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Patience Much
Posts: 23
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In which sense does the word "spirituality" engender allegiance with an illogical
set of emotional and intentional falsehoods, whereby a group of individuals ensure that individuals who know the truth are constrained by the will of the other. Moreover why do people claim to be "spiritual" when they are allied with an axis who prevents truth and selects his followers. In addition why does this axis claim to be "spiritual" when it makes a different set of rules for different groups of people.

I am a semi intelligent life form or "spirit" who does not enjoy the life experience due mainly to this axis who state that schizophrenia is an "illness" which includes thoughts which are not part of "reality".

By this I am fairly sure they want to constrain all but the "elite" to a "reality" structure which is in the Biblical Sense "slavery".

I have some recollection of a life before this one but have memories that it was somehow more "free" than this one.

In the "spiritual" sense I suppose this axis does not want people to do anything other than what "it" wants.

"it" would be what "they" tell us is a higher power.

"it" would also be what they want us to see hear speak and think,

in addition "it" would be what makes us believe.

To "perceive" you have to "believe" and after "submitting" to a particular "mind" or "belief" system you would then "believe" what you were being told,

to see
to hear
to think
to believe
to perceive

This could be a SEMANTIC debate but from what I can make of "its" MIND,
it does not change,
it makes us suffer if we do what it says is impossible,
it forces us to live in "it's" House or World.
it tells us what we look like.
it tells us what sex we are.
it hurts us from birth to death.
it makes the world we live in,



if it makes this world...

why do we need to work to make things?

why does "it" not make everything for us?

why does "it" claim to be the most powerful?

yet why does "it" then forbid every sacrament "it" gave us in the beginning?

Why ?

Why does "it" control our perception and then abuse our senses with "it's" hierarchy of people who allow themselves to "know" the truth and openly lie about the fact that a man is unwell when he has actually remembered something?

something about history, reality, non reality and possibility.

The Mind of the individual can outweigh the madding crowd.
The crowd may jeer at his crucifixion, yet he is stronger.
Justice is on his side.
The justice of his truth.

The Jesus story may well be a bit hard to believe in the modern world but it does state one truth:

The MIND is stronger than MATTER.

The question remains though,

how does the word "spiritual" relate to the modern world, where an elite hierarchy are creating a God who selects his followers and disposes of the others with illness, and medication.

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The question remains though,

how does the word "spiritual" relate to the modern world, where an elite hierarchy are creating a God who selects his followers and disposes of the others with illness, and medication.

Dear Patience Much,

No-one can create God! Certainly an “elite hierarchy” can imagine a suppositional man-like being, but that doesn’t give it any more power or reality than Santa Claus has!

God, divine infinite Love, is impartial and unconditional. Love does not send sickness - why would Jesus have come to show us the way out of sickness, sin and death had they been caused or allowed by God?

If we try to work out mathematical equations from the wrong premise – for instance, if we have been taught that 2 + 2 = 5, every single result will be incorrect.

Mary Baker Eddy, after decades of searching for the meaning of life and trying to know God, came to a very clear understanding that Life is entirely spiritual and good. This understanding enabled her to heal and to teach others to heal and to overcome every single type of mortal suffering and limitation. She writes, in part, of God, (unconditional divine Love and the one infinite, divine Mind):

GOD. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance; intelligence.

… God is one God, infinite and perfect, and cannot become finite and imperfect.

