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The Bible

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Hiya everyone

last week, I was in Borders browsing the Mind Body and Spirit section and crossed into the Religion section. There I noticed a beautiful leather bound NIV Bible with gold trim. I picked it up and fell in love with it. After spending a while trying to find out the price I was dismayed to see it was £45.....quite a lot of money for a book I think. So sighing, I put it back on the shelf and got another couple of books that just didn't feel the same.

I came home and for the last few days I couldn't get this Bible out of my head. I am by no means relgious, I only step into a church for funerals these days, but I always feel spiritual. But I just wanted this book so bad. Lo and behold a 40% voucher arrives via e-mail from Borders. (How did they know. lol)

So yesterday morning, I was chatting with my sister about something she wanted to buy off me, I told her the cash would go towards my new book, she asked what it was and was shocked when I told her it was a Bible. (???) So I went to Borders, got my new Bible (which I adore), hubby asks why on earth do I want a Bible. I told him that the Bible does actually contain some very interesting stories and that I did enjoy them when I was at school. (some 20 years ago now.)

Came home, children came in from school, 15 (going on 16 and knows everything) year old son has a nosey in my Borders carrier bag and says, "A Bible, why do want one of those?" it so strange to see someone reading a Bible just for the enjoyment of it? Why all the shock exclamations? Is it so wierd that someone can enjoy religious stories?

Angel x

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Hiya everyone

last week, I was in Borders browsing the Mind Body and Spirit section and crossed into the Religion section. There I noticed a beautiful leather bound NIV Bible with gold trim. I picked it up and fell in love with it. After spending a while trying to find out the price I was dismayed to see it was £45.....quite a lot of money for a book I think. So sighing, I put it back on the shelf and got another couple of books that just didn't feel the same.

I came home and for the last few days I couldn't get this Bible out of my head. I am by no means relgious, I only step into a church for funerals these days, but I always feel spiritual. But I just wanted this book so bad. Lo and behold a 40% voucher arrives via e-mail from Borders. (How did they know. lol)

So yesterday morning, I was chatting with my sister about something she wanted to buy off me, I told her the cash would go towards my new book, she asked what it was and was shocked when I told her it was a Bible. (???) So I went to Borders, got my new Bible (which I adore), hubby asks why on earth do I want a Bible. I told him that the Bible does actually contain some very interesting stories and that I did enjoy them when I was at school. (some 20 years ago now.)

Came home, children came in from school, 15 (going on 16 and knows everything) year old son has a nosey in my Borders carrier bag and says, "A Bible, why do want one of those?" it so strange to see someone reading a Bible just for the enjoyment of it? Why all the shock exclamations? Is it so wierd that someone can enjoy religious stories?

Angel x

It is so obvious that you were meant to have this BIBLE,you must ignore other people and see what happens,it sounds like the beginging of something wonderful,you just do not know it yet.Enjoy and keep us posted:)

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I think a lot of people these days are very wary of religious dogma, fundamentalism etc and so some religious artefacts, bibles and korans included, sometimes have a kind of stigma attached to them for this reason. Or it could just be they do not see you as particularly religious and are wondering if you are going to start attending church every sunday!?

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It is so obvious that you were meant to have this BIBLE,you must ignore other people and see what happens,it sounds like the beginging of something wonderful,you just do not know it yet.Enjoy and keep us posted:)

Interesting concept, I never looked at it in this way. I will see if anything materialises from it.

Angel x

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Interesting concept, I never looked at it in this way. I will see if anything materialises from it.

Angel x

I think it's a lovely story: one of the things I love about India is that 'religion' is very much in the mainstream and no one is ridiculed about the way they express or experience this. I'm saying religion because for the majority of Indian Hindu people I know, religion is what it comes down to, and usually takes the form of asking God for something. But there's also a huge amount of simple devotion and I love this. (I am speaking personally here and not advocating this for everyone.) And amongst my 'spiritual' friends (mainly Westerners) there is no embarassment involved with talking about God, in any way, shape or form.
It seems sad to me that here in the West Angel, for example, feels she has to justify her pull towards the Bible to her family, although I have an intuition that this is going to prove to be a lovely breakthrough moment and that the family will start to dip into these waters too. Super stuff.:)


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hi angel maybe you could start a family bible, write in it you and darren plus the kids then pass it down to the eldest, just think it would keep a personal record of who you are.

