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What Religion/Faith Are You Really? - Quiz

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This is the resurrection of an HP thread which was extremely popular a few years back, but largely lost I think in changes to the software.

At there's a really great questionaire which only takes maybe 20 minutes to complete, but the results you get, most people find, are extremely revealing. On this thread, the idea is, as last time, that if you are willing to, post in the entire result you get, and any thoughts you have about that.

The link is

I'll do it myself again in time, out of interest to see if things have changed.

Last time I scored a whopping 97% as being a Hindu, though I don't quite think of myself as Hindu, but it's the nearest religion to me that they cater for. Just about everyone on HP, like me, scored very low for the obvious faiths such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and even Christianity.

Anyway, there's the link, give it a go, and post in your results and thoughts about them. 🙂


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OK, I did it and it was very quick - about 10 minutes. My results have changed a bit from last time: here we go:


Your Results
The top score on the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches your beliefs. However, even a score of 100% does not mean that your views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa.

Belief-O-Matic then lists another 26 faiths in order of how much they have in common with your professed beliefs. The higher a faith appears on this list, the more closely it aligns with your thinking.

How did the Belief-O-Matic do? Discuss your results on our message boards.

1. Mahayana Buddhism (100%)
2. Neo-Pagan (96%)
3. Sikhism (95%)
4. Unitarian Universalism (86%)
5. Hinduism (84%)
6. Reform Judaism (84%)
7. New Age (83%)
8. Baha'i Faith (80%)
9. Theravada Buddhism (78%)
10. Jainism (77%)
11. Liberal Quakers (74%)
12. Orthodox Judaism (70%)
13. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (68%)
14. New Thought (65%)
15. Scientology (64%)
16. Islam (59%)
17. Taoism (54%)
18. Orthodox Quaker (51%)
19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (50%)
20. Secular Humanism (48%)
21. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (39%)
22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (36%)
23. Eastern Orthodox (28%)
24. Nontheist (28%)
25. Roman Catholic (28%)
26. Seventh Day Adventist (21%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (16%)


No surprises there to me about the very lowest-ranking. Sorry, Judy, that I only get 50% for CS. (What was it last time?) But since I score 100% at Mahayana Buddhism, though we all have to take these results with a pinch of salt, I will look into it.

However, I am not a seeker and already have, and have had for 35 years, my own Path not included here. But it's interesting all the same. 🙂

Who goes next?


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100% neo-pagan
96% mahayana buddism
89% new age (is that really a religion ??)

down to

15% conservative christian
14% roman catholic
10% jehovas witness

Can't c'n'p from the results screen and too lazy to type it all, sorry 😉

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I'm sure I've done this questionnaire before but some time ago. I'm fairly sure my results have changed since then. As with any questionnaire of this kind, in many cases I could only choose the closest answer to what mine would be as my own answer was not an option.


Your Results

The top score on the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches your beliefs. However, even a score of 100% does not mean that your views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa.
Belief-O-Matic then lists another 26 faiths in order of how much they have in common with your professed beliefs. The higher a faith appears on this list, the more closely it aligns with your thinking.

1. (100%)
2. [url]New Age[/url] (75%)
3. [url]Mahayana Buddhism[/url] (74%)
4. (71%)
[url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] (68%)
[url]Reform Judaism[/url] (62%)
8. (60%)
[url]Liberal Quakers[/url] (58%)
[url]Orthodox Judaism[/url] (49%)
[url]Theravada Buddhism[/url] (48%)
13. [url]New Thought[/url] (46%)
14. [url]Secular Humanism[/url] (46%)
[url]Baha'i Faith[/url] (42%)
[url]Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants[/url] (42%)
18. [url]Orthodox Quaker[/url] (32%)
20. [url]Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)[/url] (26%)
[url]Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist)[/url] (24%)
22. (23%)
[url]Eastern Orthodox[/url] (20%)
[url]Roman Catholic[/url] (20%)
[url]Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant[/url] (18%)
[url]Seventh Day Adventist[/url] (16%)
27. [url]Jehovah's Witness[/url] (16%)

Frankly, I've never seen myself as "New Age" and am surprised at the 100% Neopagan result, in fact my opinions on some subjects are often unpopular with your average pagan! It makes me laugh that Scientology is fairly high on there, someone once tried to get me to join the Scientologists right up until I told him I was a hypnotherapist 🙂

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Welcome back V! :1kis:

I remember the first time I did this, I was feeling beligerent and as they had not included the "right" questions for CS, I ignored them and I came out as 100% Jewish and 98% Muslim (and only about 48% CS) !! 😀

OK, so next time, I answered them as they wanted me to answer them (though it wasn't an accurate representation) and I came out 100% Christian Science.