GOOD. God; Spirit; omnipotence; omniscience; omnipresence; omni-action. (Science and Health p 587)

Man is the expression of God's being. (Science and Health p 470)

God's being is infinity, freedom, harmony, and boundless bliss. (Science and Health p 481)

We cannot deny that Life is self-sustained, and we should never deny the everlasting harmony of Soul, simply because, to the mortal senses, there is seeming discord. It is our ignorance of God, the divine Principle, which produces apparent discord, and the right understanding of Him restores harmony. (Science and Health p 390)

Here are some links to which I hope will help you. The first one is a woman's journey from a wrong concept of God in which her prayers were not answered, to the right one, where they were in the most beautiful and awesome ways:

[url]Now my heart sings[/url]

[url]You're not alone on the road to mental health[/url]

[url]God loves us now[/url]

[url]God has given us a 'sound mind'[/url]

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. (II Timothy 1)

Mind (God) demonstrates omnipresence and omnipotence, but Mind revolves on a spiritual axis, and its power is displayed and its presence felt in eternal stillness and immovable Love. (Retrospection and Introspection p 88)

Love and peace,


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The question remains though,

how does the word "spiritual" relate to the modern world, where an elite hierarchy are creating a God who selects his followers and disposes of the others with illness, and medication.

Hello Patience

I think you are confusing "the modern world" with "God". Last I knew it wasn't the Church of England, Islam, Roman Catholicism who were determining who had good mental health and who hadn't!

Spirituality, to me, relates to those who perceive they are connected to every other sentient being on this earth and across the Universe: also to those who believe that there are beings in the Universe who are more intelligent than we are (I call them the Powers that Be): and to those who do not judge their fellows on this earth, do not discriminate on the grounds of things people can't help (but on their behaviour, which they can help), and to those who wish to develop their connection to the essence of the Universe.

It has nothing to do with religion.

I'll say it again:

Spirituality has nothing to do with religion.

Hope this helps.

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Hi Patience Much

I think it is really great you are finding a place to express your thoughts and feelings here. I also believe that there are very real ways you can find a way to peace through careful thought and meditation. The route of the word meditation is related to the route of the word for medicine.

From Buddhist point of view there is no "outside" force or God that causes us suffering; suffering is the way things are until we find out how to stop the causes of suffering and these causes of suffering all come back to a delusion about the way we see ourselves.

From a Buddhist point of view, central to this delusion is that we have a pemanent self and we project this desire for a permanent self onto an outside God or things outside our control. We are the source of our delusion and if we are the sources of our delusion, we then have the power to recognise our delusions through thoughful examination and to train our minds to get out of the habit of these thoughts.

Whenever we see the dishonesty of spiritual institutions and we are angered we hurt ourselves. We do not change anything.

When we believe we are a permanent self and institutions exist in and of themselve we create an obstacle to the possibility for change.

Pemanent self, permanent other, no potential for change, being trapped, seeing injustice, holding anger; these are all part of the same poisonous delusion.

All things, self and other are just designations of changing relational conditions of compound phenomena... all is interconnected... there is no permanent separate self.

Recognising that the permanent self is a delusion is a deep and potentially frightening insight: to realise that the base for all our delusions is "self existence" but we have to recognise this to escape the philosophical trap that it creates. When we recognise "selflessness" we can flow with change routed in kindness and compassion for our and other experience of sufferring.

When our mindstream becomes more and more habituated to feeling kindness and compassion we find joy and healing... The logic of this path is simple: Recognise the false philosophical base for suffering, develop compassion for suffering where ever it arises, experience the healing of compassion...

Each of us has a choice; to remain in the world of our delusions of self and suffer or work to retrain our minds to deconstruct this delusional self and train our hearts in kindness... Some say this is the work of lifetimes... Some say this work can be completed in one life time...

Somehow love and kindness and compassion with the insight of selflessness becomes the only reality and somehow then this view become changeless... permanent... and make us "god like" even!


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Hi Patience Much........

I think spirituality and religion go hand in hand towards goodness and happiness. They are a way to make our lives better, and more fulfilling. They give us a reason to be friendly and kind to our give to the needy or to charity, without too many questions

When we beat ourselves up, trying to understand the reasons....why.....That's when we create problems for ourselves.

The answers lie in having faith..........and truly believing that life is a celebration.........and with each sunrise, there is another reason to rejoice, and with each night-fall.....a reason to give thanks.....

Too is quite simple.So maybe that's the answer?