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Hiya Sunanda

Thanks you for your lovely reply, it made me remember that only a few weeks ago how mesmerised I was with the Hindu temple I visited. Hmmmm maybe something IS going on here. I must admit, my family members did look at me like I had 2 heads when I told them about the Bible, but my younger son is learning the Easter Story at school and he is loving the Bible stories.

CR, you know, while I was reading the Bible last night, I remembered the Family bible my mum has, it was passed down to her from her parents. It is seriously huge and has a few pages at the front where all births, deaths and marriages are recorded. I was looking to add something like this to my bible and then maybe pass it down to my sons in future years.

Angel x

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So they wouldn't have been surprised with any other book but this one? We should gain experience and help from many different sources and not discount them because it's not fashionable to do so.

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Hi Angel,

What a wonderful thing to happen! Of course you were meant to have that Bible!

I remember hearing a vicar say of the Bible though that is is 90% about men and 10% about God. Much of the parts about men (especially the Old Testament) are about the tribal wars of the early Hebrews. Their concept of what God is was very far removed from the unconditional love that Jesus taught and lived and that is so beautifully described in the letters of John (towards that back of the New Testament), particularly in I John 4:
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

The Psalms are full of inspired spiritual revelations - that is my favourite book of the Bible. I've had many healings and experiences of protection from the Psalms. On 4 of the first 5 posts of this thread some are described: though it's old and the links don't work any more.

What I'm trying to suggest Angel, is that perhaps start with the New Testament and the wonderful accounts of Jesus' life, read some of the Psalms and some of Isaiah, but don't get bogged down in the tribal concept of a wrathful God in parts of the Old Testament!

`Mary Baker Eddy wrote:

[COLOR="Blue"]The Scriptures are very sacred. Our aim must be to have them understood spiritually, for only by this understanding can truth be gained. (Science and Health 547)

Have a wonderful voyage of discovery with it!

Love and peace,


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Hiya Judy

Thanks for the heads up, I will start on the New Testament, the next time I pick my Bible up. So far I've read The Creation (always enjoyed that story, I had to read it out to my school in assembly when I was 11 years old, and I almost had it commited to memory so I wouldn't mess up. lol).....Actually that reminds my, a few years ago when I was into Reiki, Crystal_rose asked me what I would like for my birthday and I showed her a picture that I like, it was called "The Creation of Adam!"

Anyhow, also read all about Noah and I must admit, it's raising loads of questions, the Bible will mention all the sons born, but no mention of any daughters. I can imagine there must of been some girls born into the families... just not important enough to mention (Hmmm!:()...which leads me think, back then all the familys must of been interbred.

I also read something on the internet about Queen Elizabeth been a descendant of Noah, well duh....weren't we all???

So yes I think I need to dip into the NT, I've got more questions than answers right now. lol

But overall, I am enjoying it.

Angel x

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Hi Angel

I am so excited for you, this is amazing, as a new Christian there is no such thing as coincidence, you were SO meant to have this precious book.

Mine is a small red leather one, it feels different, it catches my eye and I love to just hold it! I also have a simpler to read one, its called my mickey mouse bible, the Good News bible, I find the language simpler and it has little pictures, and I love that too. But my special red NIV one is so very precious!

I found the Psalms this week, I only got to number 40 and was blown away by them, they are fantastic. My favourite part ever is Jeremiah 29v11. But the NT is definatley the place to start, it will be familiar to you.

And dont worry about the questions, we were meant to ask questions, otherwise why would we have the book with all the answers in it in our hands.

Please let us know how you get on

Enjoy this journey with your new book
In Spirit and truth
Caren x x 😀

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The Bible can be a powerful book. I am glad for you that you picked it up and read it. I would agree that this is not a coincidence...God works in mysterious ways, and I am sure, for whatever reason, He led you to want and to obtain that Bible...