I see that you are rather inclined to Scientology! :rolleyes:

Love and peace,


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>>>I see that you are rather inclined to Scientology!

Was I? Maybe I just wanted Tom Cruise as a mate. 🙂

V xxxxx

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Hm. My results:

1. Neo-Pagan (100%)
2. Scientology (94%)
3. New Age (90%)
4. New Thought (90%)
5. Unitarian Universalism (89%)
6. Reform Judaism (84%)
7. Hinduism (82%)
8. Liberal Quakers (80%)
9. Mahayana Buddhism (76%)
10. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (72%)
11. Sikhism (68%)
12. Secular Humanism (65%)
13. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (63%)
14. Jainism (62%)
15. Orthodox Judaism (61%)
16. Taoism (61%)
17. Baha'i Faith (57%)
18. Islam (55%)
19. Theravada Buddhism (50%)
20. Orthodox Quaker (46%)
21. Nontheist (43%)
22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (32%)
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (30%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (28%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (22%)
26. Roman Catholic (22%)
27. Jehovah's Witness (18%)

What's this "new thought"? Last time I did this I came out as Unitarian Universalism (or whatever it is), and I still think this sums it up. And 43% non-theist? Do me a favour...

At the end of the day, who cares?
But still an interesting diversion.

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mmm interesting stuff although can't really comment because as yet I'm not aware of what my top 2 actually are!!

1. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Neo-Pagan">Neo-Pagan (100%) 2. [url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] (99%) 3. [url]Mahayana Buddhism[/url] (94%) 4. [url]New Age[/url] (91%) 5. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Scientology">Scientology (88%) 6. [url]Liberal Quakers[/url] (86%) 7. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Taoism">Taoism (85%) 8. [url]New Thought[/url] (83%) 9. [url]Theravada Buddhism[/url] (79%) 10. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Hinduism">Hinduism (74%) 11. [url]Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist)[/url] (72%) 12. [url]Secular Humanism[/url] (71%) 13. [url]Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants[/url] (64%) 14. [url]Orthodox Quaker[/url] (52%) 15. [url]Reform Judaism[/url] (50%) 16. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Jainism">Jainism (47%) 17. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Sikhism">Sikhism (41%) 18. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Nontheist">Nontheist (39%) 19. [url]Baha'i Faith[/url] (29%) 20. [url]Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)[/url] (26%) 21. [url]Seventh Day Adventist[/url] (23%) 22. [url]Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant[/url] (19%) 23. [url]Orthodox Judaism[/url] (15%) 24. [url]Eastern Orthodox[/url] (12%) 25. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Islam">Islam (12%) 26. [url]Roman Catholic[/url] (12%) 27. [url]Jehovah's Witness[/url] (11%)

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Neo Pagan (100%)[url]Mahayana Buddhism[/url] (98%) <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Jainism">Jainism (98%) <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Hinduism">Hinduism (92%) [url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] (79%) <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Sikhism">Sikhism (74%) [url]New Age[/url] (71%) [url]Theravada Buddhism[/url] (71%) [url]Liberal Quakers[/url] (65%) [url]Reform Judaism[/url] (62%) <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Taoism">Taoism (62%) [url]Baha'i Faith[/url] (52%) [url]Orthodox Judaism[/url] (50%) [url]Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants[/url] (47%) [url]Secular Humanism[/url] (47%) [url]New Thought[/url] (46%) <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Scientology">Scientology (44%) <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Islam">Islam (39%) [url]Orthodox Quaker[/url] (33%) [url]Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist)[/url] (26%) <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Nontheist">Nontheist (25%) [url]Seventh Day Adventist[/url] (20%) [url]Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant[/url] (19%) [url]Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)[/url] (17%) [url]Eastern Orthodox[/url] (15%) [url]Roman Catholic[/url] (15%)
[url]Jehovah's Witness[/url] (8%)

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If people feel better having labels, this is what I am.....

1. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Neo-Pagan">Neo-Pagan (100%) 2. [url]Theravada Buddhism[/url] (100%) 3. [url]Mahayana Buddhism[/url] (98%) 4. [url]Liberal Quakers[/url] (97%) 5. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Taoism">Taoism (96%) 6. [url]Orthodox Quaker[/url] (93%) 7. [url]Secular Humanism[/url] (92%) 8. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Jainism">Jainism (85%) 9. [url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] (85%) 10. [url]New Age[/url] (81%) 11. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Sikhism">Sikhism (78%) 12. [url]Baha'i Faith[/url] (75%) 13. [url]Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants[/url] (75%) 14. [url]Reform Judaism[/url] (63%) 15. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Hinduism">Hinduism (60%) 16. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Nontheist">Nontheist (60%) 17. [url]Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)[/url] (53%) 18. [url]Seventh Day Adventist[/url] (51%) 19. [url]Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant[/url] (43%) 20. [url]New Thought[/url] (43%) 21. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Scientology">Scientology (42%) 22. [url]Eastern Orthodox[/url] (40%) 23. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Islam">Islam (40%) 24. [url]Orthodox Judaism[/url] (40%) 25. [url]Roman Catholic[/url] (40%) 26. [url]Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist)[/url] (34%) 27. [url]Jehovah's Witness[/url] (19%)

I guess I'm just like a tin of beans!


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mainline to liberal christian protestant 100%
orthodox quaker 98%
mainline to conervative chrsitan protestant84%
unitarian univeralism 79%
liberal quakers76%
mahayana buddhism 76%
theraveda buddhism75%
new age 75%
neo pagan 72%
sikhism 70%
7th day adventist 67%

down to islam 50%
taoism 46%
scientology 44%
jehovahs witenss 43%( just had them at door today !)
nrew thought 43%
secular...cant read my writing lol 41%
christisan science 39%

relatives from years ago was quakers strangely enough!


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Quite surprised about these results in general but especially to see the Roman Catholic faith at the bottom of the list... considering that I was brought up Roman Catholic...

1. [url]Reform Judaism[/url] (100%) 2. (21%) 26. [url]Eastern Orthodox[/url] (16%) 27. [url]Roman Catholic[/url] (16%)

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I think it's very interesting for us all, personally, to see what comes near the top. It's also a bit of a LOL to see what nearly always comes near the bottom of the list. 🙂

It's an interesting quiz, but I've never known anybody actually to get taken up in it and look really deeply into what they come first in. I think it's because we all know that the quiz is limited, and we already know who and what we are.

For example, my own Path is not even listed there, so to me it's just an interesting quiz and nothing more. Interesting all the same. Actually, I really will have a look at my number one slot. 🙂


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is it me?

Some interesting questions, I seem to have come a long way as 18% Roman Catholic, which was my family religion, was last on the list. It must have been the influence of my tea leaf reading, medium Granny that saved me, even though she loved the 'mantras' of her rosary beads.

Totally shocked to see that I am 86% Scientologist. I share more beliefs with the Pope than I do with anyone who tells you what you must believe, at least the Catholics ultimately leave everything to your conscience. Where do Gnostics and Spiritualists come on the list. I know we agree on some things but the quiz missed them.

Off to find out what being 100%
[url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] means. And to see if my husband is of the same 'beliefs.'

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Here's mine...
1. (39%) 22. [url]Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant[/url] (35%) 23. [url]Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)[/url] (26%) 24. [url]Eastern Orthodox[/url] (23%) 25. [url]Roman Catholic[/url] (23%) 26. [url]Seventh Day Adventist[/url] (14%) 27. [url]Jehovah's Witness[/url] (11%)

BTW ... Hi V. :wave:

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1. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Neo-Pagan">Neo-Pagan (100%) 2. [url]New Age[/url] (92%) 3. [url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] (88%) 4. [url]Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist)[/url] (81%) 5. [url]Mahayana Buddhism[/url] (81%) 6. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Jainism">Jainism (78%) 7. [url]Liberal Quakers[/url] (78%) 8. [url]New Thought[/url] (77%) 9. [url]Baha'i Faith[/url] (74%) 10. [url]Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants[/url]
what an interesting test. well well I didnt think there was such a name for me well now I know what to put on forms or i will just stick to what i usually put "light worker"

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I haven't done the quiz yet but noticed that a lot of people posting are 100% Neo-pagan ...... interesting!

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Quite amusing, as I generally consider myself agnostic (perhaps a new-agey, buddism-curious sub-type! :-)) Had to look up what "Unitarian Universalism" actually meant!

