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The Tooth Fairy

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Hello everyone.

My little 6 year old daughter very proudly presented me with a pearly white tooth this afternoon that came loose while she ate her apple. Her face was a picture, a beautiful toothy grin. Her excitement comes from her anticipation that the fairies will visit soon and take the little white tooth and in turn leave a shiny silver coin and a letter thanking her personally.

The fairies in Herefordshire are very modern. They usually word process their letters and use lots of ‘cutting and pasting’ of fairy-like pictures.

As this is my youngest child and she nearly has a full mouth of ‘big’ teeth I was wondering if any of you have other ways of marking such an occasion that would make it extra special when her last tooth is set free.


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I bought an exquisite little enamelled pill-pot - it is an antique. You could do the same, to mark the occasion!
Our childrens teeth used to be put into this little pot, on a cushion of velvet cut from an old evening dress that I had! The little pot was put under the pillow, and the fairy used to come during the night and replace it with a 5p (if it was a big tooth, it was 50p). However, on one occasion, we went to bed during a powercut and a dreadful storm, so the fairy didn't come. However, the following night, there was a shiny pound coin under the pillow, and a letter from the fairy herself. It was only the size of a stamp, but she had written 'I did not come last night, as my wings were wet - but I came back'..... in the tiniest writing I've ever seen !!!
We often wondered what the fairy did with all the teeth - then, about 15 years later, we saw a notice in the dentists office, asking for donations of saved milk teeth, that could be used by dental students....... I wonder if she sells them on!

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Thank you Jabba for your reply.

I really like the trinket idea and will go looking tomorrow, I know just the place. (I did a similar thing for my eldest daughter when she blossomed into womanhood, I bought her a small round trinket box and put 3 little polished crystal eggs inside to represent her fertility).

I think I may drop our local fairies a line asking if they would be so kind as to write a tiny fairy note like the one you described. I’m all for modernisation and keeping up with the times but it does sound very sweet. Perhaps I could leave a tiny bit of paper just in case they only have A4 in stock.

Student dentists hey......??!!. I suppose there’s only so many cups and jugs etc you can make out of all those little teeth. And I’m sure recycling must be an important issue in fairyland too.

:038:Anyway must skip along, got a pixie to try and catch in my back garden.

Many thanks for your help.


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PS - and please don't tell my 18 year old - the fairy letter was not written by "the" fairy (she was way too busy!!) ...... I had to use a magnifying glass and pin dipped in ink to write it.......

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You're joking! Wow how resourceful. If our fairies are too busy I may consider buying an ink pen myself.

Don't worry your secret is safe with me Jabba! I won't tell a soul!! :033: :dft012:

