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What evidence is there that God asked for Religion?

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Dear All

What real evidence is there that God ever asked for any religion or religious organisation to be formed?

In the dictionary it says that religions are formed by followers of Spiritual Leaders.......

Can anyone quote from scripture or spiritual texts that give the command to create such a thing as a religion.

Could be an interesting discussion.

Divine Love

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RE: What evidence is there that God asked for Religion?

the bible dictates what is right and wrong because it comes from GOD! yes hes an unconditionally loving GOD, but he wants us to live in a certain way, a righteous way! and as stated in 1cor 6:9, he tells what isnt righteous or holy!

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RE: What evidence is there that God asked for Religion?

The Bible only dictates what is right and wrong only to its followers. There are absolutly no FACTS within the Bible that prove the existance of God or any God unless you would like to show the world the first findings of actual proof outside of the typical subjectivity that GOD exists.

When you look at a computer do you say that it's powered by magic or would you actually like to see how it ticks? Of course we the people of todays society know that Electricity powers a computer but, take any laptop powered by a battery back to the medevil times with no electricity and they will easily ask how you conjured up such sorcery. How easily fooled people are without even doing any investigations of their own.

A lady I know only started believing in God when her first born child was on the bed at the verge of death because something inside him wasn't functioning. She knows very well that a childs body is still forming on the inside once it comes out of the womb but, her mother was performing a ritual on the baby of the religion she follows and all the sudden the baby started to show signs of health.

With the obvious fact that we just do not know everything there is about the human body.. how exactly can you say that the reason for the babys sudden health increase was because of her mothers ritual and that God was infact involved? There could have been MANY possibilities which one could have easily explained. She just wanted to believe that it was GOD that cured her child. From that point on she has been a firm believer in her mothers religion.

My dad, once born, was nearly blue from some clogging of blood somewhere in his body. If anyone came over to perform some ritual or prayer then, would my dad have been healed immedietly? The actualy of things is that the Doctor just took him and hit him on the back a few times and suddenly things started to change. There was no prayer, no ritual, nothing. I'm sure that there are even a few that would consider the Doctors actions as guided by God. Very predictable

As science progresses we have a better understanding of how things work. I do believe that there may be some form of superior Intelligence other than our own. I'm just not going to believe in the typical subjective beliefs that can't be justifed but, only answered for in terms of feelings mainly because of some emotional state of fear or reggresion thinking that by believing in some all powerfull being will make them feel better about themself when they just need to sit down and stop worrying. Death is inevitable but, what is life if all you fear is death?

I live by no code of conduct. I just follow the laws of mankind and do help out the best I can so that I and others can live free amongst the world and take the good with the bad. I do fear as well as love and hate. It's natural.

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