1. [url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] (100%)
2. [url]Liberal Quakers[/url] (93%)
3. [url]Secular Humanism[/url] (91%)
4. (85%)
5. [url]New Age[/url] (85%)
6. [url]Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants[/url] (75%)
7. [url]Mahayana Buddhism[/url] (71%)
8. (69%)
9. [url]Theravada Buddhism[/url] (69%)
10. (68%)
11. [url]New Thought[/url] (64%)
12. [url]Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist)[/url] (58%)
13. [url]Orthodox Quaker[/url] (57%)
14. (56%)
15. [url]Reform Judaism[/url] (54%)
16. [url]Baha'i Faith[/url] (43%)
17. (40%)
18. (33%)
19. (33%)
20. (22%)
21. [url]Orthodox Judaism[/url] (22%)
22. [url]Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)[/url] (22%)
23. [url]Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant[/url] (22%)
24. [url]Seventh Day Adventist[/url] (21%)
25. [url]Jehovah's Witness[/url] (16%)
26. [url]Eastern Orthodox[/url] (13%)
27. [url]Roman Catholic[/url] (13%)

Reiki Pixie
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I did the test earlier

100% Unitarian Universalist (whatever that is)
99% Neo-Pagan
98% Mahayana Buddhism...etc

Jehovah Witness was 6%, thank God!

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1. (100%)
[url]Mahayana Buddhism[/url] (78%)
[url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] (69%)
6. [url]New Age[/url] (68%)
[url]Baha'i Faith[/url] (66%)
[url]New Thought[/url] (62%)
[url]Liberal Quakers[/url] (61%)

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If I can get it to work here are my results, fingers crossed

1. [url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] (100%) 2. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Neo-Pagan">Neo-Pagan (95%) 3. [url]New Age[/url] (93%) 4. [url]Liberal Quakers[/url] (87%) 5. [url]Secular Humanism[/url] (80%) 6. [url]Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants[/url] (76%) 7. [url]Theravada Buddhism[/url] (73%) 8. [url]Mahayana Buddhism[/url] (69%) 9. [url]New Thought[/url] (64%) 10. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Taoism">Taoism (63%) 11. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Scientology">Scientology (62%) 12. [url]Reform Judaism[/url] (59%) 13. [url]Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist)[/url] (55%) 14. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Nontheist">Nontheist (51%) 15. [url]Baha'i Faith[/url] (46%) 16. [url]Orthodox Quaker[/url] (46%) 17. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Jainism">Jainism (37%) 18. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Sikhism">Sikhism (35%) 19. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Hinduism">Hinduism (33%) 20. [url]Orthodox Judaism[/url] (29%) 21. [url]Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant[/url] (23%) 22. [url]Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)[/url] (23%) 23. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Islam">Islam (21%) 24. [url]Seventh Day Adventist[/url] (18%) 25. [url]Eastern Orthodox[/url] (13%) 26. [url]Roman Catholic[/url] (13%) 27. [url]Jehovah's Witness[/url] (10%)

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Both me and my husband did the quiz and found it quite interesting. He has been a practicing muslim all his life and came out 100% Reform Judaism! I came out 100% Liberal Quaker but have never followed a particular religion. Even my 14 year old son took part - thanks for the link.

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1. Mahayana Buddhism (100%)
2. Neo-Pagan (97%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (93%)
4. New Age (90%)
5. Theravada Buddhism (86%)
6. Jainism (79%)
7. Hinduism (79%)
8. Liberal Quakers (75%)
9. Sikhism (72%)
10. New Thought (66%)
11. Scientology (64%)
12. Taoism (59%)
13. Secular Humanism (57%)
14. Reform Judaism (57%)
15. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (53%)
16. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (47%)
17. Baha'i Faith (46%)
18. Orthodox Judaism (44%)
19. Orthodox Quaker (40%)
20. Nontheist (33%)
21. Islam (32%)
22. Jehovah's Witness (19%)
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (16%)
24. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (16%)
25. Seventh Day Adventist (14%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (10%)
27. Roman Catholic (10%)

pretty much confirms what I already thought, I've always called myself a buddhist and have a firm attachment to paganism too. I spent several years living in a buddhist community, and am now a member of a pagan coven.

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Here are my results...

1. (25%) 22. [url]Seventh Day Adventist[/url] (25%) 23. [url]Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)[/url] (22%) 24. [url]Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant[/url] (16%) 25. [url]Eastern Orthodox[/url] (14%) 26. [url]Roman Catholic[/url] (14%) 27. [url]Jehovah's Witness[/url] (11%)

