just as much as a member of the clergy.
That being said, for someone to worship a member of the clergy (or the equivelant for our respective religions) seems as though it would be a positive thing. Don't you agree? We're debating (or discussing, as they are one in the same -- this we all learned from our primary school teachings) whether or not people are worshipping false idols. I don't believe that anyone is worshipping a false idol or falsely worshipping an idol. If that worshipper is honoring, with respect, their specified divine character (be it Madonna, their priest, or God/gods), then how is that to be held in pretence?
Honor thy mother and father. By definition, this can be read as 'worship thy mother and father' and mean just the same. It seems tragic that people are taking such an extreme definition/understanding and seemingly wanting to deny another's belief.
"...before we can say whether it is wrong or right to worshop false idols, we must first be clear in defining what makes an idol false." I believe that you stated this very well indeed. It seems to boil down to the interpretation (or misinterpretation) of various statements/comments/beliefs, just as Judy has done with me. Such misinterpretations can leave others mistrusting you or harboring negative feelings toward you.
I feel it extremely important for Amber Lady to help us in explaining what she feels is an idol, as she is the originator of the thread.
"Although I assumed that we were still on topic speaking about the fear of death. When I look at society as they age, their faith seems to increase as they get closer and closer to death. Even people who were atheist or agnostic in the past...many of these people change their views and believe in a god ... Are they worshipping a false idol ... simply for the fact that they know their life is coming to an end ...." This is not to misinterpreted in a negative way, I am simply mentioning what I've seen. I am getting into the reasoning as to perhaps why someone might be influenced into "worshipping a false idol". Let me now explain my reasoning why I was commenting on death itself -- What other reason is there for a non-believer to suddenly believe at a time like that? What is the whole purpose for believing? If there is no deity or final outcome to answer the means of creation, then what exactly ... then what outcome is there when you die?
Here I feel it is important to look back on what Energylz said regarding their belief: What makes them feel more comfortable? Regardless of whether that is to a false being or not. Perhaps I'm not making myself very clear. I have a feeling that I want to express, but am having difficulty putting it into words. Energylz, could I get your thoughts on this?
RE: Worshipping false idols
Hello Matthew,
I hope Giles will come back and answer your question eventually!
Everyone is at a different level of spiritual understanding and I certainly feel that whatever gives anyone comfort (and inspiration) is not to be sneered at. I also think that what comes to us is what we can accept at our present level of understanding.
For instance - take angels. I know them as spiritual intuitions, as the way that God communicates with us. I've had these so many times - warning me of danger or impelling me to take the right path (which was always the opposite of what I thought it was!) Once, I had such clear directions that I was forced to take another way home, then, go out of my way and it eventually led me to the roundabout below the garage where my car was serviced. As I got to this roundabout, all my warning lights came on and I had just enough impetus to get up the slope and my radiator blew up as I reached the door of the service area! It was at night and I went to the house next door and rang the friend who I had been visiting, to come and get me. She said "You were lucky" and I told her that luck had nothing to do with it. Had I gone home my usual way, I would have broken down on a road which went through a forest and farmland with very few houses and that was before mobile phones.
I have read many accounts of where people have had similar experiences, but they have often had to see a human being with feathered wings before they would take notice. I think that our attachment to matter and the body is what makes the seeming abstraction of pure metaphysics seem so abstract and difficult to understand. It's also why we have humanised Deity.
Love and peace,
RE: Worshipping false idols
Apologies for the delay in replying, it's been a busy few days.
I believe that you make some very important points: i) "Are these really false idols", ii) "they feel more comfortable and at ease communicating with [that idol]", iii) "what makes an idol false". (Assuming that we are speaking of an idol as the deity or god itself as opposed to the falacy of such.)
Re. iii) you say... "Assuming that we are speaking of an idol as the deity or god itself..."
I'm not quite sure what you mean by this.
I think the problem comes down to the fact that the word idol has several definitions (and these vary depending on your source) i.e.
Source 1
1. a) An image used as an object of worship
b) A false god.
2. One that is adored, often blindly or excessively.
3. Something visible but without substance.
Source 2
1. A meterial effigy that is worhsipped as a god
2. someone who is adored blindly and excessively
3. An ideal instance; a perfect embodiment of a concept.
Source 3
1. object of adoration: somebody or something greatly admired or loved often to excess.
2. object worshipped as god: something that is worshipped as a god, e.g. a statue or carved image
3. forbidden object of worship: in monotheistic religions, an object of worship other than the one god.
[13th century. Via French "idole" < greek eidôlon "image" < eidos "form, shape"]
So the god itself wouldn't be the idol, as the idol is merely a representation or believed manifestation of the god. You finish with "... as opposed to the falacy of such", but whether the idol is a falacy is purely subjective. You may look at some idol and say it's nothing real, but to others it is most definitely something real.
To continue with your thought, if I may, I think that we should also take into account the other possiblities of how people are viewing and worshipping these "false idols". Without misassociating the meanings of these idols, we should look at "what makes an idol". By definition, an idol can be looked at as a god (deity), God or a false god.
Amongst the other meanings as defined above. I think it's wrong to say that the idol can be "looked at as a god". In itself, the idol is not the god, but purely a tool to provide a connection to the god. The closeness that some feel to their god through that idol can create a, perhaps unhealthy, reliability and protectiveness on that idol.
The respective standing that a deity holds does not have to be bad or negative, as seems to be insinuated by some. A deity can be a god, God or a divine character. Here we see that I've made it back to our most common conception (aka. God), but we seem to look past the other, quite valid conceptual reference of a "divine character". This, as we can all agree, could be God just as much as a member of the clergy.
That being said, for someone to worship a member of the clergy (or the equivelant for our respective religions) seems as though it would be a positive thing. Don't you agree? We're debating/discussing whether or not people are worshipping false idols. I don't believe that anyone is worshipping a false idol or falsely worshipping an idol. If that worshipper is honoring, with respect, their specified divine character (be it Madonna, their priest, or God/gods), then how is that to be held in pretence?
I'm not sure how much people worship members of the clergy (taken as being a respected person in the hierarchy of the relevant church), they are more likely to respect the teachings of the respective members of the clergy as if they have a closer contact with the idol(s) and god(s) in question and a
RE: Worshipping false idols
"I think that people don't actually fear death so much as fear the pain and loneliness that may lead up to the death. Taking up or strengthening ones personal beliefs may merely be the only means some people can find of easing the pain of loneliness or ill health; a means to give them the strength to carry on. In a lot of cases I believe that death comes as a relief to a lot of people."
I agree with everything but, I'm still saying that even with as much relief one may get by seeking death that there is still a feeling of remorse or else there would be no hesitation. A hesitation because they know their life is going to end aside from the physical or emotional pain. Even with suicidal cases of honor and glory.. I'm sure even they have the same life ending thoughts. The emotion of fear from the process leading towards death can be surpressed but, there will always be a fearfull thought of death. I just don't know of any case where any sane individual with control over their own decision making is going to jump to the opportunity of ending their life without long thoughts.
I highly dissagree that the first thought in anyones mind, religious or not, is going to think about anything other than death if presented in a scenerio of only having 1 week of life from a non curable health issue.