Hi everyone,
The last 10 years and most certainly in the last 2 years, there has been an explosionof simply awesome channelled writings, including the Matthew Books (nothing to do with me).
This time, the one thing that all of these books have in common - from whereverin the world they eminate - is that they are non-judgemental and given for each person: man, woman and child equally. You can now know - as an individual - more about the World of Spirit, as spirit calls it (you may call it Heaven), about the meaning of life, about life before and after death of the human coat, the purpose for your incarnation now, your 'unique' gift in life, the journey of the soul,than the Head of any Church in the Western World !!!
So my question is: do you think religion in the western world will survive and if not, what will replace it?
Love and best wishes
Publisher [sm=wave.gif][sm=wave.gif]
RE: What will replace religion?
Hi Publisher
I have never got into religion. I prefer to think of myself as a spiritual person rather than a religious one. I think this is partly due to the fact I could not grasp why religions are so different, yet ultimately lead to the same point - God. So it seems that religion is just a man-made screen for spirituality.
On top of that religion seems to be the one of the biggest problems in the world today. It causes so much anger and wars that if any 'true' religion was ever here on earth I think it must have been modified into what a shambles it is today. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying religious people are wrong - indeed most are good people - but it can certainly lead to tensions when it should be leading to love (don't mean to sound corny).
Another reason is when I started meditating I realised - from inside - that I didn't need a religion to get closer to God. Religion is something for the ego.
So I would hope that in place of religion we can find from within ourselves the way to a better life. After all, how can one religion be right over another, when they all lead to the same place?
RE: What will replace religion?
there was another thread on this but can't remember the name of it:D
what will replace it? the religion of life experience
Divine Love
RE: What will replace religion?
I would prefer it if everyone adopted something like Buddhism if there was to be a religion of some sort. I say this as a practicing Catholic...
RE: What will replace religion?
Hi Publisher,
"Religion" has been around for thousands and thousands of years – probably in a simple form, from our cavemen ancestors. What is happening today is very similar to the prophets of the Old Testament, the Hindu seers etc. I looked up in my "Chambers Dictionary of Beliefs and Religions" to see if they dated the first religion – didn’t find that, but this from the Preface I thought was relevant:
"Belief in anything, whether it be an earth goddess or a monthly horoscope, is guaranteed to be alien or almost incomprehensible to those who do no hold the same ideas. Yet, while it is easy to dismiss another’s beliefs as irrational or misguided, it is rare to hold absolutely no personal opinion about what lies behind our existence…
On one level there is a similarity between, for example, a Carmelite nun praying before a crucifix, an Algonquin kneeling in the forest and communing with Kitshi Manitouu, the Great Spirit, and a Muslim facing Mecca at the rallying chant of muezzin. Each of these believers, obviously, would see great and possibly insurmountable differences in their worship,…….. but….all three are nevertheless witness to what some anthropologists see as humankind’s natural religiosity: a need to be in touch with a superior force whose presence can be invoked, placated or challenged, and who, as a result of appropriate human responses, can influence the lives of believers."
I'm delighted that people have found that materialism and consumerism do not satisfy and are turning to the Source. However, as with all the wisdom, guidance and good words in all sacred texts, it depends on how each individual follows them. It’s funny, because, writing as a Christian here on HP, I have quite often in the past been accosted by new members (who obviously haven’t read what I write, but just tar me with the same brush that they tar any one whom they judge as "religious".) I’m always mildly amused (but saddened) by the fact that people who consider themselves to be "Light Workers" sometimes exhibit the same sort of dogma, narrow thinking and prejudices that they accuse "religious" people of having! So what I’m saying is that there is good everywhere, when you look for it and recognise it, rather than just focussing on what you consider to be wrong. (I'm speaking generally here Publisher, not personally)
This below is interesting:
From the January, 2004 Edition of Between The Lines - The Reconnection Newsletter
What was the inspiration that was behind our religions, the inspiration from which our religions sprang, the inspiration that often times may appear a bit clouded or obscured by people arguing and fighting over right and wrong, changing the rules, changing the interpretations, adding on new rituals, and the constant and pervasive wearing away of consciousness by the often rote recitations required when in houses of worship?
Sometimes the secret, the inspiration, is overlooked because it's hidden in one of the last places we'd look: in the word itself. As we all know, in the English language the majority of our words are derived from Greek or Latin. What do we get when we break the word "religion" into its Latin roots?
o The Latin "re," when used as a prefix, means "again" or "to go back."
o "Lig" means to "tie," "connect," or "bind."
o And the suffix "ion" means "the act of," "state of," or "result of the act of."
Put these together and the word "religion" in its purest, most idealized form, means to be in a state of "connecting again" - the act of or state of "Reconnection."
Could it be that the original intention of the word "religion" was for us to go back to our original connection with the Universe
I don’t believe that religion will ever be replaced, but I sincerely hope that all religions, philosophies and belief systems will become spiritualised and lead nearer the truth. When I say the truth – I mean the universal truth that Jesus demonstrated so fully and which he