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1. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Hinduism">Hinduism (100%) 2. [url]Mahayana Buddhism[/url] (74%) 3. [url]New Thought[/url] (64%) 4. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Scientology">Scientology (64%) 5. [url]Theravada Buddhism[/url] (62%) 6. [url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] (57%) 7. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Jainism">Jainism (56%) 8. [url]Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist)[/url] (54%) 9. [url]New Age[/url] (54%) 10. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Neo-Pagan">Neo-Pagan (51%) 11. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Sikhism">Sikhism (45%) 12. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Taoism">Taoism (39%) 13. [url]Liberal Quakers[/url] (30%) 14. [url]Orthodox Judaism[/url] (23%) 15. [url]Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants[/url] (20%) 16. [url]Jehovah's Witness[/url] (19%) 17. [url]Orthodox Quaker[/url] (19%) 18. [url]Secular Humanism[/url] (19%) 19. [url]Reform Judaism[/url] (17%) 20. [url]Seventh Day Adventist[/url] (12%) 21. [url]Baha'i Faith[/url] (9%) 22. [url]Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)[/url] (9%) 23. [url]Eastern Orthodox[/url] (9%) 24. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Islam">Islam (9%) 25. [url]Roman Catholic[/url] (9%) 26. [url]Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant[/url] (7%) 27. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Nontheist">Nontheist (4%)

My results, mmm, not bad. I am a Mahayana Buddhist, but I found that some of the questions did not have a response that would fit my belief completely and so I chose the one that was closest to that, which I knew was tending toward Hinduism.

Lily xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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1. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Neo-Pagan">Neo-Pagan (100%) 2. [url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] (93%) 3. [url]New Age[/url] (88%) 4. [url]Secular Humanism[/url] (78%) 5. [url]Liberal Quakers[/url] (77%) 6. [url]Theravada Buddhism[/url] (76%) 7. [url]Mahayana Buddhism[/url] (71%) 8. [url]Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants[/url] (67%) 9. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Jainism">Jainism (56%) 10. [url]Reform Judaism[/url] (54%) 11. [url]New Thought[/url] (49%) 12. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Taoism">Taoism (45%) 13. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Hinduism">Hinduism (44%) 14. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Nontheist">Nontheist (44%) 15. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Sikhism">Sikhism (40%) 16. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Scientology">Scientology (39%) 17. [url]Baha'i Faith[/url] (33%) 18. [url]Orthodox Quaker[/url] (33%) 19. [url]Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist)[/url] (30%) 20. [url]Orthodox Judaism[/url] (23%) 21. [url]Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)[/url] (20%) 22. [url]Jehovah's Witness[/url] (20%) 23. [url]Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant[/url] (16%) 24. [url]Seventh Day Adventist[/url] (15%) 25. [url]Eastern Orthodox[/url] (11%) 26. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Islam">Islam (11%) 27. [url]Roman Catholic[/url] (11%)

I will admit that I have always felt a little lost when it comes to Religion as I do not feel that I understand it fully. I went to C of E schools and have been christened but I am more an 'Angel' person. Paganism has intrigued me for quite some time now though I don't know hardly anything about it.
Maybe this is the Year for gaining knowledge.

Boson Higgs
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1. (0%) 26. [url]Theravada Buddhism[/url] (0%) 27. [url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] (0%)

Well as an atheist these results are no surprise, but where did the neo pagan %50 come from?

Polly Valente
Posts: 123
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[url]Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants[/url] (100%) 2. [url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] (95%) 3. (31%)

27. [url]Jehovah's Witness[/url] (17%)

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My results are:

1. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Hinduism">Hinduism (100%) 2. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Sikhism">Sikhism (79%) 3. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Jainism">Jainism (77%) 4. [url]Mahayana Buddhism[/url] (76%) 5. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Neo-Pagan">Neo-Pagan (75%) 6. [url]Unitarian Universalism[/url] (70%) 7. [url]New Thought[/url] (63%) 8. [url]New Age[/url] (62%) 9. [url]Liberal Quakers[/url] (61%) 10. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Scientology">Scientology (59%) 11. [url]Orthodox Judaism[/url] (54%) 12. [url]Reform Judaism[/url] (52%) 13. [url]Theravada Buddhism[/url] (51%) 14. [url]Baha'i Faith[/url] (44%) 15. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Taoism">Taoism (43%) 16. [url]Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist)[/url] (42%) 17. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Islam">Islam (42%) 18. [url]Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants[/url] (39%) 19. [url]Orthodox Quaker[/url] (29%) 20. [url]Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)[/url] (24%) 21. [url]Jehovah's Witness[/url] (24%) 22. [url]Seventh Day Adventist[/url] (24%) 23. [url]Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant[/url] (20%) 24. [url]Eastern Orthodox[/url] (19%) 25. [url]Roman Catholic[/url] (19%) 26. [url]Secular Humanism[/url] (18%) 27. <a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="Nontheist">Nontheist (5%)

Hmmmm very interesting. I am born and raised Roman Catholic but have always struggled with aspects of it. Hinuism I'm going to read a bit more about!

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I also found it interesting that I did not get 0% in any of the faiths. It is said that bhuddism encompases and shares beliefs with all the major religions so I wonder if this is why??

Lily xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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