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What is Theosophy?

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Can anyone tell me a bit about Theosophy in an easy to understand version. I did start reading on a search i did but it was getting a bit wordy and i was battling to understand. I am no academic and so need a simplified version to get an idea of what its about 🙁 i am intrigued to learn more about this.

Thanks 🙂

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I think the description on Wikipedia sums it up...

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You're not alone !! I've made several attempts to read up on Theosophy, all of which have ended in frustration after coming up against the sheer volume of conflicting material and their wordy nature.

I'd also be grateful if any of the wider read HPers could post some pointers or thoughts on this......

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I think the description on Wikipedia sums it up...

That's where I started from but further reading just confused me, maybe I need to try again........

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Thanks for your posts Muzone, its so nice to know i am not alone 😮

Yes, it would be great to hear from others on here who may be able to explain it for us.

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I'm sure Venetian will be along at some point to fill you in on the details. He's certainly very knowledgeable in the theosophy area and will be able to answer any specific questions you have.

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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I have a feeling that Venetian would direct you to this website:

Love and peace,


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Take a look at the Theosophical Society UK's website it is quite informative.

Love Binah

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Can anyone tell me a bit about Theosophy in an easy to understand version. I did start reading on a search i did but it was getting a bit wordy and i was battling to understand. I am no academic and so need a simplified version to get an idea of what its about 🙁 i am intrigued to learn more about this.

Thanks 🙂

Hi Darcy.

Finding Theosophy actually changed me from believing only in physical matter, and not even God, angels etc. It's a pretty detailed and scientific spirituality.

As Judy says, it's not so long ago that I came across the pretty readable and simple (compared to their books!) second link in my posts here. Does that help?

I would say a couple of things I don't think you'll find in that link. One is that due to different beliefs (and internal politics long ago, a century ago), Theosophy actually split into 3-4 different organisations. Trust human nature, huh? :cool::rolleyes:

I'd say Theosophy can be approached in two ways. You may be lucky enough to have a group near you (but some groups lack youth quite badly, and may mostly be pretty old folk ... the London Centre thought of me as being potential 'young blood' at age 46!) Or, there are then the books. Personally, I mostly like the books of Geoffrey Hodson, Charles Leadbeater, Annie Besant (Blavatsky is not easy reading).

Finally, the real founders of Theosophy were 'Mahatmas' from various nations in the late 1800s - very advanced initiates. But early in the 1900s their association with Theosophy waned. Theosophists seem never to even think about or talk about these founders anymore. This leads on to the belief (controversial to some, and to Theosophists), that these great Masters 'moved on', starting at least several other organisations over time. If you take a look at my first link, that IMHO is where you can 'find' these Masters today. As I always like to write, they haven't "gone" anywhere - they just had to start new movements when old ones got too stultified and unreceptive.

I've read two academic papers both saying that today's New Age only exists as a result of the combination of Theosophy and the importation of Hinduism into the West, both of which had a huge effect in the late 1800s. But Theosophy today is largely just the books, not much of a thriving organisation I'd say.


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I also like this link:

It's quite amusing how Henry Olcott would get completely baffled by the goings on!


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See, I knew Venetian would be along as soon as he saw "Theosophy" in the title. hehe!

*mods had on*

Just as a reminder, members should not direct other members to links in their signatures. As Judy had already provided the link in Venetians signature, which is permitted, that it is acceptable for Venetian to refer to it in this case as it is also perfectly on-topic and the moderating team are aware that the links referred to by Venetian are not his own website or for his own profit. However, in the future Venetian, if you could refrain from directing to your own links this would be appreciated.

*mods hat off*

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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Oh, sorry Giles. I'd never internalised that rule, but yes, it makes sense as many links at the bottom are personal sites. I can confirm these aren't mine.

On the divisions with Theosophy, as I'm not a member (though often taken to be one, and have briefly been) I've never really bothered myself about what the different groups represent. There's a main HQ at Adyar, India, lovely to visit but not very active. Being British, I've mostly been associated with the UK lot (associated I think with Adyar). Then there's a different group head-quartered in Baja California, and I think it's a different group again centred in Chicago. And one group don't accept and get quite shirty at the idea that anything written after Blavatsky and the 1800s is authentic.

What strikes you, and did immediately upon finding Theosophy for me, is that very few members indeed know their own spiritual heritage. That's why I early-on focussed upon the books. Apart from the really good Theosophical books, that's why many people have moved on to what is sometimes called neo-Theosophy, or later, more modern movements, more active and suited to today.


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Great thanks so much Venetian, i will definitely look at the links. I have started reading and its making a bit more sense now. I will give you a shout if i have any more questions if that's ok :).

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Yes, feel welcome, by posts or PMs.

(HP also has another Theosophical guy on it, but he just pops in occasionally. Even with a Username change or two, one can always tell who it is. :p)