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An extract from a book I read,
In The Light Of Truth by Abd-ru-shin
Bethlehem saw in her child the Redeemer. They rejoiced, marvelled and prayed, deeply moved, by the manger. For three days the Star stood over the house like a faithful sentinel. Its light called the people to the place. It had attracted rich and poor, and led three kings through distant lands to Bethlehem. They were chosen to smooth the earthly path for the son of God. They were to guard like a treasure the Most Holy Which the earth now bore. They themselves had besought the task. That was the purpose of their life on earth. Indeed they came; indeed they brought gifts from their abundance, and then they departed again. They did not keep the vow that they had once made to the Creator. They left the son of God behind, unprotected. The child, who had even now aroused the suspicion of the Romans, lay helpless, and could not have withstood the first dangers. The houses of the rich citizens were thrown open, from all sides people begged Mary to leave the small stable, but she refused. No, she wanted to be alone, uninfluenced , and as soon as possible to return to Nazareth. She wanted to enjoy her happiness to the full in the quiet of her own home - alone - her love belonged wholly to the child, she was completely absorbed by him. With the fading of the star over Bethlehem, the jubilation which men had intuitively perceived at the birth of the Son of God also died away. Only for a short time could the Light illumine their hearts. Thus the kings from the orient had found the long road that led them to the divine child. In recognition they knelt by the manger and laid gifts before him. But in offer to themselves, as was ordained from above, that was the purpose from which they were living on earth. They were meant to protect the envoy of the light, instead they retuned to their homeland. They had failed and wasted their lives.
Because I have had a stroke my daughter helps me with what I say and what I want typing
Peace and light

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I would say that Judy is 100% right.
From my own way of thinking you almost have to read between the lines to get a feeling for the "spiritual" message that the New Testament is offering. If you can apply that spiritual feeling yourself then the benefits are endless.

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Gosh Peter, you've resurrected an 11 year old thread! o_O

I was wondering why Oskar Ernst Bernhardt took what sounded like a Muslim name, Abd-ru-shin, when this story at least (I haven't read the book) seems to be an expansion of the Gospel story of Jesus' birth. On further investigation it seems it's a Persian name, meaning "son of light".

I'm so sorry to hear you had a stroke - but how lovely that your daughter is so willing to help you! 🙂

I'm not sure if you are a Christian, but if you are, I wish you a blessed Christmas - and also a happy and healthy New Year.

Peace and love,


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Gosh Peter, you've resurrected an 11 year old thread! o_O

I was wondering why Oskar Ernst Bernhardt took what sounded like a Muslim name, Abd-ru-shin, when this story at least (I haven't read the book) seems to be an expansion of the Gospel story of Jesus' birth. On further investigation it seems it's a Persian name, meaning "son of light".

I'm so sorry to hear you had a stroke - but how lovely that your daughter is so willing to help you! 🙂

I'm not sure if you are a Christian, but if you are, I wish you a blessed Christmas - and also a happy and healthy New Year.

Peace and love,


I am still practicing with Dragon speech practice proves, not that we can ever reach perfection, only God is perfect we can only strive for that level we can never attain it.

Goodness me, you do to your investigation well, if you have had read the book would have to a different outlook to life, I keep a copy, with a Bible!

It explains creation and what path we must follow, to achieve the highest level that we can attain to, which is eternal life, I do not believe in death , it is only a step to another level in creation, we have to travel to many levels to achieve perfection. Jesus said my father as many mansions,we are only in one of them, the earth is the lowest level in creation.

I am still going over my previous threads that I had here with people, especially your self. My mind drifts, I cannot concentrate for long times, on a one point, they seem to mix together, that is the aftereffects of the stroke, I assume.


you say

I was wondering why Oskar Ernst Bernhardt took what sounded like a Muslim name, Abd-ru-shin, when this story at least (I haven't read the book) seems to be an expansion of the Gospel story of Jesus' birth. On further investigation it seems it's a Persian name, meaning "son of light".


It it is not an expansion of, but the truth! It is not an expansion it it is the way it was.

I am getting tired it is all the concentrating of trying to get it right, what I say.

Peace and light

